My Lovely Dining Experience in London Last Week

I had spent one week in Japan and flew to London, mainly, to see a football match. Rather than writing about the football match, I wanted to write about what I ate there (not because the result of match wasn't that exciting but because my dining experience was fantastic 😉


After the football match, we went for dinner to Spanish restaurant, Tendido Cuatro. A friend had told me me their paella is superb! We started with Iberian ham, fried aubergine and Spanish omelet. All of them were very nice, and Iberian ham was superb! If I had a chance to go to the same restaurant, I would definitely have Iberian ham 🙂



And the huge pan of paella was served! Wow! And as the friend told me, it was delicious. Three of us finished it but didn't have any more space in the tummy left for dessert 😉


All the restaurant staffs were native Spanish speakers. Tendido Cuatro is authentic Spanish restaurant, in my opinion.



For the next morning, I searched lovely cafe which serves lovely breakfast in the Time Out web page. (I always look at the Time Out to check out restaurants, cafes and happenings in London.) And I chose to go to a Kiwi cafe Kopapa

翌朝は素敵な朝ごはんが食べたいと思って 私がロンドンでおいしいお店を探すのに愛用しているTime OutのWeb pageで朝ごはんのおいしい店をチェック。(朝ごはん情報はこちら 以前から気になっていたKopapaに行くことにした。


My breakfast, Spiced banana French toast with grilled bacon, orange blossom labne, tamarind raisin relish & orange vanilla syrup, was lovely without being too sweet! Bacon was cooked in very English way. It was cold rainy Monday morning but the cafe and lovely breakfast uplifted my spirit 🙂

いただいたのはこちらのフレンチトースト (Spiced banana French toast with grilled bacon, orange blossom labne, tamarind raisin relish & orange vanilla syrup)。 とてもさわやかな口当たりのフレンチトースト。そしてベーコンがいかにもイギリス風。晴天で紅葉がきらきらしていた前日とは打って変わって雨模様の月曜日の朝はKopapaのカフェでゆっくり、まったりクオリティの高い朝ごはんを楽しんだ。


In the afternoon, we visited Jamie's Italian restaurant! I like Jamie Oliver and it had been in my wish list to go to his restaurants. I wasn't sure if we could get a table but we tried to have late lunch there. The ground floor was busy and almost full but we got a table downstairs. 


I wanted to have very Jamie dish. My observation on how Jamie cooks and how he uses his inspiration in cooking and ingredients made me choose Jamie's Italian burger. Burger doesn't sound very Italian but it is Jamie, there must be something very Jamie in including it in his Italian menu! 


The burger was huge! And photogenic! Many friends like the photo in my Facebook 😉 And it tasted great and healthy! 

で、出てきたバーガーがこれ! びっくりする大きさ。でも写真に撮るとインパクトがあっていい感じ。味も上々。パテがおいしかったな~。大きかったけど完食。Facebookで写真を見た友達からどうやって食べたのかという質問があったけど、もちろん分解して食べた次第。



After eating such big burger, I didn't have any extra space for dolce though I usually say "You can't say you ate Italian without having dolce" 😉 Luckily, a friend had gelato and I could take a photo and taste it a little 🙂 I thought gelato was really good as scoops were not huge and they tasted lovely!



So, is food but in Britain as bad as its reputation? It might have been so some time ago. But recently, there have been a lot of choices of good restaurants and cafes. Whenever I come to London, I enjoy lovely cafes and restaurants. Looking forward to next time :) 


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