Trivandrum City Tour – From Kerala India

Yesterday, a friend and I hired a car and a driver and went to see some temples and Trivandrum city center. It was another hot and humid day which I am least good at and it was absolutely good idea to hire a car and a driver rather than any of ready-made tour. We spent short time at each place which we wanted to see and quickly came back to the air-conditioned car 😉 Our driver was really knowledgeable and kind and we were very happy about it :) 

昨日の午後はちょっとしたアドベンチャー。リトリートで車をアレンジしてもらってトリバンドラムの町に出かけた。昨日も暑くて湿気の高い1日。あまり長い時間外にいるのは無理という天気だったので、いわゆるツアーじゃなくてほんとよかった。見たい場所に連れて行ってもらってちゃちゃっと見てエアコンのきいた車に戻る 😉 ドライバーはとくにガイドというわけではないが、いろんなことをよく知っていたし英語も上手だったのでこの日のアレンジにとても満足。

The Sri Padmanabhasvami Temple

The first place we visited was the Shri Padmanabhaswamy Temple (they have a webpage). I saw the picture in the guidebook and thought it was beautiful. It could have been much better if the sky was blue. It was a bit hazy and the white temple didn't look as gorgeous as I saw in the picture. To enter the temple, you would have to be Hindu and wear sari (women) or dhoti (men). Obviously, we couldn't get in 😉 There were some steps from the street to the premise of the temple. We could go up there and see the temple from outside but were not allowed to take photos beyond the steps. It was ok to take photos from the stairs though. You might not be able to see it in the picture but sculpture on the roof was amazing! Several local people told me that they have a lot of gold, diamonds and pearls underneath the temple. According to my internet research, this Hindu temple seems to be number one attraction in the city.

最初に訪れたのはShri Padmanabhaswamy Temple (クリックするとお寺のWebページへ)。ガイドブックで見てとてもゴージャスなそのお寺。昨日は空が白くかすみがかっていたので、その白いお寺とあまりコントラストが見られずガイドブックの写真ほどゴージャスでなかったのがとても残念。このお寺の地下には金銀、ダイヤモンド、真珠などの財宝がたくさん埋まっているという話をリトリートのスタッフから聞いた。ところでこのお寺の中に入るにはヒンズー教徒であることが必須。そして男性ならドーティ、女性ならサリーを見につけないといけないということで、私たちは中に入ることができなかった。お寺の前の道からお寺の敷地に入るのに数段の階段があるのだが、その階段を超えたら写真もとってはいけないということで写真はすべて道からの撮影。敷地内で見たお寺の屋根の彫刻はまさにゴージャス。この写真ではご覧いただけないと思うが・・・



On the way to the temple, school kids were trying to be in my picture 😉 Most people seem to like to be in someone's picture here though I don't know if they would ask for money for it. 



After visiting Shri Padmanabhaswamy Temple, we went to a big park in the city center. It was really a big park with botanical garden, museum, zoo and more. I loved the botanical garden and museum building. Though we didn't go into the museum, color of the building was lovely! (my favorite color, of course ;-) 

Shri Padmanabhaswamy寺のあとは市の中心にある大きな公園へ。ここはほんとに大きな公園で、植物園、動物園、美術館、水族館・・・などなどいろんなものがある。私が気に入ったのは美術館のピンク色のビル。中には入らなかったけど。


Botanical garden

And entrance to the botanical garden was very nice with "Welcome to Trivandrum Government Botanical Garden" bush. 

そして植物園の入り口の"Welcome to Trivandrum Government Botanical Garden" (トリバンドラムの植物園にようこそ!)という文字を模った低木。これがすごくよくできていてびっくり。何枚も写真を撮ってしまった。

Attuka temple

The other major place we visited was Attukal temple. According to their webpage, it is "one of the ancient temples of South India and popularly described as Sabarimala of the Women, as women form the major portion of devotees. The Goddess in the temple of Attukal is worshipped as the Supreme Mother, creator of all living beings and the mighty preserver as well as destroyer of them all." Our driver told us it opens at 5pm but a lot of women were queueing before the opening. We didn't go inside but liked the decoration of the temple. Quite photogenic, isn't it ;-)?

もう1つ訪れたメインサイトはAttukal temple。このお寺は女性の神様を祀ってあるので女性からの信仰があついということである。ドライバーからの説明によれば、お寺は午後5時に開門。私たちがお寺に着いたのは5時前だったがすでにたくさんの女性が並んでいた。

We visited some small shops and other places which we just thought interesting when we saw them from the car and enjoyed 4 hours being outside of the retreat. It was worth going out even though weather wasn't comfortable and I so appreciated shower and peace when I got back to my cottage ,-) 



Sari Sari / From Kerala, India

Sari or saree is a strip of un-stitched cloth, worn by females, ranging from four to nine yards in length that is draped over the body in various styles which is native to the Indian Subcontinent. (according to wikipedia) The day before, I had an opportunity to try to wear sari! And it was very exciting. It was more gorgeous than I even imagined 🙂

サリー (ヒンドゥスターニー語: sāṛī) は、インド・ネパール・スリランカ・バングラデシュ・パキスタンなど南アジア地域の女性が着用する民族衣装である。(wikipediaより〕おとといは滞在しているリトリートのカルチャープログラムの一環でサリーの着付け教室に参加した。見たことはあるけれど着たことはないサリー。クラスが始まる前から友達と大盛り上がり。実際着てみるとそれは思っていたよりもっともっと素敵はドレスだった。

Sari blog1

The opportunity was part of cultural program the retreat provided and we were supposed to learn how to put on sari. The reason why I say "supposed to" is because we didn't learn anything else than it is very difficult to dress it. We just admired how our teacher/receptionist who wears sari everyday helped us get us dressed! We were also too excited about wearing sari (New experience!!!) to try to focus on which end of the clothes we should hold, where it should go and where we put the pins.

着付け教室というからには着付けを習うというのが目的だったが… 初めてのサリーに大興奮のわれわれ生徒、それにとっても難しいサリーの着付け。受付嬢兼着付けの先生が着付けしてくれるのを見て "わ~お" と感嘆の声をあげ自分たちの写真を撮る以外あまりまじめにに学習しなかった我々。クラスが終わっても興奮は続いたが、結局着付けはわからないまま〔笑。

Sari blog 2

Even though we didn't really  learn how to wear it, it was absolutely lovely experience! Sari is a beautiful dress! Should I buy sari now? I am tempted 😉



Dance Dance Dance – From Kerala, India

Yesterday's cultural program was quite entertaining. We enjoyed watching dance performed by girls and a hijada (a guy looks like a gay but it is very different from "the modern Western taxonomy of gender and sexual orientation" according to wikipedia.)wearing colorful costume having healthy and tasty dinner.

昨日のカルチャープログラムはディナーの時間のダンスパフォーマンス。インドらしい色とりどりの衣装を身に纏った女の子たち、そしてヒジュラーの彼(wikipediaによるとヒジュラーは"現代の西洋のジェンダーや性指向の分類におさまりきらない集団")… 楽しい夕べとなった次第。



Dance 2


Medicine, Food and Shopping – From Kerala, India


Having had an unbearable hot and humid day, we had rain the night before and I felt much better with the cooler weather yesterday. One could have different feeling about rain at a different place. After the regular morning program, I joined a doctor to visit herbal medicine production site. The production center was dedicate to Somatheeram where I am staying at and all the process is done by their staffs without using any machines. I was surprised to hear that it takes four days to make herbal oil we are massaged with everyday. A guy was stirring the oil *and he continues stirring it for four days!) and made us try to do his work 😉 This must be hard work. There is no air-conditioner and it is hotter and more humid in the building. But, here again, everyone was smiley 🙂

おとといはあり得ないくらい暑くて湿気の高い日だった。暑さも湿気も苦手な私、もうなにもできないし、夜も眠れない状態。が、明け方近くに雨が降り出し、昨日の午前中くらいまで降ったり止んだり。雨のおかげでだいぶ涼しくなって、昨日はとてもいい気分だった。ヘルシンキにいるときは雨がうれしいなんて思ったことはないけど、ここでは雨大歓迎って感じだ(笑。そんな快適な天気の昨日はいつもの朝のプログラムのあと、ドクターと一緒にアーユルヴェーダの薬を作っている場所に行くツアーに参加(ツアーといっても私とここで友達になったスイス人と2人だけ)。この製造所は私が滞在しているSomatheeramのためだけに薬を作っている場所で、機械などを使わずすべての工程がスタッフの手によって行われれている。いろいろなハーブやフルーツの効能や、どうやって薬を作るのかなど、いろいろ感心することを聞いたのだが、なかでも驚いたのは私たちがマッサージを受けるときに使われるオイルを作るのにはあんな暑い場所であんな大きな鍋に入ったオイルを4日間もかきまぜ続けなければいけないということだった。わたしたちも体験させてもらったが、とても大変な作業である。もちろんエアコンなんかないし。こんな大変な仕事をしているスタッフの皆さんだが、ここでもみんな笑顔 🙂

Medecin ladies

And these are bottles of medicine. I don't comment on the taste 😉


Medecin medecin

We saw many different kinds of herbs and fruits and  the doctor explained their efficacy. I and a new friend I made here were quite impressed! We were wow & oh- ing almost all the time 😉


One of the items you might consider to make a purchase when you visit India is, of course, pashmina. It is much cheaper than European countries and Japan. I went to small shops in front of the retreat and bought three pieces the day before. Love the colors and texture. But no more pashmina shopping this time as I have already some at home from previous visit 😉

ところでインドといえばパシュミナ(だけではないが ;-)。おとといはリトリートを出てすぐのところにある店を見に行ってみた。もちろん見ただけではなく買い物もしてみたが・・・ヨーロッパや日本に比べてめちゃくちゃ安いのでついつい買いすぎでしまうで要注意だが(なにせ家に帰れば前回インド訪問時に買ったパシュミナが何枚かある)、今回はこの3枚を購入。


By the way, I had lovely dessert at dinner buffet yesterday (and kept one for the later time!). They tasted yummy and I also thought they were cute!



Man with dessert

Dessert how to cook

What is Ayurveda?/From Kerala, India

(Doctor who gave lecture)

You might be wondering what I am talking about when I mention Ayurveda. I have known about it for some time by attending some workshops, reading books and having Ayurveda massage but I had another opportunity to learn about it yesterday. I participated in the lecture given by Ayurveda doctor in the retreat. It happened to be one to one class and I enjoyed listening to what the doctor explains and asking questions.


Ayurveda is Science dealing with Life. (ayur means life and veda means science in Sanscrit.) It has more than 3000-year history. It is believed to be given from the heaven, thus holy.

アーユルヴェーダはサンスクリット語なのだが ayurはlife (生命、人生、ライフ), vedaはscience(科学・知識) を意味する。少なくとも3000年以上前からインドで伝承されているいわゆる医学でそれは天から授けられた神聖なものだといわれている。

Ayurvedahas has concepts of three functional elements (dosha) and five structural elements (Pancha Maha Bootha) . According to Ayurveda, every living and non-living being in this universe is a combination of five basic eternal elements in various compositions. Hence every cell of body possesses all the properties of life. The five structural elements are Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. These eternal elements manifest in the human Body as three basic principles or subtle energies (Tridosha in Sanskrit). All the functions in the body is governed by doshas and everyone has those three doshas, Vahta (wiind), Pitha(fire) and Kapha(water). But everyone has difference balance of doshas and usually have dominant elements. It could be one, combination of two or three elements are almost equal though the doctor told me most people have combination of two doshas as dominant one. Dominant dosha is one's body constitution. Each dosha is connected to certain structural elements and has its own physical, physiological and psychological (emotional) characteristics. For example, air and ether elements are combined to Vahta. I have Vahta is one of the doshas in my constitution. Vahta can't stay at one place and would like to move and travel 😉 Air and Ether is always moving 🙂 Makes sense?


Ayurveda centre

(Entrance of Ayurvedic Center)

From Ayurvedic point of view, people become ill (including migraine, sore shoulders, stress etc.) when balance of doshas was disturbed and treatment of the ill is to re-balance doshas. Part of the treatment is massage I am having every morning. I am also having different kinds of herbal medicine at the retreat and eating food according to my doshas. Yoga is also part of Ayurveda. There is much much more about philosophy and treatment and it is really interesting to get to know it. I think you could Google it if you would like to know more 😉


Now in Kerala, India


Now, I think I know what IT problem I have been facing to. I seem to be able to upload pictures but I can't see them by myself. There seems to be some restriction on internet access. Anyway, I put the pictures in this post and hope you can see them! It's beautiful here but without pictures it is difficult for me to describe how beautiful it is.


Today is my third day at Somatheeram Ayurveda retreat in Kerala. Despite of chaotic traffic outside, it is really peaceful inside the retreat premise. I am staying at one of the cottages here. 



I get up at 7ish every morning and go to Ayurveda centre where I see Ayurveda doctors and have 1.5-hour massage at 8am. Massage is absolutely great! I never want to get up from the massage bed 😉 I have breakfast after massage, and take a shower. By the time I finish taking a shower, it is almost 12pm! The rest of the day is just to relax. I could go to the beach in front of the retreat, swimming pool in the retreat, participating in yoga or any other cultural programs, read books, write blog posts, take photos, or do nothing ;-) 


Yesterday, I went to the beach just before sunset and saw really lovely scenery. 昨日は日が沈むちょっと前にビーチに向かって沈んでいく太陽ととても素敵な風景を撮影した。



Oh, I shouldn't forget about healthy and yummy Indian food. This was the lunch I had on my first day 🙂

そしてもちろんヘルシーでおいしいインド料理も毎日楽しんでいるのだ。これは1日目のランチ 🙂





I had a plan to write about my experience in India everyday. but I am facing to internet problem at the retreat… Will do my best but most likely I won't be able to upload any photos in the typepad…

インドで毎日書こうと思っていたのに、インターネットに問題があってこのブログには写真がアップできない模様。政府が制限をかけている可能性が大なのだが… しばらく様子をみます。

Flying to India :)

I have waited for today for long time. I am flying to India and stay there for two weeks. Today, I will be only flying and arrive at India tomorrow morning (their time). 17 hours from Helsinki to South of India sounds painful. But this time, I am excited about it, too. I will fly from Helsinki to St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg to Dubai and Dubai to  Trivandrum which I hadn't been able to remember till yesterday. I will fly with the Emirates which I have dreamed of flying with (You Know, Fly Emirate!) I will also have about four hours at Dubai airport which I heard to be one of the most luxuries airport in the world!!! 

Though I will write about what I will be doing at Ayurveda retreat everyday, you may want to see where I will be staying in their web page. OK, time to leave for the airport!


インドではアーユルヴェーダリトリートに滞在するのだがその様子は毎日ブログに書き記しておきたいというのがプラン(あくまでもプランだが)。とりあえずどんなところに行くのか見てみたい方はこちらの web page からどうぞ。ではそろそろ空港に向かいます! 

Tokyo – November 2012

When was the last time I went up to the observatory tower observatory…? As I had a plan to go for dinner near Tokyo tower on the day, I decided to do mini sightseeing in Tokyo where I had lived for 20 years or so. Even after sunset, it never gets totally dark in Tokyo. It was lovely though 🙂

前回東京タワーの展望台に行ったのはいつだっただろうか・・・? 久々に行ってみた東京タワー。空が暗くなっても東京は明るいのだった・・・。きれいだけどね。




