I Found A Good Sushi Bar in Belgrade! – Ikki Sushi Bar

As I always do before travelling, I tried to find sushi restaurants which Japanese people recommend in Belgrade. We know about sushi the best in the world, of course! But this time, I didn't find any bit of information written by Japanese. And there were only two choices of sushi restaurants I found in the internet even without recommendation by Japanese (could have been more if I had some more patience, but not much more anyways!) 

ベオグラードに出かける前に、いつものように寿司屋情報をチェック。私がいつも参考にするのは日本人の人が書いているすし屋の評価。特に現地在住の日本人のブログなんかは信用できる。"すし屋 ベオグラード" で ぐぐってみたが・・・なにもめぼしい情報がない・・・しかたなく "sushi Belgrade" で検索すると、2件の店がヒット。(もうちょっと辛抱強く見たらもっとあるのかもしれないけど、なにかと忙しいわたくし。すし屋の検索にそんなに時間はかけられない・・・笑)

One out of two… Following my instinct after looking at their web pages, I chose to go to Sushi Bar Ikki! Very friendly waiter welcomed me when I finally found it after getting lost a bit in Belgrade city centre. And he brought me wet wipe which reminds me of Japan a lot (above picture)

2件のうちから1件。お店のウェブページを見比べてたぶんこっちと思ったイッキ・バールに決定。店の名前はどうなんだかっていう感じではあるが写真がおいしそう。ベオグラードのシティセンターでちょっと道に迷いながらもお店に到着。とてもフレンドリーなスタッフが出迎えてくれた。2階のテーブル席に着くと早速おしぼりが! おしぼりってなんとも日本的(おしぼりの件はイスタンブールのすし屋に行ったときにも書いたけど)。



There were a lot of selections in the menu and I chose small size of sushi set to taste different kinds of sushi. To my surprise, small set has 14 pieces of sushi which is usually large size or more in Finland and maybe in other countries as well.  Medium has 20pcs and Large has 26 pcs, the waiter explained to me when I asked about the other sets from my curiosity!!! Serbians love sushi and they need big portion, he added ;-) 


Having had a first bite, I was impressed by the rice and wondered if there was a Japanese chef. I asked about it but the waiter said the chef was Serbian!!! It was cooked and prepared right!!! Often rice is not done right when it's cooked by non-Japanese chefs though. As to fish, I liked salmon the best 🙂 Even though I had wondered if I could eat 14 pieces, each piece was small enough for me to eat all of them happily 🙂


After finishing dinner, I had to ask for help from the waiter to find out how to go back to the hotel by bus. He was really kind and checked it in the internet. (I went to the restaurant from the other place and didn't know the direct route to the hotel). 


Good sushi and super kind staffs! If I ever had another chance to visit Belgrade, I would definitely go to Ikki sushi bar again!


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