Between Two Trips…/@ Helsinki

I am packing again though I came back from Munich last Sunday and unpacked on Monday. I travel a lot and have a lot of experience in packing but… It is never easy… I have avoided it till now and had a lovely evening coffee at Cafe Salutorget, one of my favorite cafes in Helsinki this evening. Some pictures from the cafe… and maybe I should complete packing now 😉 Flying to Tokyo via tomorrow morning …

日曜日の夜中にミュンヘンから戻ってきて月曜日にスーツケースを空にしたばかりではあるけれど、今度はもう一回り大きいスーツケースにパッキング中・・・これだけ旅行の回数を重ねればパッキングもプロ、と言いたいところではあるけれど、なぜかいつも苦労する・・・というかなんだか後回しでぎりぎりになってしまうのだ。今日もパッキングはさておいて夕方にお気に入りのカフェ Salutorget で素敵なコーヒーブレーク。(下の写真はすべてSalutorgetで撮ったもの) しかし、そろそろほんとにパッキングを終わらせなければ・・・明日の朝も早いのだ・・・明日はロンドン経由東京へ。




I Found A Good Sushi Bar in Belgrade! – Ikki Sushi Bar

As I always do before travelling, I tried to find sushi restaurants which Japanese people recommend in Belgrade. We know about sushi the best in the world, of course! But this time, I didn't find any bit of information written by Japanese. And there were only two choices of sushi restaurants I found in the internet even without recommendation by Japanese (could have been more if I had some more patience, but not much more anyways!) 

ベオグラードに出かける前に、いつものように寿司屋情報をチェック。私がいつも参考にするのは日本人の人が書いているすし屋の評価。特に現地在住の日本人のブログなんかは信用できる。"すし屋 ベオグラード" で ぐぐってみたが・・・なにもめぼしい情報がない・・・しかたなく "sushi Belgrade" で検索すると、2件の店がヒット。(もうちょっと辛抱強く見たらもっとあるのかもしれないけど、なにかと忙しいわたくし。すし屋の検索にそんなに時間はかけられない・・・笑)

One out of two… Following my instinct after looking at their web pages, I chose to go to Sushi Bar Ikki! Very friendly waiter welcomed me when I finally found it after getting lost a bit in Belgrade city centre. And he brought me wet wipe which reminds me of Japan a lot (above picture)

2件のうちから1件。お店のウェブページを見比べてたぶんこっちと思ったイッキ・バールに決定。店の名前はどうなんだかっていう感じではあるが写真がおいしそう。ベオグラードのシティセンターでちょっと道に迷いながらもお店に到着。とてもフレンドリーなスタッフが出迎えてくれた。2階のテーブル席に着くと早速おしぼりが! おしぼりってなんとも日本的(おしぼりの件はイスタンブールのすし屋に行ったときにも書いたけど)。



There were a lot of selections in the menu and I chose small size of sushi set to taste different kinds of sushi. To my surprise, small set has 14 pieces of sushi which is usually large size or more in Finland and maybe in other countries as well.  Medium has 20pcs and Large has 26 pcs, the waiter explained to me when I asked about the other sets from my curiosity!!! Serbians love sushi and they need big portion, he added ;-) 


Having had a first bite, I was impressed by the rice and wondered if there was a Japanese chef. I asked about it but the waiter said the chef was Serbian!!! It was cooked and prepared right!!! Often rice is not done right when it's cooked by non-Japanese chefs though. As to fish, I liked salmon the best 🙂 Even though I had wondered if I could eat 14 pieces, each piece was small enough for me to eat all of them happily 🙂


After finishing dinner, I had to ask for help from the waiter to find out how to go back to the hotel by bus. He was really kind and checked it in the internet. (I went to the restaurant from the other place and didn't know the direct route to the hotel). 


Good sushi and super kind staffs! If I ever had another chance to visit Belgrade, I would definitely go to Ikki sushi bar again!


So, Now I’m in Belgrade


This morning, I woke up at 4:45am after sleepless night and before alarm rang at 5am. It happens almost every time I have a morning flight. I may be over-excited and a bit nervous about getting up very early 😉 Anyhow, I got used to sleepless night before flying…(fortunately or unfortunately, you tell me! ;-) 


Helsinki Vantaa airpor on Tuesday morning was quiet and there wasn't any queue at Lufthansa's luggage drop even though they are usually very busy.  

そんな火曜日の朝のヘルシンキ 空港はとてもガラガラ・・・いつもは混んでるルフトハンザの荷物を預けるカウンターですら並ばずにすんなり・・・(ちなみにルフトハンザのチェックインは全部マシーンチェックイン、もしくはオンラインかモバイルチェックイン)

Departure of the flight to Frankfurt was 30-minute delayed. Though we got on board before the scheduled departure time, we had to wait for thirty minutes before departure. They still made arrival on time at Frankfurt. At Frankfurt, there wasn't any announcement about delay of our flight to Belgrade but boarding didn't start even after the scheduled departure time. Actually there wasn't any staff at the counter!!! In the end, departure was delayed for 1 hour and arrival was delayed for 30  minutes. (30-min delay might not be that big when you travel by plane though). While we were flying, the captain told us our plane arrived from Paris to Frankfurt with 2-hour delay, thus our departure was delayed!


Leaving home in Helsinki at 5:50am (GMT+3), I arrived at Belgrade airport at 2pm (GMT+2). It took quite long time to get here! By the time I checked in the hotel, it was almost 3pm. 



So, I didn't have much time to see the city but briefly visited a couple of sights. A lot of buildings are illuminated in the evening. Ant the city was lovely! I don't know how much time I will have to look around as I am attending Bach flower practitioner course for four days but am hoping to see more 🙂



Genuine Sushi at Wagocoro @ Helsinki

2012-10-22 12.43.14

Today we had sunshine and blue sky, finally, in Helsinki! On such a lovely day, I noticed a Japanese friend posted information about "Seriously delicious" sushi shop (take-away shop but they have two tables where you could also eat), Wagocoro, in the Facebook. I've got to go!!! I have been tasting sushi every place I travel in Europe and also in Helsinki where I live (actually, I was searching for sushi restaurant in Belgrade where I am going tomorrow when I saw the post ;-). And I always trust Japanese friend's recommendation for sushi restaurant. We know how it should be!

So, I got ready very quickly and left home for Töölö!

久しぶりに青空が広がって太陽が降り注いだ今日のヘルシンキ。午前中パソコンに向かっているとFacebookに友達が新しいすし屋の情報を載せているのに気づいた。日本人の友達が"まじでおいしい" っていうそのすし屋、Wagocoro。ほんとにおいしいに違いない。すぐにでも行ってみたい。明日からまた旅に出る私、今日行かなかったらしばらく行けない・・・と思ってるところにその友達からチャットが。話を聞いているともういてもたってもいられなくなった私。"やっぱり今から行ってくる~" と言い放ち、そそくさと支度をしてTöölöに向かう。

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場所はだいたい地図で確認して通りの名前も覚えていたが、正確な番地を覚えていなかった私。(ある意味、らしい (笑) でも道の反対側から遠目でここに違いないと日本人の感性が働く(笑 日本独特の感じってやっぱり日本人にはすぐ分かるもの・・・ 

The shop looked so Japanese and I immediately spotted it from the other side of the street though I didn't remember the exact address (typical me!). 

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The Japanese couple who are the owners and chefs welcomed me super warmly when I opened the door. Also they were smiling to me when I looked the shop through the windows before opening the door. Both of them have good experience as sushi chef in Japan. Husband is the sushi master (means, he has more than 10- year experience as sushi chef) and wife also has 7-year experience.I chatted a bit with them and both of them were so nice!


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今日私が選んだのは、本日のスペシャル(€9.5)。一番上に載せた写真でお気づきの方もいるかもしれないけど甘エビも入ってる!  そして"まじおいしい"という友達の言葉、その通り。まじおいしかった。特に気に入ったのはカリフォルニアロール。なにがよかったかというと一番外側に巻かれるようにちりばめられているとびっこ。このぷちぷち感が最高。とびっこの軍艦が出ると いくらじゃないんだ・・・ってなんだかがっかりする私だが、このカリフォルニアロールではとびっこがあってよかったと思うのだった(笑。そしてイカもとろける感じ。フィンランドでもこんなにおいしいイカが食べられるなんてびっくり!サーモンはとびきりおいしいけどそれ以外のネタは全然期待できないという私の先入観をくつがえす感じ(笑。

I ordered Today's special (€9.5) which included sweet shrimp, squid, salmon, California rolls. Looked exciting for good selection of fish and tasted excellent!!! My most favorite one was California rolls for the fish eggs sprinkled on the outer layer of rice. It went so well with the rest of the ingredients of the roll. Also squid was meltingly delicious. I hadn't expect any other good sushi fish/seafood than salmon in Finland but, WoW! They were outstanding!!!

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I also had toro-salmon which is fattier part of salmon which I saw in their Facebook page and looked extremely delicious! And it was super delicious. I am happy to tell you that Helsinki has now Genuine Japanese sushi shop!


Checked in for tomorrow's flight to Belgrade via Frankfurt on-line. I really appreciate on-line check in! It is much easier than queuing at the airport counter. Don't you agree with me?

Quality Coffee Break at Fleuriste @ Helsinki

2012-10-18 17.10.49

Korvapuusti is the most genuine pulla in Finland. What is pulla and what is korvapuusti? According to Wikipedia, Pulla (Finnish pronunciation: [ˈpulːɑ]) is a mildly-sweet Finnish sweet roll or dessert bread flavored with crushed cardamom seeds and occasionally raisins or sliced almonds. Braid loaves (pitko) are formed from three or more braided strands of dough. The braids may also be formed into a ring. These braided strands or rings are typically coated with melted butter and then sprinkled with white sugar or almonds.[1] Other types of pulla include small round ones that resemble English scones but have a sugar and butter topping, and larger cinnamon rolls called korvapuusti. The outside typically has a shiny brown glaze, formed by a coating of egg whitemilk or a mixture of sugar and brewed coffee. (


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Or you can see it in the above picture.


Last Thursday, in the rainy afternoon, I went for coffee to a  charming cafe, Fleuriste, on Uudenmaankatu. It is one of my most favorite cafes in Helsinki and serves lovely pulla, cakes, coffee, tea, lunch, brunch etc.  In addition to really good food and drink, they have lovely interior decoration and atmosphere. Also the staffs are super nice and smiley. I always feel happy as soon as I open their door and feel welcoming and peaceful atmosphere.


On that Thursday, they had lovely korvapuusti (slap on the ear in English) pulla which made me happy again! Also the good-quality coffee I had with pulla was perfect with the sweet bun.  

To read my previous post about the Fleuriste, click here (Fleuristeについては前にも書いてます。リンク)

Getting ready for next trip! I am travelling to Belgrade, Serbia this Tuesday. It is quite exciting to visit a country which I have never been. And this trip is not just travelling but to complete Bach Flower Remedy practitioner course 🙂


Very Best Pulla @ Kawa Cafe @ Helsinki

2012-10-20 15.14.20

I had another smiley coffee time at Kawa cafe which I often go for green smoothies after yoga practice. Today, a friend and I had a plan to go for a walk to Hietaranta beach (in Helsinki) which was located about 3km away from our neighbourhood and have a coffee break at Cafe Ann Mare which is located just in front of the beach. Weather was not the most suitable for going for a walk to the beach but it wasn't raining then! (We have had so much rain, almost everyday, for one month! and it is raining now) 

今日は友達とヘルシンキにあるHietarantaビーチまで歩いてそこにある素敵なカフェ Ann Mare でお茶しようということになった。ビーチで散歩という感じの天気でもないけど、今日はとりあえず雨も降ってなかったし。(ここ1ヶ月くらいほとんど毎日雨。実際、今も雨・・・) 近所に住むその友達と待ち合わせてビーチまで約3キロ。雨でもう全部散ったかと思っていた紅葉もまだ残っていて秋の景色を楽しみながら散歩。

We enjoyed walking surrounded by beautiful coloured leaves and liked the quietness of the beach (almost no people!) but … You can't imagine how disappointed we were when we noticed the cafe was closed for private occasion!!! We checked it in the web page before leaving home and it was supposed to be open for public today… And I was so excited to have coffee and pullat at the cafe I hadn't been to… 

Ann Mareは素敵なカフェだと聞いてたし まだお茶したことはなかったので 新しいカフェ発掘!と盛り上がっていたのだが・・・ビーチに着いてみると・・・今日は貸切・・・そんなこともあるかもしれないと思ってWebページで調べて今日は貸切じゃないって確認していったのに!!! (しかもそんな確認作業をしたのは私だけじゃなくて友達も!) 超がっかり~。

Well, there is no other cafe at the beach… We had to move on and find some cafe as coffee and pulla was the main purpose of going for a walk ;-) 


We found two more cafes which were closed and another two which were open but did't look so fancy. In the end, we arrived at our favorite Kawa cafe. By the time we got there, it had been 1.5 hours since we started walking from our neighborhood. 

カフェを探してさらに散歩は続く。土曜日の3時過ぎ・・・2軒のカフェは土曜日休み・・・あとの2軒はなんだかいまいちな感じ・・・(行ったら後で後悔しそうな)。さらに歩いて・・・ここなら間違いない、お気に入りのKawa cafe までたどり着く・・・新しいカフェ発掘・・・というわけにはいかなかったけど、ここで超~おいしいプッラに遭遇!オーナーのお母さんが作ったこのプッラ。出来立て! 

And… voi la! They had freshly baked pulla that the owner of the cafe told us her mum baked :) 

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It was one of the very best pulla I had ever had and we were so glad that we came to the cafe all the way 🙂 It contains a lot of butter (I could tell it from the taste and it was firmly confirmed by the owner 😉 and combination of butter, sugar and cardamon was super! We were talking we could have one more but, of course, we didn't (Girls are always on a diet ;-). With the lovely cardamon thread pulla and the smooth and tasty cupucino, we have one of the most lovely coffee time today 🙂 Thank you, Kawa cafe!!!

おいしいのが一目瞭然。そして一口食べてさらに納得・・・ほんとにおいしい。やわらかくてたっぷりバターと砂糖とカルダモンの組み合わせが至福 🙂 途中で妥協しなくてよかった~~~。お茶の時間はとっても大切。特にこんなふうに雨の日が続いて暗い秋の日に心温まるおいしいプッラと滑らかでおいしいカプチーノは素敵。そんな素敵な Kawa cafe に心から感謝 🙂 ところでプッラ、思わずもう1個食べたくなったけど・・・がまん(笑

I have written about the same cafe at / このカフェについては以前にも書いてます。

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Superb Dining Experience at “Gaijin” @ Helsinki

"Gaijin" had been one of the restaurants I really wanted to dine in Helsinki for some time. Friends and I booked a table on my birthday last year but we didn't make it as I had a high fever and couldn't get out of the bed. Since then, we have talked about going there some time soon and got there last evening 🙂

1年越しでずっとずっと行きたかったヘルシンキのレストラン、"Gaijin" (外人)。ミシュランの星はついてないけれど超おいしいと評判で、予約が取れにくいと聞いていたこの店。去年の誕生日の日に友達が予約してくれて行こうとしたけど、当日わたしが高熱を出して行けなくなって以来、さらに行きたい度が高まって、今年の夏に一度予約しようと思ったけどやっぱり予約が取れなかった。昨日はそんな Gaijinでディナー。

Gaijin doesn't have Michelin stars but it was reviewed a lot and told to be one of the best restrants in Finland. I can tell you now it is true!  

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We chose Sunday to dine there for their Sunday menu. On Sunday, there are only two choices in the menu, either 5-course(55€) or 3-course(38€) menu. And the price is much more reasonable than other days of week. We tried 3-course menu started with Wasabi Scallops 🙂 Presentation was absolutely beautiful! (above picture) and it tasted awesome! It definitely tasted "Japan". 


最初の一品はほたての料理。グリルしたホタテと鮮やかなソース。盛り付けも美しく、味も最高! 日本の味が・・・

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The course menu was served with Japanese rice (I think it was Japanese) with seaweeds. It also reminded me of Japan a lot. (You know what I mean if you have ever lived in Japan 🙂 And I liked to eat the rice with sauce from scallop dish.


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The main dish was Braised Veal Cheek which also went super well with rice. And it was quite a big portion! At this point, we were so full!


So, it was great that dessert was not huge but yummy :) 


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Dessert included in the three-course menu was chocolate cake but I told them I would like to avoid chocolate if possible when they asked us about our allergies. And I got another dessert, sake-blueberry sorbet, which was served for five-course menu. I, of course, tasted friend's chocolate cake a tiny bit (who wouldn't?!) and it was lovely. 

コースのデザートはチョコレートケーキだったけど、できればデザートでチョコレートは避けたいわたし。オーダーするときにアレルギーはあるかと聞かれたのでできればチョコレートじゃないものが欲しいと希望を伝えたら、特別に5品のコースメニューのデザートに変えてくれた。(チョコレートのデザートを避けたいのには理由があるのだけれど、これはまた後ほど) もちろん、友達のチョコレートケーキもほんのちょっぴり味見させてもらっておいしかったけど 😉

2012-10-14 19.30.10

And my sorbet was also smiley being so fruity and fresh :) 


Having such a lovely dining experience at Gaijin, I guarantee you wouldn't be disappointed by them!

どれもこれも美味、盛り付けも美しい Gaijin! 超お薦め!

ah.. only one tiny tiny disappointment was that they had really narrow space between tables. I understand the restaurant is so popular that they want to accommodate more people by putting more tables and chairs but even for a tiny Japanese girl, it was almost impossible to walk through between two tables to get the chair! 

あっ、でも1つだけがっかりしたことが・・・ 人気のお店なのでできるだけ多くの人に一度に食事してもらいたいという気持ちは分かるのだが、店の規模に対してテーブルといすの数が多すぎ。わたしたちのテーブルと隣のテーブルの間にはフィンランド人に比べたら小人のように小さい私ですら危うく通れないというくらい。 もうちょっとテーブルとテーブルの間が欲しいところである。

And.. I should probably explain what "gaijin" means. It is a Japanese word and means foreigners.So, in Finland I am "gaijin" and yesterday, I was "gaijin" eating Gaijin ;-) 

For more information お店のWeb Pageは: and the below is the menu we had yesterday. そして昨日食べたのはこのメニュー。

14.10..2012 ..2012    -    -  -- SUNDAY MENU    SUNDAY MENU  35/person   
WASABI  SCALLOPS: fried scallops, wasabi butter-dashi emulsion, roe 
CHEEK, PUMPKIN & NUTS: braised veal cheek, pumpkin, nuts, ramen broth 

GOHAN: japanese rice

MINT & XOCO chocolate cake, almond & sea caramel, mint crème, mint sorbet

and my dessert from the other course
SAKE BLUEBERRY: sake & blueberry sorbet, lemon flavoured white chocolate creme


Random Pictures of Sunday, 14.10.2012

Often, it's fun to walk in the nighborhood with a small camera. I visited my local library first time and liked it (the 3rd picture from the top).


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2012-10-14 13.51.30

2012-10-14 14.09.22