Helsinki (less than) One Day

Two friends are visiting Helsinki and I took them to Helsinki tour today. We walked walked and walked in the town and enjoyed many sights! Here are some highlights of the day : )


Tempeliaukio church (The rock church) 岩の教会。 My number 1 recommened sight in Helsinki ヘルシンキで私の一番お薦めの名所。


The National Museum 国立美術館

We just took some photos of the building and didn't go inside of the museum. I haven't been inside.



The National Opera. 国立オペラ劇場。My favorite place to see ballet and opera. たまにオペラやバレエを見に行くわりとお気に入りの場所。


Morning coffee at Tyyni cafe. As I liked it a lot on Friday, I took them there today! "Pulla" (cinnamon ban) is a must to have coffee. And their cuppucino was excellent! Tyyniカフェで、モーニングコーヒー。金曜日に行ってすごく気に入ったので早速友達を連れて行った。コーヒーのお供はもちろんプッラ(フィンランド風シナモンロールってところかな)。そしてこのカプチーノが超おいしかった。


Nice flowers! 


Helsinki Music Center. ヘルシンキ音楽センター。A new and very very nice music center where I'd like to go to listen to music more often. 最近できたすばらしい音楽センター。今後頻繁に音楽を聴きに行きたいなと思っているところ。


Kiasma , Museum of Contemporary Art. I haven't been impressed by their exhibit (yet) as I am not interested in modern art very much. But I like the building. 国立現代美術館。モダンアートには興味がないので展示物にはあまり興味がないけれど、建物はいい感じだと思う。


Kamppi Chapel. Very recent addition to Helsinki city center. A place for silence and peace. ごく最近オープンしたチャペル。


そしておなじみ観光客でにぎわう大聖堂。And the icon of Helsinki, the Cathedral. It's always busy with a lot of tourists.


And, of course, shopping at the end! ("Feel like Finland" on the 6th floor of Stockmann) I liked the color. 

そしてもちろん最後はショッピング。これはストックマン6階で特別企画の"Feel like Finland" 。ディスプレイの色がナイス!


Now revewing where we visited, I know we missed Suomenlinna! こんな感じで1日の写真を見ていて気づいた。スオメンリンナに行かなかった。まあでもまだ日にちあるしね。

2 thoughts on “Helsinki (less than) One Day

  1. Good solid tour. Next time I recommend you see the interior of the National Museum as well (it if happens to be open), as the main hall’s roof has Kalevala themed frescos painted by Akseli Gallen-Kallela himself. You don’t have to pay an entry fee to see it. Definitely worth the peek.

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