Sushi in Edinburgh and Frankfurt.. and a Photo from Frankfurt

On the day Japan won to Spain at their first football match at London 2012, we also had victory in finding great Japanese restaurant in Edinburgh. We were so tired after the return trip standing on the busy train between Edinburgh and Glasgow and watching two football matches in a row. We were so so so tired! We wanted to have dinner to get some energy to go back to Edinburgh but didn't have energy to find a restaurant. Still, we didn't give up eating at good restaurant…



Luckily, I had a good guidebook which listed the genuine Japanese restaurant, Bonsai which was located no far from our hotel. Unlike all other Japanese restaurants I visited in Europe, there wasn't set menu but we chose what we liked from the menu and they were served beautifully! And they all tasted great! It was taste of Japan : ) Among all those delicious sushi, unagi (eel) was outstanding! 

そんな状態でガイドブックを頼りに見つけたこのお店、Bonsai (盆栽)、これが大当たり。ヨーロッパでお寿司を食べるときはいつもセットで頼むのだが、このお店はセットなし。好きなものを頼んで友達と一貫ずつ(日本っぽくおすしは2貫で出てくる)。こんな風に盛り付けられたおすしの登場に、疲れていたのを忘れて大盛り上がり!見かけだけではなく味も上々。特にうなぎがやわらかくておいしかった。こんなおいしいうなぎのお寿司が海外で食べられるなんて期待してなかったし。


There was Japan's football shirt with No 10 and Shunsuke Nakamura's autograph on the wall! He is one of my most favorite Japanese football player and I was happy to know he had also eaten at the restaurant. (And I happened to be wearing Japan's No 10 shirt ;-) 



By the way, I flew from Helsinki to Edinburgh via Frankfurt and had severn hours of layover at Frankfurt. By looking at the information about what I could do in Frankfurt, I thought shopping would be optimal for me 😉 So, I went to the most popular shopping street (according to my search in the internet) Zeil Fussgängerzone (pedestrian street) to look at the shops but didn't find anything to buy, unfortunately. Of course, I ate sushi in Frankfurt.  "Mikuni" was very authentic Japanese restaurant and I had  sushi set which came with small appetizer and miso soup. (25€). The atmosphere was very Japanese with the Japanese staffs and interior decoration but somewhat sushi wasn't as great as I expected from the atmosphere and reviews in the web pages though it was fairly good. My expectation was too high, I guess 😉

ところでヘルシンキからエジンバラに行くときにはフランクフルトを経由したのだが、なんと乗り継ぎ時間が7時間。あまりに時間があるので市内に出て買い物・・・フランクフルトで一番のショッピングストリートという評判のZeil Fussgängerzone (ここは歩行者天国)に行っていろんなお店を見たけれど特に欲しいものが見つからず。でもここでもお寿司を!"Mikuni"(三国)でいただいた。このお店はとても日本風。スタッフも全員日本人だし、インテリアもとても日本。古い畳の座敷もあったり。その雰囲気とインターネットで見た評判がとてもよかったので、とてもとても期待していたのだが・・・たぶん期待が高すぎ、そこそこおいしかったのだが感動!というまではいかなかった。ちなみにいただいたのは25€の上寿司のセット。お味噌汁と酢の物と漬物がついてきた。(そんなところもとても日本的。)


There isn't much to tell you about Frankfurt as I was just in the shopping malls and eating sushi 😉 but here is the photo of the architecture I was impressed most in Frankfurt.



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