Very Best Pulla @ Kawa Cafe @ Helsinki

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I had another smiley coffee time at Kawa cafe which I often go for green smoothies after yoga practice. Today, a friend and I had a plan to go for a walk to Hietaranta beach (in Helsinki) which was located about 3km away from our neighbourhood and have a coffee break at Cafe Ann Mare which is located just in front of the beach. Weather was not the most suitable for going for a walk to the beach but it wasn't raining then! (We have had so much rain, almost everyday, for one month! and it is raining now) 

今日は友達とヘルシンキにあるHietarantaビーチまで歩いてそこにある素敵なカフェ Ann Mare でお茶しようということになった。ビーチで散歩という感じの天気でもないけど、今日はとりあえず雨も降ってなかったし。(ここ1ヶ月くらいほとんど毎日雨。実際、今も雨・・・) 近所に住むその友達と待ち合わせてビーチまで約3キロ。雨でもう全部散ったかと思っていた紅葉もまだ残っていて秋の景色を楽しみながら散歩。

We enjoyed walking surrounded by beautiful coloured leaves and liked the quietness of the beach (almost no people!) but … You can't imagine how disappointed we were when we noticed the cafe was closed for private occasion!!! We checked it in the web page before leaving home and it was supposed to be open for public today… And I was so excited to have coffee and pullat at the cafe I hadn't been to… 

Ann Mareは素敵なカフェだと聞いてたし まだお茶したことはなかったので 新しいカフェ発掘!と盛り上がっていたのだが・・・ビーチに着いてみると・・・今日は貸切・・・そんなこともあるかもしれないと思ってWebページで調べて今日は貸切じゃないって確認していったのに!!! (しかもそんな確認作業をしたのは私だけじゃなくて友達も!) 超がっかり~。

Well, there is no other cafe at the beach… We had to move on and find some cafe as coffee and pulla was the main purpose of going for a walk ;-) 


We found two more cafes which were closed and another two which were open but did't look so fancy. In the end, we arrived at our favorite Kawa cafe. By the time we got there, it had been 1.5 hours since we started walking from our neighborhood. 

カフェを探してさらに散歩は続く。土曜日の3時過ぎ・・・2軒のカフェは土曜日休み・・・あとの2軒はなんだかいまいちな感じ・・・(行ったら後で後悔しそうな)。さらに歩いて・・・ここなら間違いない、お気に入りのKawa cafe までたどり着く・・・新しいカフェ発掘・・・というわけにはいかなかったけど、ここで超~おいしいプッラに遭遇!オーナーのお母さんが作ったこのプッラ。出来立て! 

And… voi la! They had freshly baked pulla that the owner of the cafe told us her mum baked :) 

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It was one of the very best pulla I had ever had and we were so glad that we came to the cafe all the way 🙂 It contains a lot of butter (I could tell it from the taste and it was firmly confirmed by the owner 😉 and combination of butter, sugar and cardamon was super! We were talking we could have one more but, of course, we didn't (Girls are always on a diet ;-). With the lovely cardamon thread pulla and the smooth and tasty cupucino, we have one of the most lovely coffee time today 🙂 Thank you, Kawa cafe!!!

おいしいのが一目瞭然。そして一口食べてさらに納得・・・ほんとにおいしい。やわらかくてたっぷりバターと砂糖とカルダモンの組み合わせが至福 🙂 途中で妥協しなくてよかった~~~。お茶の時間はとっても大切。特にこんなふうに雨の日が続いて暗い秋の日に心温まるおいしいプッラと滑らかでおいしいカプチーノは素敵。そんな素敵な Kawa cafe に心から感謝 🙂 ところでプッラ、思わずもう1個食べたくなったけど・・・がまん(笑

I have written about the same cafe at / このカフェについては以前にも書いてます。

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