Flying to India :)

I have waited for today for long time. I am flying to India and stay there for two weeks. Today, I will be only flying and arrive at India tomorrow morning (their time). 17 hours from Helsinki to South of India sounds painful. But this time, I am excited about it, too. I will fly from Helsinki to St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg to Dubai and Dubai to  Trivandrum which I hadn't been able to remember till yesterday. I will fly with the Emirates which I have dreamed of flying with (You Know, Fly Emirate!) I will also have about four hours at Dubai airport which I heard to be one of the most luxuries airport in the world!!! 

Though I will write about what I will be doing at Ayurveda retreat everyday, you may want to see where I will be staying in their web page. OK, time to leave for the airport!


インドではアーユルヴェーダリトリートに滞在するのだがその様子は毎日ブログに書き記しておきたいというのがプラン(あくまでもプランだが)。とりあえずどんなところに行くのか見てみたい方はこちらの web page からどうぞ。ではそろそろ空港に向かいます! 

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