A Thoroughly Beautiful Day at Murnau am Staffelsee – Bavaria, Germany


Weather couldn't have been better last Friday at Murnau. Murnau is situated on the edge of the Bavarian alps, approx. 70 km south of Munich. We took train and bus from Munich and arrived there in one and half hours.  (There was some rail construction or whatsoever disconnection of the rail. otherwise, we could have got there after only on-hour train ride). From Murnau station, we went to the cozy town center where there ware many small shops and restaurants. And we walked to lake Staffelsee.


Voila! With the blue sky, sunshine and a lot of trees surrounding it, the lake was stunningly beautiful! 




Water was super-clear and there were several swimmers and fish (Can you see fish in the picture?) It was as warm as I was convinced that I could have swum only if I have had swimsuit and towel with me 🙂

湖の水は澄み切っていて、泳いでる人もいたし、魚もたくさん。(写真をよく見ると魚が見えるはず!) 気温も上がって・・・わたしも水着とタオルを持ってたら絶対泳いだのに 😉


Flowers were smiley 🙂

天気がよいとなにもかもが素敵(笑 コスモスも青空に映えて・・・


I couldn't take good pictures in the city center but this is the town hall which I liked the design 🙂



For more information, check out  http://www.murnau.de/en/information-on-murnau-1_p2 (this page is in English but I guess German page has more information 😉



Oktoberfest @ Munich

It wasn't for the Oktoberfest that I planned to visit Munich on the way back from Sofia and Bratislava but I happened to be there on the weekend Oktoberfest started.

The parades were held last Saturday and Sunday and we went to see Sunday's one which we heard more entertaining than Saturday's. It was pretty fun though it lasted for long time and my legs were a bit tired 😉  

オクトーバーフェストに合わせて行ったわけじゃないけれど、ソフィアとブラティスラヴァの帰りによったミュンヘンでたまたま迎えたオクトーバーフェストの最初の週末。土曜日と日曜日にパレードがあってツウの人の情報によると日曜日のパレードのほうが盛大だと聞いたので日曜日にOdeonsplatzまで出かけてみた。思っていたよりだいぶ長く続いたパレード、ほとんど最後まで見たので足がクタクタ。でもなんだか楽しくて途中でその場を離れる気がしなかったのだ :)


 When the parade started, it was a bit chilly in the shadow where we were standing but later it got much warmer with a lot of sunshine 🙂 The Theatinerkirche looked gorgeous with the blue sky behind us at the Odeonsplatz. 





 After watching the parade, we went to see the Oktoberfest! And it amazed me!!! A lot of people, a lot of beer and fun music. Everyone including myself there was having a lot of fun. The scale of the festival was much bigger than I could ever imagined!!! Wow!!! Munich definitely has fun spirit! 

パレードを見たあとはオクトーバーフェストの会場へ。ビールは飲まなかったけど、雰囲気が最高!もちろんすごい人!すごく大きいビールのジョッキが次々と運ばれ、楽しい音楽に合わせてみんなが踊り・・・ もう、ほんっと想像を絶する楽しさに圧倒されるばかり。ミュンヘンってすごい!




I came back home in Helsinki last evening after visiting four countries in 10 days. A friend in Munich fixed the SD card slot of the net-book though I am using another laptop at home.


Anyhow, these are some pictures I took at Bratislava where I spent less than 20 hours. 


Bratislava castle is the most recommended place to go in Bratislava according to my research in the internet. So, I went there first. It was a lovely castle but there are a lot of tourists, mostly, Chinese and Japanese tourists. 



The water fountain at the Presidential Palace looked nice when it was 32 degrees!
Michael's Gate is one of the oldest monument that dates from the 1300s. It is located at the end of the street in the old town and I went it through when got off taxi from the bust terminal to get to my hotel. 
Some other things I saw in Bratislava. そして名所ではないけれど、こんなのも楽しい感じだった。
I somehow liked this 🙂
And I was amused by this guy on the street in the old town.
Of course, there were more churches and lovely old buildings I saw in Bratislava. It's a really small town but I liked it and recommend to visit 🙂

Bratislava Less than 20 Hours


(Bratislava castle/ ブラティスラヴァ城)

Right now, I am stressed in the hotel room at the old town of Bratislava, Slovakia. I managed to get SD card slot cover stuck in the SD card slot in the computer and can't donwload pictures to the net-book. I have a lot of pictures I want to share in the FB and the Flying Girl though.

スロバキアのブラティスラヴァで一泊する本日。今ホテルの部屋で相当イライラ。今回の旅に持ってきているネットブックのSDカードを入れるスロットからスロットカバーが抜けなくなってしまった。(たぶん逆向きに挿入して押し込みすぎた)せっかくいっぱいとった写真をダウンロードできないのでフェイスブックにもアップできないし、このブログにも載せられない。(今日載せてるのは携帯で撮った写真のみ) ストレスたまる~。

(Sofia airport/今朝のソフィア空港)

Anyways, I flew from Sofia to Vienna and took a bus from Vienna to Bratislava. Bratislava is in Slovakia but it takes only one hour by bus from Vienna, Austria. Though it had been raining a lot, this morning when I was going to the airport, sky was clear and sun was shining in Sofia. So they were Bratislava. I was surprised to the thermometer showing 32C degrees in Bratislava! Sun was really strong and I sweated!

まあそれはおいといて・・・今日は予定通りソフィアからウィーンに飛んで、ウィーンからバスに乗ってブラティスララヴァに到着。ブラティスラヴァはスロバキアの首都だがオーストリアのウィーンからはバスでたったの1時間。ウィーンのシティセンターに行くのと30分くらいしか変わらない。昨日までとはうって変わって、ソフィアは朝から快晴。そしてブラティスラヴァもとてもいい天気。というか暑い。32℃って・・・ 今年経験した一番暑い日かもしれない(笑。日差しも強くて汗ばむ1日だった。

It was already 3pm when I checked in the hotel and I immediately started to look around the old town. And I am going to take a bus tomorrow morning. So, my visit to Bratislava is super short. But must-see landmarks are almost all in the small old town and I saw most of them in a couple of hours and took (again) many many pictures. I will share the pictures later when I can download them 😉

ホテルに到着したのは午後3時ごろ。荷物を部屋に置いてすぐに外にでた。なにせ明日の朝にはまたバスに乗ってウィーンに移動。あまり時間がないのだ。でも、ブラティスラヴァの観光名所は旧市街にかたまっているので全部見るのもそんなに時間はかからない。私の駆け足観光でもほとんど見れた感じ。(あとで確認しないとどれがどれだったのかあまりよくわかってない;-) そしてあまり時間がなくてもまたまたたくさん写真を撮った。ので、ダウンロードができる環境に戻ったらブログに掲載する予定。

12090048Short stay, indeed, but I enjoyed the castle, churches, and walking in the old town. As usual, I tried sushi and it was nice 🙂 (will write about it separately later). In addition, I had lovely frozen yogurt at really lovely frozen yogurt shop, Kurt 🙂 Hotel Michalská Brána where I am staying is great located in the old town and having very nice rooms. I wish I could stay here one more night 🙂

短い滞在ではあるけれど、ブラティスラヴァ城やここそこの教会を見てまわり、充実感たっぷり。ここでも恒例のおすしも食べたし、デザートにはとても素敵なフローズンヨーグルトのお店でストロベリーをトッピングしたフローズンヨーグルト。旧市街にあるフローズンヨーグルトの店 Kurt はとてもラブリーなお店だった:) お店の人もとてもスマイリーだったしね。宿泊しているMichalská Bránaも、とても快適だし部屋のインテリアもモダンで感じがいい。しかも旧市街の中。せめてもう1泊くらいしたい気分・・・また来るかもね(笑

By the way, I took the above two photos by my phone and I don't have SD slot problem for it ;-) 

A Day in Sofia City Center

 I had a day in Sofia city center today. There are about 10 places listed as the main sightseeing spots in the city center but I didn't visit all of them. I just walked around and took pictures. The cathedral in the pictures on the top and the second from the top is probably the most impressive landmark in the town, Alexander Nevski Cathedral. Weather got a bit better today.

No rain today though it was mostly cloudy. In the evening a bit of blue sky and sunshine finally appeared 🙂 Tomorrow, I will fly to Vienna to get to Bratislava, Slovakia.







Rila Monastery & Boyana Church – UNESCO World Heritage Site from Sofia, Bulgaria

Raining, raining, raining a lot in Sofia, Bulgaria. It was almost like rain storm with thunder yesterday when I visited two UNESCO world heritage sites. Luckily, I joined a tour and didn't have to walk very much in the rain though. 




The Rila Monastery is the largest and most famous Eastern Orthodox monastery in Bulgaria. Rila's monastic buildings originally date from the late 10th century. 1833, a fire broke out and destroyed almost all (wooden) residential quarters. And it was restored after that. After going through the gate in front of the parking lot, I saw the beautiful building! It was really nice 🙂 and I immediately started taking photos! 



And the beautiful ceilings and walls outer side of the building were impressive. 



It wasn't allowed to take pictures inside the building. It was awe-inspiring with a lot of candles. (this shot was from just outside of the entrance…)


After spending two hours at the Rila Monastery, out tour stopped at the local restaurant for lunch and headed back to Sofia direction to the Boyana church in the heavier rain than morning. We all fell asleep in the car after having such lovely meal (and a lot). Fortunately, the driver didn't fall asleep though.

The boyana church was small but quite impressive!!! (at least three !s!) The frescoes from 1259 was super beautiful and I am amazed. It was such a small church and only 8 people were allowed to be in the church at a time. And it was strictly prohibited to take pictures. So, there is no picture of the frescoes. But it was really really nice and recommend to go there if you ever had a chance to visit Bulgaria.

リラの僧院で2時間くらい観光したあとは地元のレストランでランチ。すっかりおなかがいっぱいになってほどよく疲れたわれわれは、次の目的地ボヤナ教会に向かうツアーバスの中で爆睡。ドライバー以外はみんな寝ていたようで・・・ というわけでソフィア方面に向かって2時間のドライブもあっという間に時間が過ぎてボヤナ教会に到着。



Awesome Sushi Experience in Sofia, Bulgaria



I ate sushi in Helsinki yesterday. And I ate sushi in Sofia today! I got up at 3am, walked in the heavy rain for twenty minutes to get to the station to catch a bus to Helsinki airport. My flight left Helsinki at 6:35am and arrived at Sofia at 12:30pm via Munich. Hotel staff came to pick me up at the airport. He told me he had been to Japan and enjoyed it a lot! We talked about Tokyo on the way to the hotel though he was originally trying to show and tell me about Sofia 😉 Anyhow, a long morning, I got totally tired by the time I got to the hotel. So, I decided to have a low-key day. 

Main activity on such a low-key day was to try sushi in Sofia as I do whenever I travel. A Bulgarian friend who used to live in Tokyo strongly recommended the restaurant, Sasa. And of course, I trusted such a recommendation! And she was right!!! Their sushi was awesome as well asl the yuzu prawn appetizer I chose as the photo in the menu lookes super. It tasted as super as the photo. Bliss:)
All of the sushi was delicious but among them, fatty salmon was special. It was served with a little bit sweeter soy sauce and grated Japanese radish. The harmony of those were great and I liked it a lot!
In addition to the lovely food, the restaurant had a nice view of Sofia from the 18th floor. Also their customer service was as good as we have in Japan 🙂 Funny to talk this much about Japanese restaurant on my first day in Sofia but it was such as day. Tomorrow, I will go to some famous sights and experience more Bulgalia!

Sushi at “Domo” in Helsinki


今日のディナーの場所を決めるときに "Domo" に行ってみない?と日本人の友達にメッセージを送ったら、"なにそれ、ジョーク?” と返された。そんな店名の日本料理の店、Domo。 ヘルシンキでは老舗のうちの1つでわたしもよく行く日本食の店“古都”が移転したあとを中国人のオーナーが買い取って始めたと聞いていた店。日本人の経営じゃない日本食屋・・・どうなんだろうかと思ったけど、日本に住んでいたことのある外人友達何人かからおいしかったと聞いたのでトライして見ることにした。(外人友達ってここではわたしも外人だけど、日本人じゃないという意味で外人って書いてみた) 

"Domo" is a Japanese word to express gratitude. IT's an adverb that literally means indeed or very much but can be understood as thank you. When we say "Domo arigato", it means "Thank you very much" but "domo" could be also "thank you". It is short and easy, thus we often use it. 

Today, a friend and I went to Japanese restaurant Domoin Helsinki recommended by a couple of my non-Japanese friends who used to live in Japan. I trust their recommendation as they know genuine Japanese taste and really love Japanese food.


As I always do at Japanese restaurants in other countries than Japan, I tried sushi at Domo. They were presented very well and tasted good! Rice was seasoned with enough vinegar (it is often missing at Japanese restaurants outside of Japan!!!) and tasted very Japanese. The combination of such rice and fish, especially with eel, was quite nice. And white fish, siika, was quite tasty! 



I usually order sushi set which has good variety and is cheaper than ordering a la cart. But they didn't have it and it was a bit pricey to have variety of sushi. But the Japanese staff told me they have sushi set at lunch time and I would like to try it some time soon.  


They have many different kinds of Japanese dishes in the menu and I would like to try those as well. 

And my friend's recommendation was right 🙂


What Makes Russian Restaurant So Russian? – Troikka @ Helsinki

Last Friday, we celebrated friend's birthday at Russian restaurant, Troikka, in Helsinki. It was really pleasant evening with excellent food and super fun company! Troikka was truly Russian.



What made me think it was so Russian was


not their food (they were really good Russian food though) or


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Russian style interior decoration


but the fact a waiter came with a tray of vodka glasses so many times to our table though we didn't order them at all. The waiter just came to ask us if we would like to have some vodka many many times with the glasses.I think we didn't have any, other than the ones some of us had at the very beginning of the party while we were waiting for all other friends without being asked, "what about vodka?" 


Apart from vodka, as I mentioned at the beginning, their food was excellent! I enjoyed pelmeni, borcsh (couldn't take even "OK" pictures of these dishes… so no photos 😉 and the lovely strawberry romanoff :) 

ロシアらしいロシアレストラン、Troikkaはウォッカの話はともかく、とても美味な料理が味わえるお店。わたしの中ではロシアの水餃子と思っているペルメニ、そしてロシアと言えばボルシチ(ビートルーツのスープ。なんか日本でボルシチっていうと違うものだな、と今思い出した。ちなみに、ペルメニとボルシチの写真はうまく撮れなかったのでなし。;-) 最後に甘すぎなくておいしいストロベリーロマノフで締めくくり。ごちそうさま!

2012-09-07 22.01.46

Artek & the Cafe with Sophisticated Cake @ Helsinki


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According to the post by Helsinki tourism board (or something like that), autumn began officially yesterday, the 1st of September. In Finnish, September is Syyskuu, autumn month. On such a day, I went to check out Artek pop-up shop & cafe which is open from 31 Aug to 16 Sep at the Argos hall on the 5th floor at Stockmann. They installed 60 stools and made the inpressive object. (the above photo) I liked the colors of the display though they are the colors I wouldn't choose for myself ;-) 

ヘルシンキ観光局のフェイスブックの昨日のポストに今日から正式に秋が始まる・・・なぜなら9月というフィンラン語の単語は”秋(の)月” (月はmoonではなくてmonthという意味で。今気づいたけど、フィンランド語ではどちらの月もkuuだし日本語でもどちらも月。でも英語ではmonnとmonthで違うよね・・・) 秋・・・食欲の秋、芸術の秋、スポーツの秋・・・秋といえばこんな感じ。日本では暑い夏が終わって一呼吸、おいしいフルーツが出回ったり、暑くないから落ち着いて本を読んだり、暑すぎないから運動会もできるし・・・という理由なのかもしれない。まったく私独自の解釈だけど。そんな秋の月の最初の日(ってフリが長すぎ;-)は、夏の最後の日(8月31日、9月1日が秋の最初の日だったら夏の最後の日はその前日だという意味で)に始まって9月16日まで期間限定のArtekのpop-up caféに行ってみた。カフェだけじゃなくてArtekの家具を使ったこんな(上の写真)アートも。芸術の秋と食欲の秋を兼ねた秋の1日目にふさわしいアクティビティ(笑。60個のいすを組み立てて作ったアート。なかなかよい感じ。色もかわいいしね。そのほかにもデザインに凝った製品が、Artekのものかどうかにこだわらず展示されていて、お茶をしたあとにそんな展示物をゆっくり見てみるのもスローな曇り空(そして後に大雨)の土曜日にはしっくりくる感じ。


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Our true purpose of going there was not about the furniture or art. We wanted to check out the cafe! (We love cafe, don't we?!) A friend had mascarpone cake with strawberries and I had chocolate moose with berries. They both looked lovely and sophisticated as well as all other kinds of cake. The portion was also sophisticated which means kind of small but good for our small stomachs 😉 They were not only good-looking but also sophisticated-ly delicious!  

さて、肝心のカフェ。やはりいすのオブジェより素敵だった(笑 こんな素敵なケーキフィンランドで見たことあったっけ?と思うくらい上品なケーキ。(あるかもしれないけど、そんなにめったにないので、ないという気分に。)そして味も期待を裏切らないおいしさ。友達はマスカルポーネといちごのケーキ。ちょっとだけ味見させてもらったが、めちゃ美味。

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My chocolate moose had a solid chocolate outer layer and inside, it had soft and smooth moose! Melting and blissful : ) It was served with berries which makes the serving very Finnish!


Unfortunately, they served coffee in a French press. I prefer filter coffee and didn't enjoy their coffee though it felt really minor issue when cakes were fantastic 😉 Still, I think I would have tea instead of coffee next time to maximise blissful feeling a the cafe 😉 If you were in Helsinki, I would say it's worth checking out this cafe (I mean the cakes ;-)!

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Artek was founded by famous artists including Alver Aalto in 1953. In my opinion, their furniture is simple, functional, excellent in design and somewhat artistic. However, it's quite pricey and I wonder why each piece has to cost that much. I think it's because of their fame and somewhat for part of being artistic. This is just my opinion and others may understand the price for the quality of the furniture.  


There isn't much but some information about the cafe at their Facebook page.
