A Thoroughly Beautiful Day at Murnau am Staffelsee – Bavaria, Germany


Weather couldn't have been better last Friday at Murnau. Murnau is situated on the edge of the Bavarian alps, approx. 70 km south of Munich. We took train and bus from Munich and arrived there in one and half hours.  (There was some rail construction or whatsoever disconnection of the rail. otherwise, we could have got there after only on-hour train ride). From Murnau station, we went to the cozy town center where there ware many small shops and restaurants. And we walked to lake Staffelsee.


Voila! With the blue sky, sunshine and a lot of trees surrounding it, the lake was stunningly beautiful! 




Water was super-clear and there were several swimmers and fish (Can you see fish in the picture?) It was as warm as I was convinced that I could have swum only if I have had swimsuit and towel with me 🙂

湖の水は澄み切っていて、泳いでる人もいたし、魚もたくさん。(写真をよく見ると魚が見えるはず!) 気温も上がって・・・わたしも水着とタオルを持ってたら絶対泳いだのに 😉


Flowers were smiley 🙂

天気がよいとなにもかもが素敵(笑 コスモスも青空に映えて・・・


I couldn't take good pictures in the city center but this is the town hall which I liked the design 🙂



For more information, check out  http://www.murnau.de/en/information-on-murnau-1_p2 (this page is in English but I guess German page has more information 😉



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