Free Finnish National Ballet & Free Marimekko bags @Helsinki

Summer has come to Helsinki! It's an eventful season. This evening, I went to see "free" ballet performance on the outdoor stage at the Senate Square. All the performance by the Finnish National Ballet was excellent and we had a lot of fun. I took the above photo when we got there but when the performance started, there were much much more people trying to see the performance. 

ヘルシンキにも夏到来(気温は20℃くらい。でもサマーシーズンなのだ)。夏はイベントが盛りだくさん。今日は大聖堂の前に作られた屋外スタジオでフィンランド国立バレエ団の無料公演を見に行った。どのパーフォーマンスも最高!おもしろいおかしい作品もあって、会場は大盛り上がり! 上の写真はわたしたちが会場に着いたときに撮ったもの。この後ショーが始まると押し合いへし合いの大混雑。階段は満席。周りにも人がいっぱい!



Today, there was also outdoor fashion show by Marmekko at the Esplanade park. Though I missed the show, I didn't miss their gift, marimekko pouch and marimekko mini bag! I didn't know about it at all but I happened to be walking there when they are giving it away : ) Lucky, me!

Finnish summer is definitely great!





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