Luxembourg – Pretty Old Town, Wonderful dinner and wonderful hotel : )

On the rainy Sunday morning a friend who I travelled together in Brussels left for Tokyo via Helsinki and I took train to Luxembourg where I hadn't been. What I knew about the small country was that it is part of BENELUX countries and there is European Court of Justice. Apart from those, I had no idea about Luxembourg. 

雨模様のその日曜日の朝、ブリュッセルを一緒に旅した友達はヘルシンキ経由で東京に向かい、私は電車でルクセンブルグへと向かった。まだ行ったことのない小さな国ルクセンブルグ、知っていることといえばベネルクス三国の1つだということ(中学とか高校とか絶対テストにでるキーワード 笑) と 欧州司法裁判所があるということ。

  2012-07-16 12.30.02

 It had a small old town which was pretty. 

2012-07-16 14.40.322012-07-16 11.47.10

2012-07-15 19.41.31

CertificateBut the highlight of the short visit for me was the restaurant I had dinner with a friend with out much expectation. There seemed to be a lot of good restaurants in Luxembourg but, unfortunately, we arrived there on Sunday and most listed restaurants in the gourmet web sites were closed. It took some effort (a lot of google-ing) to find the one but we have got lucky!

The restaurant, Chiggeri, has Guinness World Record for having the most varieties of wine. Honestly, it doesn't concern me in practice when I don't drink it but doesn't it sound good?

そんなルクセンブルグで一番印象に残ったのは美しいオールドタウンではなく、ディナーを食べたこのレストラン。事前調査によるとルクセンブルグにはグルメレストランがたくさんあるのだが、有名どころは軒並み日曜日が休み。ぐぐりにぐぐって見つけたのがこのレストラン、Chiggeri。 なんと世界でもっともいろんな種類のワインが飲めるとしてギネスブックに載っているのだ。お酒の飲めない私には関係ないといえば関係ないけど、なんだか響きがよい感じ。

We had three-dish course and all of them were lovely! We had scallops with "yuzu" taste as appetizer, some white fish with leak as main… And dessert was bliss! Fondant au chocolat was meltingly delicious and framboise ice cream was … I don't find a word to express it exactly…! I mean it was speechlessly yummy! The young water seemed to be delighted to see us enjoying the dishes so much 🙂

3品のディナーコースは柚子味(なんとここで柚子とはまったく期待してなかった)のホタテの前菜で始まり、長ネギが付け合せの白身の魚がメイン、そしてデザート。このデザートがほんとに絶品。今まで食べたデザートの中で一番おいしかったんじゃないかと思うくらい。口の中でとろけるフォンダンショコラ、濃厚、でも軽い、そして甘すぎず。フランボワーズのアイスクリームもどう表現していいのか分からないがとにかく絶品!無言でいただく(笑 ほんっとにおいしかった。


 Just as a side note for those who started to feel like visiting Luxembourg, I recommend the hotel, Grand Hotel Cravat. Great staff, great location and great breakfast. Interior decoration, hotel staff and how the hotel is are something I could only imagine every hotel had in 1940s or 50s (just in my imagination world 😉 oh, also, you don't need many days to explore the town 😉

I stayed in Luxembourg only for 24 hours but it was filled with fun 🙂

参考までに もしルクセンブルグに行く機会があったら、ホテルは Grand Hotel Crava がお薦め。場所もいいし、ホテルのスタッフもとても丁寧で親切、そして朝ごはんが素敵。なんだか1940年代とか50年代のホテルはこんなんだったんだろうな~と思わせるインテリアとかスタッフの服装、ホテルの造りも・・




2 thoughts on “Luxembourg – Pretty Old Town, Wonderful dinner and wonderful hotel : )

  1. I can confirm that the wine selection at the restaurant was also fitting the world record.

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