Cambusa – Blissful Italian @ Yokohama, Japan

Admittedly, I didn't explore as many restaurant as I usually would do in Japan when I visited there at the beginning of November for a week. But I was lucky to have friends who suggested to go for lunch to a lovely Italian restaurant, Cambusa. It was hidden in the area I had never imagined to find such a lovely restaurant, near Yokohama station.

11月の初めに1週間ほど横浜に行っていた。今回はいつもほどレストランの開拓に励まなかったのだけれど、友達のお薦め、なかなか予約のとれない横浜のイタリアン、Cambusa に行くことができた。まさかそんなところにというような横浜駅西口の裏通りにある隠れ家という感じのこの店、感激のおいしさだった。


All the dishes were tasty and joyful. Among them, I loved the pasta with broccoli and pork as much as I tried to cook something similar when I came back to Helsinki. Broccoli was cooked right (not too hard but not too soft) and pork had right amount of fat (not too fatty but not too dry!). When it was served I thought it was sparkling! (I mean it looked gorgeous!)




Pizza margarita's presentation was entertaining. The pizza chef was friend's friend and put some special decoration on our pizza (see them in the picture below ;-) 





Also we had very individual cappuccino. We were four and everyone got different picture in the foam 🙂

カプチーノも特別仕様。わたしたち4人にそれぞれ違うデザインのカプチーノが :) かぶりものをした女の子(笑。  


ごちそうさまでした~。Thank you very much for the lovely meal, Cambusa!



London Last Week – Other than Food ;-)


What else did I do other than eating in London? As I mentioned in the previous post, I went to see a football match, Chelsea – Liverpool at Stamford Bridge. It was my first time to visit Stamford Bridge filled with blue shirts! I support the red team but I was supported by blue shirts supporters 😉 And it was very funny that most supporters in the area we had seats were Russians. Obviously Chelsea's got a lot of Russian supporters. Anyhow, at this match, neither of them played well (or rather disappointing quality of play) and resulted in 1-1 draw. So, the friend who support the blue team and got ticket for the match and I who support the red team are still friends after the match. It's not a bad result from that point of view 😉 And I saw both my favorite players, Gerrard and Torres! (Torres is in the wrong team though!)  
さて、ロンドンではひたすら食べていただけではなくて前のポストにも書いたようにサッカーを見に行ったのだが・・・我がチーム、リバプールは青く染まる敵地スタンフォードブリッジでチェルシーと1対1の引き分け。人気の高い2チームの試合だったんだが、結果はともかく、あまりプロらしいプレーの見られない残念な内容であった。それでも私がサッカー界でもっとも大好きな選手2人が登場していたので見に行けたのはほんとうにラッキー。チケットを取ってくれたロンドンの友達に大感謝。青いチームのサポーターの友人であるが、この際そんなことはどうでもいい。サッカー見れるだけで幸せなのだ 😉
On the match day, Sunday, weather was beautiful though it was a bit chilly. Before seeing a friend for coffee, I had gone for a walk to St. James park. Colored leaves were lovely and I loved walking in the park. I love gardens and parks in England :) 
サッカーを見に行った日曜日はちょっと寒かったけどとてもいいお天気。友達と会ってお茶をする前にSt James Park に散歩に行った。紅葉が美しくて写真を撮りまくり(笑。とっても楽しい散歩だった。イングランドのガーデンや公園はほんとに素敵。季節がいつであってもイングランドに行くと公園を歩きたくなるのだ。
The Sunday was also Remembrance Day ( a memorial day observed in Commonwealth countries since the end of World War I to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty.) And I saw one of the memorial events near the Buckingham Palace.
この日曜日はRemembrance Day といって第一次世界大戦で亡くなったイギリス連邦の兵士のメモリアルデーでもあった。下の写真はそのセレモニーの一部。
Of course, the Royal family attended a memorial ceremony and a lot of people were waiting for them coming out of the palace. I missed the moment walking in the park! What a shame!
I expected the lovely weather would continue next day. But it was cloudy and rainy on Monday. I still went to take pictures to the Kingston Park. Even though sky wasn't lovely, colored leaves were beautiful. It was just very difficult to take good picturew with the colorless sky!
I also visited the Kingston Palace and liked it! 

My Lovely Dining Experience in London Last Week

I had spent one week in Japan and flew to London, mainly, to see a football match. Rather than writing about the football match, I wanted to write about what I ate there (not because the result of match wasn't that exciting but because my dining experience was fantastic 😉


After the football match, we went for dinner to Spanish restaurant, Tendido Cuatro. A friend had told me me their paella is superb! We started with Iberian ham, fried aubergine and Spanish omelet. All of them were very nice, and Iberian ham was superb! If I had a chance to go to the same restaurant, I would definitely have Iberian ham 🙂



And the huge pan of paella was served! Wow! And as the friend told me, it was delicious. Three of us finished it but didn't have any more space in the tummy left for dessert 😉


All the restaurant staffs were native Spanish speakers. Tendido Cuatro is authentic Spanish restaurant, in my opinion.



For the next morning, I searched lovely cafe which serves lovely breakfast in the Time Out web page. (I always look at the Time Out to check out restaurants, cafes and happenings in London.) And I chose to go to a Kiwi cafe Kopapa

翌朝は素敵な朝ごはんが食べたいと思って 私がロンドンでおいしいお店を探すのに愛用しているTime OutのWeb pageで朝ごはんのおいしい店をチェック。(朝ごはん情報はこちら 以前から気になっていたKopapaに行くことにした。


My breakfast, Spiced banana French toast with grilled bacon, orange blossom labne, tamarind raisin relish & orange vanilla syrup, was lovely without being too sweet! Bacon was cooked in very English way. It was cold rainy Monday morning but the cafe and lovely breakfast uplifted my spirit 🙂

いただいたのはこちらのフレンチトースト (Spiced banana French toast with grilled bacon, orange blossom labne, tamarind raisin relish & orange vanilla syrup)。 とてもさわやかな口当たりのフレンチトースト。そしてベーコンがいかにもイギリス風。晴天で紅葉がきらきらしていた前日とは打って変わって雨模様の月曜日の朝はKopapaのカフェでゆっくり、まったりクオリティの高い朝ごはんを楽しんだ。


In the afternoon, we visited Jamie's Italian restaurant! I like Jamie Oliver and it had been in my wish list to go to his restaurants. I wasn't sure if we could get a table but we tried to have late lunch there. The ground floor was busy and almost full but we got a table downstairs. 


I wanted to have very Jamie dish. My observation on how Jamie cooks and how he uses his inspiration in cooking and ingredients made me choose Jamie's Italian burger. Burger doesn't sound very Italian but it is Jamie, there must be something very Jamie in including it in his Italian menu! 


The burger was huge! And photogenic! Many friends like the photo in my Facebook 😉 And it tasted great and healthy! 

で、出てきたバーガーがこれ! びっくりする大きさ。でも写真に撮るとインパクトがあっていい感じ。味も上々。パテがおいしかったな~。大きかったけど完食。Facebookで写真を見た友達からどうやって食べたのかという質問があったけど、もちろん分解して食べた次第。



After eating such big burger, I didn't have any extra space for dolce though I usually say "You can't say you ate Italian without having dolce" 😉 Luckily, a friend had gelato and I could take a photo and taste it a little 🙂 I thought gelato was really good as scoops were not huge and they tasted lovely!



So, is food but in Britain as bad as its reputation? It might have been so some time ago. But recently, there have been a lot of choices of good restaurants and cafes. Whenever I come to London, I enjoy lovely cafes and restaurants. Looking forward to next time :) 


Twenty-Eight Hours in Munich


On the way back from Belgrade, I stopped over at Munich and spent 28 hours. The captain on the flight from Belgrade told us it was snowing and freezing-point temperature in Munich and I got excited about it (I like snow!). When we arrived at the Munich airport, it was very snowy and windy, OMG! I chatted with the guy sitting next to me about the weather and he told me he didn't have any coat as he didn't expect such weather at all on his way back to Brussels and I told him I was prepared as I live in Finland 😉 Anyway, next morning, I was delighted to see snow covered trees, buildings and ground. Beautiful! Also we had one extra hour to sleep in as the time changed on that Sunday from summer time to winter time (winter time is not the right word as winter time is just ordinary time but we call it "winter time" or is it only me who says so? ;-) 

ベオグラードの帰りに立ち寄ったミュンヘンでは28時間の滞在。ベオグラードからミュンヘンに向かう機内のアナウンスでミュンヘンの天気は雪、ちょうど0℃くらいというのを聞いてひそかに盛り上がる私。雪が好きなのだ ;-) 隣に座っていたベルギー人は、コートをもっていないとあせっていたが、私はもちろん準備万端。なんてたってフィンランドに住んでるからいつでも寒い気候に対応できるような準備ができてる(笑。実際ミュンヘンの空港に着陸するとそこは大雪、っていうか風が強くてまるで吹雪。こんなんじゃなくても、って思うくらい。とにかくそんな雪が積もって翌朝は窓の外にとても素敵な風景が・・・建物も来も地面もすべて白い雪で覆われて、とてもマジカル。しかもこの日は夏時間から冬時間に変わる日だったので1時間余分に眠れたし・・・(ちなみに冬時間というのはあまり正しくない言い方。冬時間が普通の時間で夏時間が特別なのだ。が、冬時間って使うことも多いような・・・って私だけ?)



Breakfast at Frenzy added more fun to the morning. They have a lot of choices in the breakfast menu and  I had gone through the menu before I went to Munich. (I don't understand German and needed to be prepared to maximize the breakfast joy!) I chose pancakes with cinnamon, maple syrup and plenty of fruits and yogurt with (again) plenty of fruits. It was presented lovely and tasted nice 🙂 I loved the breakfast 🙂 Not only the food but also I liked the interior decoration of the cafe, especially the flower wall paper which I forgot to take a picture of as I was too excited about breakfast to document other things! The cafe was all the time full and more people were coming in while we were there. And most people including us seem to have made table reservations. If you had a chance to have breakfast on weekends whatever weather would be, try Frenzy! They offer breakfast only on weekends.

そんな素敵な雪の朝をさらに素敵にしてくれたのがFrenzy 。ここで朝ごはん。種類の豊富なメニューはもちろんドイツ語。というわけで事前に予習をしていった私(笑。(食べるときにはいつも真剣。グルメなのだ!) シナモンパンケーキにメイプルシロップとフルーツ。そしてさらにフルーツ入りのヨーグルトを注文。どちらもほんとにフルーツたっぷりでとても素敵な盛り付け。とってもおいしかった。素敵だったのは食べ物だけじゃない。店内のインテリア、とくにお花模様の壁紙がとってもラブリー。パンケーキで盛り上がりすぎて写真を撮るのを忘れてしまったけれど・・・。もしミュンヘンに立ち寄る機会があればぜひチェックしてみてください。朝ごはんは週末のみ。


After breakfast, we went to visit The Nymphenburg Palace. Everything was white and it was really really lovely! It was really cold though 😉 This was my first snow of the season as I missed it in Helsinki which had snow a couple of days earlier than Munich. I was in Belgrade with a lot of sunshine on the day, which wasn't bad either 😉

素敵なブレックファストの後はNymphenburg Palaceでお散歩。シティセンターに近いところにこんなお城と公園が。こういうところがミュンヘンのよいところだったりする。すべて白く染まったその風景はほんとにほんとに素敵だった。写真もたくさん撮ったし。でも超寒かった・・・なにはともあれ、これが私にとって今シーズンの初雪。この2-3日前にヘルシンキでも雪が降ったのだが、その日は暖かく晴れたベオグラードにいたので雪で盛り上がるヘルシンキの友達に遅れをとってしまった。って、そんな青空の下にいるのも楽しかったけどね。

One of good things about Munich is such lovely places are located close to the city center. You could easily access to the Nymphenburg Palace by tram or bus from the city center. 




Now I am in Japan arriving here last Friday… I have been busy catching up friends, eating fantastic food, shopping and renewing my Japanese driver’s license. 

But I still wanted to share the pictures I took in Belgrade two weeks or so ago. It feels like ages ago when I was there but it was only a couple of weeks ago. As I mentioned in my previous post from Belgrade, I was studying really hard to learn Bach Flower Remedies. So, I saw the city only briefly in the evening. But it was still exciting to go out to see something I hadn’t seen before with my camera.






The above three pictures were from the Fortress where I went one evening after the class. It seems to be a great place to visit for a walk but it was too dark to walk around when I visited though illumination was lovely!




Weather was much warmer in Belgrade than Helsinki understandably! And I enjoyed walking in the nearby park during lunch break. It was really lovely to be in the sunshine as it had been rainy for long time in Helsinki.

ベオグラードのお天気はヘルシンキよりも断然暖かくて、青空もきれいだった。昼休みは近くの公園を散歩。それまでずっと雨で寒いヘルシンキにいたのでそんな青空の下での散歩はなんだかとても素敵だった 🙂