Cafe Empire -open only 9-17 June 2012

ヘルシンキ首都制定200年を祝うイベントがまだまだ続くヘルシンキ。今週はヘルシンキウィークでもあり、12日の火曜日はヘルシンキ・デー。 そのイベントの1つとして昨日から17日まで期間限定でオープンしているのがこのカフェ、Cafe Empire。ヘルシンキにカフェ文化が花開いた19世紀のカフェを再現。19世紀のドレスに身を包んだお店の人と19世紀のころの焼き菓子がいただける。

It's Helsinki week and Helsinki day is coming soon (12th June), and Helsinki is celebrating its 200th anniversary as as the capital. One of the events for the bi-centennial jubilee year is the Cafe Empire, 19th century-style coffee house, which is open only between 9th and 17th June. According to the Helsinki 2012 web page, "Helsinki’s café culture began to flourish in the early 19th century as a number of enterprising Swiss master bakers established themselves in the city. At home, cakes and pastries were enjoyed with coffee but also as dessert. The Sederholm House at Senate Square offers a wonderful setting for visitors to enjoy a selection of 19th century treats, while music from the same era whisks you away to Finland’s fledgling capital of two hundred years ago.."


I went the cafe today and experienced the 19th century treats. I had almond cake which tasted much better than I had expected, with the bitter lemon zest which gave nice contrast to the sweet cake and really nice almond even though there was only one piece of it on the top. A friend had crescent moon pie which she told me pretty nice.

私が選んだのは手前のアーモンドケーキ。レモンの皮のピリッとした味とおいしいアーモンドがなかなかよい感じ。あまり期待してなかっただけにさらに好感。そして友達が頼んだのは奥に見える三日月という名のパイ(日本語にするとちょっといまいちな名前)。三日月形のパイということである。これもなかなかおいしかったという話。ちなみに値段はアーモンドケーキが4€で 半月パイが2€。値段は21世紀である。

The cafe is located at the Helsinki city museum which is in front of the city's symbol, the Senate square. Through the window, you can see the nice view of the white Cathedral with the blue sky (if it is a sunny day like today). As to the 19th century theme, I have to say there wasn't much more than the sweets and dresses the waiters and waitress wore. But I thought it was kinda fun to check it out, especially when it is open only for one week.



Warm and Welcoming Bookshop – Arkadia International Bookshop @ Helsinki


Though I had know about the special bookshop for quite some time, I hadn't been there till last Sunday. It was the opening of their new shop and Rebecca Clamp performed music to celebrate it. Arkadia international bookshop was warm and welcoming place not look for books but for gathering and enjoying music, lecture, dance, new and old literature..etc. I was impressed by a lot of second hand books from all over the world and the comforting atmosphere, especially by the welcoming owner : )  It is one of the bookshops you could spend hours and hours. And their events are really interesting. Check them out at their webpage.

先週末の日曜日、Arkadia インターナショナルブックショップが新しい店舗をオープン。この店のことは前々から気になってたけれど、その日曜日に行ったのが初めて。オープンを記念してRebecca Clampのコンサートもあってたくさんの人が集まっていた。この本屋はほんとにインターナショナル。世界中から集まってきた古本が所狭しと並んでいる。ほんとにいろんな種類の本が集まっている。そしてここは本を見つけて買うだけの場所ではなくて、ほとんど毎日のようにいろんなイベントが行われている。コンサートとか新しい本の紹介とか、講演会とかダンス教室とか… (詳しくはお店の webpage でチェックを!) とても温かい居心地のいい感じの本屋。何時間でも過ごせそうな空間だった・・・

A Cafe with the Lovely Ceiling – Viilipuutarha @ Helsinki


I read about "Viilipuutarha", "Wild garden" in English, long time ago in the newspaper. The cafe I had wanted to go for such long time and haven't been till this evening had lovely decoration on the ceiling. Though I had dreamed of having luxurious brunch there on Saturday, it's not Saturday today and I went there after work. Although chocolate chiffon cake looked super delicious, I chose korvapuusti (typical Finnish bun) with coffee. I thought the simple and typical Finnish bun could tell me how good their buns, cake and biscuits were 🙂 And and…

ずっと前に新聞で読んでずっと行ってみたいと思ってたのになかなか行く機会のなかったカフェ Viilipuutarha, (英語だとWild Garden)。 今日は思いがけず開いてる時間にお店の前に。ドアを開けると鳥のさえずりでウェルカム(センサー仕掛け)。そしてうわさどおりの乙女チックなインテリアデコレーション。中でも天井はとても素敵。テーブルにもこんな白バラが。



Voila! The reputation of their homemade baked goods was true! Cafe staffs were very kind and friendly : ) And it is table service (table service is unusual at the cafes in Finland, in case you don't know about it 😉

