Tasty Brunch at Crustum – German Bakery in Punavuori, Helsinki


We call it "German cafe" or "German bakery". A lovely German bakery with a cafe has been one of our (me and friends in Punavuori) favorite neighbor cafes since it opened (Was it two years ago? Can't remember though). This Sunday morning, friends and I enjoyed brunch at the Germany bakery. The cafe was super busy with a lot of customers but luckily the friends managed to get a table before I got there and we didn't have to queue at all!!!  

いつも "German cafe" とか "German bakery"呼んでるお気に入りのベーカリー、Crustum。わたしが住んでいるヘルシンキのPunavuoriにあるドイツパンの専門店である。カフェも併設されていてときどきお茶したりするなかなか感じのよいお店。今日はそのお店で友達と待ち合わせてブランチ。人気なので並ばなくちゃいけないかも・・と思っていたけれど待ち合わせ時間ぴったりに店に行った友達がタイミングよくテーブルをゲット。(わたしは5分ほど遅刻・・・待ち合わせっていつも一番近くに住んでる人が遅れたりする(笑。)

Brunch 2

I had been to Crustum many times before for cappuccino and some pastry, but this was my first time to try their brunch. (I like their cappuccino a lot!) And I think it was one of the best brunch in the town where people love to go for brunch on weekends 🙂 What I liked the most was its variety and quality. different kinds of ham, salmon (my most favorite among them!), cheese, German bread, yogurt, eggs, several different kinds of juice, some veggies and yummy pickles (I have to add "yummy" particularly here as it was much better than what you usually get at breakfast or brunch buffet) and some dessert :) 

この店でブランチするのは初めて。ビュッフェのバラエティがなかなか充実している。種類も豊富だし、1つ1つのクオリティが高い感じ。フレッシュなのだ!なかでもとりわけ気に入ったサーモンを筆頭に、いろんな種類のハム、チーズにヨーグルト、甘いものもあるし、もちろんドイツパンもいろいろ。何種類かの100%フルーツジュース、コーヒーといろんな種類のお茶。わたしたちが食べている間にもどんどんお客が入ってきて行列ができるのも納得のおいしさとバラエティ。それに加えてこのお店を経営しているファミリー(お父さんがドイツ人でお母さんがフィンランド人)とそのスタッフもとてもフレンドリー。思わず笑顔になってしまう近所のGerman cafe。近所に住んでる友達(なぜか親しい友達が何人も近所に住んでいる 🙂 とわたしのお気に入りの場所なのだ。

No wonder it was so busy and more and more customers were coming and queuing while we were eating and chatting there. I also have to mention the family (German-Finnish family) and staff who run the bakery and cafe are really nice and friendly. We, friends and me who live in Punavuori, really like our German cafe! 

For more information さらに詳しいお店の情報は:


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