Summer in Helsinki – Evening Walk

夏の間はとっても日が長いフィンランド。昨日の夜9時半過ぎに出かけて11時に帰ってきた散歩のときも空はまだ明るかった・・・ せっかくの夏だから楽しまないとね。

In summer, sun doesn't set till very late in Finland. I went for a walk after 9:30pm and came home at 11pm. These are the photos I took by my new compact digital camera while I was walking.. It's lovely to walk in the evening this seasno : )






By The Way, I was in Tokyo ;-)

In the middle of June, I visited Tokyo where I used to live. It was rainy season and super humid (I saw humidity "99%" at electric bulletin board!!!). And typhoon hit Japan on my very birthday. Typhoon in June was so unusual though. It rained crazily and wind was furiously blowing! 


Neverthless, I enjoyed seeing my family and friends, eating yummy foods and going shopping 🙂



This is the Tokyo sky tree which was recognized by the Guinness World Records Company on November 17, 2011 as the tallest tower in the world. (The photo was taken from Asakusa) It's now one of the places you have to visit when you go to Tokyo though I didn't have time to do so this time.



As to sushi, it became one of my regular "must do" activities to go to Nakamaru sushi located at Higashi-rinkan which is a bit far from central Tokyo but definitely worth going for the yummy sushi, super nice owner and the staffs. I had my birthday party with friends there. I enjoyed sushi, sashimi and all other dishes a lot and have to say it was worth going there in the heavy rain and strong wind of the typhoon!

最近では東京に帰ったら必ず行く東林間の中丸寿司にて誕生会。東林間・・・ちょっと都心から行くには遠いのだが、絶対行く価値あり!おすしもおさしみも、その他の料理(焼き物、揚げ物・・・)もほんっとにおいしい!そしてマスターシェフの中丸店長をはじめ、お店のスタッフももとてもおもしろくていい人たち! 台風の雨風に打たれながらも、やっぱり行ってよかったと思うのだった。


Another super groumet place I visited was Pizzeria e trattoria da Isa. They serve real Neapolitan pizza. They have different kinds of Marghetita in the lunch menu and they were awesome! Worth queueing! Luckily I went there early enougn and had queued only for a couple minutes till they opened the door.

グルメつながりでもう1件。中目黒にあるPizzeria e trattoria da Isa で、絶品ピザをいただいた。マルゲリータがお薦め。ランチメニューにはマルゲリータのバリエーションも何種類かあってどれでもおいしいと思われる。開店前に到着して2-3分しか並ばなかった私たちがその忙しい店内でピザを前に盛り上がっている間に外には行列・・・(これがすごい東京っぽいと思った。ちょっと懐かしい感じ(笑)でも行列の価値あり!


Summer in Helsinki

Summer seems to have come to Helsinki, finally! People sit outside at the cafe, on the grasses in the park or wherever they can to enjoy the short summer.



上の写真はヘルシンキの目抜き通りにあるエスプラナーデ公園。Above: The Esplanade park in the city center.


Above: Cafe Esplanade, usually full of tourists 😉 for locating on Finnish "Champs-Élysées", in front of the Esplanade park. いつも観光客でいっぱいのカフェ・エスプラナーデ。フィンランドのシャンゼリゼといわれる(笑)エスプラナーデ通り、エスプラナーデ公園の前に位置している。


And summer sale is on! (though it even started before summer came 😉 そして夏のセール真っ盛り。