What Makes Russian Restaurant So Russian? – Troikka @ Helsinki

Last Friday, we celebrated friend's birthday at Russian restaurant, Troikka, in Helsinki. It was really pleasant evening with excellent food and super fun company! Troikka was truly Russian.



What made me think it was so Russian was


not their food (they were really good Russian food though) or


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Russian style interior decoration


but the fact a waiter came with a tray of vodka glasses so many times to our table though we didn't order them at all. The waiter just came to ask us if we would like to have some vodka many many times with the glasses.I think we didn't have any, other than the ones some of us had at the very beginning of the party while we were waiting for all other friends without being asked, "what about vodka?" 


Apart from vodka, as I mentioned at the beginning, their food was excellent! I enjoyed pelmeni, borcsh (couldn't take even "OK" pictures of these dishes… so no photos 😉 and the lovely strawberry romanoff :) 

ロシアらしいロシアレストラン、Troikkaはウォッカの話はともかく、とても美味な料理が味わえるお店。わたしの中ではロシアの水餃子と思っているペルメニ、そしてロシアと言えばボルシチ(ビートルーツのスープ。なんか日本でボルシチっていうと違うものだな、と今思い出した。ちなみに、ペルメニとボルシチの写真はうまく撮れなかったのでなし。;-) 最後に甘すぎなくておいしいストロベリーロマノフで締めくくり。ごちそうさま!

2012-09-07 22.01.46

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