Superb Dining Experience at “Gaijin” @ Helsinki

"Gaijin" had been one of the restaurants I really wanted to dine in Helsinki for some time. Friends and I booked a table on my birthday last year but we didn't make it as I had a high fever and couldn't get out of the bed. Since then, we have talked about going there some time soon and got there last evening 🙂

1年越しでずっとずっと行きたかったヘルシンキのレストラン、"Gaijin" (外人)。ミシュランの星はついてないけれど超おいしいと評判で、予約が取れにくいと聞いていたこの店。去年の誕生日の日に友達が予約してくれて行こうとしたけど、当日わたしが高熱を出して行けなくなって以来、さらに行きたい度が高まって、今年の夏に一度予約しようと思ったけどやっぱり予約が取れなかった。昨日はそんな Gaijinでディナー。

Gaijin doesn't have Michelin stars but it was reviewed a lot and told to be one of the best restrants in Finland. I can tell you now it is true!  

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We chose Sunday to dine there for their Sunday menu. On Sunday, there are only two choices in the menu, either 5-course(55€) or 3-course(38€) menu. And the price is much more reasonable than other days of week. We tried 3-course menu started with Wasabi Scallops 🙂 Presentation was absolutely beautiful! (above picture) and it tasted awesome! It definitely tasted "Japan". 


最初の一品はほたての料理。グリルしたホタテと鮮やかなソース。盛り付けも美しく、味も最高! 日本の味が・・・

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The course menu was served with Japanese rice (I think it was Japanese) with seaweeds. It also reminded me of Japan a lot. (You know what I mean if you have ever lived in Japan 🙂 And I liked to eat the rice with sauce from scallop dish.


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The main dish was Braised Veal Cheek which also went super well with rice. And it was quite a big portion! At this point, we were so full!


So, it was great that dessert was not huge but yummy :) 


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Dessert included in the three-course menu was chocolate cake but I told them I would like to avoid chocolate if possible when they asked us about our allergies. And I got another dessert, sake-blueberry sorbet, which was served for five-course menu. I, of course, tasted friend's chocolate cake a tiny bit (who wouldn't?!) and it was lovely. 

コースのデザートはチョコレートケーキだったけど、できればデザートでチョコレートは避けたいわたし。オーダーするときにアレルギーはあるかと聞かれたのでできればチョコレートじゃないものが欲しいと希望を伝えたら、特別に5品のコースメニューのデザートに変えてくれた。(チョコレートのデザートを避けたいのには理由があるのだけれど、これはまた後ほど) もちろん、友達のチョコレートケーキもほんのちょっぴり味見させてもらっておいしかったけど 😉

2012-10-14 19.30.10

And my sorbet was also smiley being so fruity and fresh :) 


Having such a lovely dining experience at Gaijin, I guarantee you wouldn't be disappointed by them!

どれもこれも美味、盛り付けも美しい Gaijin! 超お薦め!

ah.. only one tiny tiny disappointment was that they had really narrow space between tables. I understand the restaurant is so popular that they want to accommodate more people by putting more tables and chairs but even for a tiny Japanese girl, it was almost impossible to walk through between two tables to get the chair! 

あっ、でも1つだけがっかりしたことが・・・ 人気のお店なのでできるだけ多くの人に一度に食事してもらいたいという気持ちは分かるのだが、店の規模に対してテーブルといすの数が多すぎ。わたしたちのテーブルと隣のテーブルの間にはフィンランド人に比べたら小人のように小さい私ですら危うく通れないというくらい。 もうちょっとテーブルとテーブルの間が欲しいところである。

And.. I should probably explain what "gaijin" means. It is a Japanese word and means foreigners.So, in Finland I am "gaijin" and yesterday, I was "gaijin" eating Gaijin ;-) 

For more information お店のWeb Pageは: and the below is the menu we had yesterday. そして昨日食べたのはこのメニュー。

14.10..2012 ..2012    -    -  -- SUNDAY MENU    SUNDAY MENU  35/person   
WASABI  SCALLOPS: fried scallops, wasabi butter-dashi emulsion, roe 
CHEEK, PUMPKIN & NUTS: braised veal cheek, pumpkin, nuts, ramen broth 

GOHAN: japanese rice

MINT & XOCO chocolate cake, almond & sea caramel, mint crème, mint sorbet

and my dessert from the other course
SAKE BLUEBERRY: sake & blueberry sorbet, lemon flavoured white chocolate creme


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