More about Antwerp

I wrote about cupcakes and the origin of the name of the city… but what really famous are not those but Rubens and the Cathedral. (I think there are more but we had only short time there and I didn't read a guidebook…)



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There are four works by Rubens are on display at the cathedral, three of them including some masterpieces from the 17th century – were made by Rubens specially for the cathedral and the fourth work was acuquired by the cathedral after the French occupation. They were, of course, all great to my eyes as well as many other visitors : ) We also visited the Rubens House which used to be Rubens' residence and saw many masterpieces! Quite impressive and I am really happy that I had an opportunity to see them!

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もう1つアントワープで訪れが場所がMAS (Museum Aan de Stroom)。展示室に入らなければ無料で館内を見られる美術館。展示室に入らなければ意味がないようにも思われるが、実はこの建物からの眺めが素敵。10階にある屋上からアントワープのパノラマビューが見られる。

Another place we visited was MAS (Museum Aan de Stroom). We actually started a day visiting there. We didn't visit exhibits but went up to the roof of MAS on the 10th floor which offers  360°panoramic view of the city, river and port. It is free entry to the roof though you would have to pay if you'd like to see the exhibits. It was great to see the view from each floor through the artistic window and the colorful and fun paintings on the walls while we ascended to the top floor by escalater.


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こんな感じですっかり楽しんだアントワープの1日。もっともっと天気がいい日にまた行ってもいいね。I enjoyed the day in Antwerp and would like to go there again if I had a chance on a sunny day. 

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