What is Ayurveda?/From Kerala, India

(Doctor who gave lecture)

You might be wondering what I am talking about when I mention Ayurveda. I have known about it for some time by attending some workshops, reading books and having Ayurveda massage but I had another opportunity to learn about it yesterday. I participated in the lecture given by Ayurveda doctor in the retreat. It happened to be one to one class and I enjoyed listening to what the doctor explains and asking questions.


Ayurveda is Science dealing with Life. (ayur means life and veda means science in Sanscrit.) It has more than 3000-year history. It is believed to be given from the heaven, thus holy.

アーユルヴェーダはサンスクリット語なのだが ayurはlife (生命、人生、ライフ), vedaはscience(科学・知識) を意味する。少なくとも3000年以上前からインドで伝承されているいわゆる医学でそれは天から授けられた神聖なものだといわれている。

Ayurvedahas has concepts of three functional elements (dosha) and five structural elements (Pancha Maha Bootha) . According to Ayurveda, every living and non-living being in this universe is a combination of five basic eternal elements in various compositions. Hence every cell of body possesses all the properties of life. The five structural elements are Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. These eternal elements manifest in the human Body as three basic principles or subtle energies (Tridosha in Sanskrit). All the functions in the body is governed by doshas and everyone has those three doshas, Vahta (wiind), Pitha(fire) and Kapha(water). But everyone has difference balance of doshas and usually have dominant elements. It could be one, combination of two or three elements are almost equal though the doctor told me most people have combination of two doshas as dominant one. Dominant dosha is one's body constitution. Each dosha is connected to certain structural elements and has its own physical, physiological and psychological (emotional) characteristics. For example, air and ether elements are combined to Vahta. I have Vahta is one of the doshas in my constitution. Vahta can't stay at one place and would like to move and travel 😉 Air and Ether is always moving 🙂 Makes sense?


Ayurveda centre

(Entrance of Ayurvedic Center)

From Ayurvedic point of view, people become ill (including migraine, sore shoulders, stress etc.) when balance of doshas was disturbed and treatment of the ill is to re-balance doshas. Part of the treatment is massage I am having every morning. I am also having different kinds of herbal medicine at the retreat and eating food according to my doshas. Yoga is also part of Ayurveda. There is much much more about philosophy and treatment and it is really interesting to get to know it. I think you could Google it if you would like to know more 😉


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