Makki Makki – New Sushi Restaurant Opened Today @ Helsinki


More and more sushi restaurants have been opened in Helsinki and many other cities in the world. I bet it is one of the most popular food in the world nowadays! Today, another sushi restaurant opened in Helsinki but this one is slightly different from other sushi restaurants.

世界の寿司ブームはとどまるところを知らずw。 本日ヘルシンキにまたまた新しい寿司レストランがオープンした。 

"Makki Makki" is Korean sushi restaurant. Korean sushi might not be as well known as Japanese sushi and you might wonder what I'm talking about. But Gimbap (Korean sushi roll) is popular Korean dish (,especially during/after singing karaoke… ah… this is only from my experience ;-).  According to Wikipedia, Gimbap is often eaten during picnics or outdoor events, or as a light lunch, served with danmuji or kimchi

その名も"Makki Makki"。"巻き巻き"といったところだと思うが まっきまっき ってなんだかかわいいし、うまくフィンラン語ちっくになっている。新しいすし屋が開店したからと言って必ずチェックしているわけではないのだが、この店にはぜひ行かなくちゃいけない理由があったのだ。友達の友達がオーナーだということが1つ、そしてこの寿司屋は韓国寿司の店。知ってる人は知ってる韓国ののり巻き。わたしの中ではカラオケのときにもしくはカラオケのあとに食べる日本だったらラーメンみたいなスナック。(あくまでもわたしの中では(笑) wikipediaによればピクニックなどのアウトドアイベントのときのお弁当として、もしくは軽めのランチとして人気のようである。(カラオケとの関連については述べられてなかった(笑)


Makki Makki has Gimbap in addition to ordinary nigiri sushi (I would say ordinary Japanese sushi). The individual piece of sushi is packed separately so that you can pick them up from the shelf and take away quickly. I think this bit is really Asian! We do take away a lot! I also thought the interior design was very Asian in a way I'm familiar with. 


As to the taste, I liked them! Rice was rightly cooked (At many restaurants, I was disappointed by how they cooked rice but Makki Makki did it right!) I liked the piece with salmon (not the typical salmon nigiri but some other piece called "Dancing xxx", forgot the name!) the best. 

味もなかなかよろしくて、なによりご飯がちゃんとしてた。(海外でお寿司を食べるとご飯が残念なことが多いけど、Makki Makkiは大丈夫!) 本日食べたものの中ではサーモンサラダ風なものがとてもおいしかった。名前を忘れちゃったけど "Dancing xxx"と命名されていたその寿司は今後もわたしのお気に入りになること間違いなし。

I forgot to take a camera with me today! I had only my mobile which I got recently and didn't know how to take photos with very well. So, the photos might not tell you how good it was but I tell you once again, it was nice sushi! and it was inexpensive!


For more information, 詳しくはFBのお店のページで。 

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