

We flew to Stockholm today. Though we didn't have much time to see around, a view from Katarinahuset at Sulssen metro station was lovely 🙂
And Christmas is coming!!!

Last Week, I Ate, Ate, and Ate – @Helsinki


In very very snowy Helsinki, last week was really a gourmet week for me. 


On Wednesday, I went to Wagococoro to enjoy the best sushi in Helsinki (and Finland!). I loved eel with mayonnaise the best among all the yummy sushi fish. I was simply wondering why sushi taste so good… and decided sushi is the best thing Japan ever invented. Oh, I also decided to eat at Wagocoro once a week ;-) 



After having sushi, we went to Kawa cafe for coffee and dessert. Though we wished they have had pulla which the owner's mum baked, we were told the "mum" was too busy to bake nowadays. Then we noticed freshly bake chocolate cake just coming out from the oven. Even though I don't usually eat chocolate cake as it is often too sweet, my instinct told me this chocolate cake was superb! So, I followed my instinct and it was right!!! Though it wasn't small portion after sushi lunch, I managed to finish it… (I had to skip dinner, of course!!! and I didn't have breakfast next morning) So, did a friend who usually don't choose to eat chocolate cake either 😉 The cake wasn't too sweet and it was aerial. Nuts went very well with the chocolate 🙂

お寿司の後はお茶。 Kawa cafeに向かう。お寿司を食べたあとはなんだかプッラが食べたくなるのだ。カフェのオーナーのお母さんが作るプッラがないだろうか・・・と期待していたのだが、最近お母さんは忙しすぎてプッラを作ってる時間がないとか・・・でもオーブンから出てきたてのチョコレートケーキが。普段はチョコレートケーキは避けるのだが(甘すぎて食べられない)、このケーキ、とてもおいしい予感が・・・そんな予感はとってもあたっていて、全然重くない食感、全然甘すぎないし、ナッツとチョコレートのコンビネーションがぴったり・・・実は同じくチョコレートケーキは好みじゃないという一緒に行った友達もこのチョコレートケーキを思わず頼んでしまったのだ。二人とも完食。おいしくて残せなかったのだ。でも、その後はお腹が張り裂けそうになり、もちろん夕飯はパス・・・翌日もあまりご飯を食べなかった(笑。


I have totally forgot I had desset with coffee on Thursday evening until now when I was looking at my photos I too last week. But I did have petit desset at Patisserie Teemu & Markus. I now remember that I intended to have only coffee but when I saw the lovely desset, I couldn't resist 😉 Well the portion was small!

さっき写真を見るまで忘れていたのだが、木曜日にもスイーツをいただいていたことを思い出した。コーヒーだけのつもりが、Teemu & Markusで素敵なプレゼンのスイーツを見たら頼まずにいられなかった(笑。でもこれはプチサイズ・・・デザートはこのくらいのサイズがちょうどいいわね。


On Friday, friends and I had dinner at Hoku. It was my second time to go there. The previous time, I wasn't that much impressed by their food but this time, I was very impressed! And all friends there liked what they got 🙂 I really really liked the appetizer, salmon tataki (seared salmon) served with tofu, friend sweet onion and ponzu dressing. I had kuha fish stuffed with snow crab, prawn, lup cheong (sweet Chinese sausage), steamed, and served with a tomato-lemon beurre blanc. It was the best dishe of kuha fish I have ever had in Finland and other who had the same dish agreed with me. (photos are out of focus but hope you can see how they were like 😉

金曜日は Hoku で友達とディナー。このお店に行くのは2回目。1回目はまあ普通においしいお店という印象だったのだが、今回はとてもおいしいお店だと思った。一緒に行ったみんなも大満足だったし。特に前菜でいただいたサーモンのたたきがおいしかった。おいしいサーモンとたたきの下に敷かれたお豆腐とカリカリに揚げられたスイートオニオンとポン酢ドレッシング、大満足。メインにはクハという魚をいただいた。カニ、エビ、中国のソーセージの詰め物がされたクハ。フィンランドの魚料理でよく登場するクハだが、いつもそれほどおいしいとは思わなかった。が、このお料理はとても美味。同じ料理を食べていた友達たちも同じ意見。そしてまたまたお腹がいっぱいすぎ。さすがに食べ切れなかった・・・(写真は手振れしていますが、雰囲気だけども見てもらえると思います。)



And and and… yesterday, I went to have brunch at fleuriste. Everything was perfect there as usual except I had to go for a walk for a while as all the table were occupied when I went there just after 12 o'clock. And the cheesecake with lingonberries included in the brunch was so so so perfect! (again, I was too full to eat dinner… and skipped it…)

そして昨日はfleuristeでブランチを。いつもながらすべてが素敵なこのカフェ。12時過ぎにお店に行くと店内は超満員・・・ということでしばらく散歩に出てテーブルが空くまで時間をつぶさなければならなかった。ブランチはいつものように美味、なかでもリンゴンベリーのチーズケーキは絶品。チーズケーキの甘さとベリーの酸っぱさが最高のマッチ。 そしてまたまた超満腹になりディナーはパス・・・


I don't know what made me eat so much, especially sweets, last week. My stomach is tired now and I am trying to have moderate and healthier diet. 


Happy Brunch at Kawa cafe @ Helsinki

Somehow I had been always out of town when Kawa cafe served Saturday brunch. (It is not served every weekend!) But today, I am in Helsinki and had fun and yummy brunch there 🙂 Though I wasn't sure if a table was available as we didn't make a reservation, we were lucky to have a table at the counter while all other table were reserved.

お気に入りのカフェ、Kawa カフェでブランチのある土曜日はなぜかいつも旅に出かけていた。(ブランチは毎週あるわけじゃないのだ) ずっと行きたいと思っていたそのブランチ、今日ついにいただくことができたのだ。予約してなかったのでどうかなと思ったのだが、ラッキーにも席がカウンター席が空いたのでそのおいしいブランチを存分に楽しんできた。


The most entertaining part of the brunch was their jumbo burger! It was huge, really huge. Look at the picture! We put the ordinary size make-your-own burger next to the jumbo burger 😉 And, of course, I tried the jumbo burger!!! Oh, no worries! This is not for one person but it was part of buffet brunch and I took a small piece out of the jumbo burger. Loved the taste, especially, the home made bread roll was delicious! 

本日のブランチの目玉はこのジャンボバーガー。ほんとにでかい! 大きさ比較のために普通サイズのハンバーガーを隣に置いてみた(笑。ジャンボバーガーは大きくて目を引くだけではなくて味もとってもおいしかった。特にバンズ(パン)が自家製で絶妙においしかった。ちなみにこの普通サイズのハンバーガーもブランチの一部。材料が置いてあって自分で好きな具を入れて作るハンバーガーなのだ。そしてどちらのバーガーも美味。どちらも食べたのか、食べすぎじゃないか?!とご心配の皆様、ご心配なく。ジャンボバーガーは一人分というわけでなくてこの大きいやつをケーキのようにみんなで取り分けて食べるというビュッフェの一部だったので少しだけ切っていただいたので(笑。


All other food was fresh and tasty as well. The cafe never disppoints me!!! I am really happy for the lovely brunch :) 

バーガーだけでなくてほかの料理もフレッシュでおいしかった。Kawa カフェで期待を裏切られたことはないのだ。こんな素敵なブランチを食べた後は(食べるてるときもだけど)、ほんとにハッピー。食事はこうでなくちゃね 🙂


oh… and never forget about dessert at Kawa cafe 🙂 These are included in the brunch buffet!



Happy Independence Day, Finland!


The day before was Finland's independence day. It is a national holiday and many ceremonies were held in the country. Finland has long history of being under Swedish rule and Russian rule. And it has been only 95 years since it got independent.



It was snowing a lot on the independence day this year but I went out to see the torch parade. Every year, on Independence Day, the students in Helsinki organize a torch parade. Finnish students usually wear their white student hat for the occasion. Parade starts from Hietaniemi cemetery and ends at the Senate Square. Both places have significant meaning in Finnish history.



At the Senate Square, they sang Finnish national anthem in Finnish and Swedish (both are Finnish national languages) and several speeches telling importance of students in the past and in the future  were made by mayor of Helsinki and student unions. The ceremony was not showy or fancy but it was nice and very Finnish. And I said thank you to Finland for their accommodating me and giving me opportunities to experience something different from what I had in my own country.



Coming Home – @ Helsinki


The day before, I flew back from Kerala. Even though it was lovely to be in India, it is also nice to be back home and sleep in my own bed and have my favorite coffee when I get up 🙂

The biggest difference I feel between here and there is weather, of course. Everyday, temperature in Kerala was over 30 degrees often with more than 80% humidity. In Helsinki, it was less than -10 degrees yesterday when I went out and humidity in my flat is only 20%! Huge difference, isn't it?!? 



Yesterday, I caught up with friends over coffee and over dinner and saw a lot of Christmassy stuff and snow in the town. Among them, I loved the ginger cookie decoration we saw at Kiseleffin talo

帰国した翌日の昨日は近所の友達とお茶したり、もともと同じ会社で働いていた友人たちと集まってご飯を食べたり。 街はひたすらクリスマスムード。クリスマスデコレーションがあちこちに。そんな中でもKiseleffin talo の陣j-クッキーのデコレーションがとってもキュート 🙂 (写真のバッグ、帽子、いす、スリッパ、タイプライターなどなど、これ全部ジンジャークッキー!)




By the way, Giselle Tea & Cafe served the best meringue in Helsinki! It wasn't the giant-size meringue which you see at almost all other cafes in Helsinki. It was small and tasty one 🙂

ところで、Kiseleffin taloの中にあるGiselle Tea & Cafeで食べたメレンゲのお菓子。とってもおいしかった。こちらでメレンゲというとどこのカフェでも同じ超巨大で絶対食べきれないと思うようなものしか見たことなかったのだが、ここのメレンゲはオリジナル。かわいらしくおいしくてカプチーノのお供に最適!


Picture-Perfect Scenery – Backwater Tour/ From Kerala, India


Time to leave India is getting closer. I have only two more days here. Yesterday, a friend and I went to Backwater Tour which was included in our treatment & stay package at Somertheeram Ayurveda Resort. 



Somewhat, my expectation wasn't that high as I didn't know much about beautiful nature at Kerala backwater. But the scenery was amazing! Though I had a chair to sit down, relax and enjoy quietness and beauty, I was standing up almost all the time to shoot pictures 🙂


(Our captain)

The boat tour started at the backwater which was located about 20-minute drive from Somertheeram. There wasn't other people on the same boat. A friend, captain and me on the small wooden boat. Boat went forward slowly. There are several motor boats overtook us but we  definitely loved our slow boat! Even though it was sunny and hot day, we had nice breeze all the time and it was really lovely 🙂





(the moment I wish I have had another lens! 望遠レンズがほしかった!)

We saw trees, flowers, fruits on the trees, birds bathing people, sandy beach, etc on the way. What I liked the most among them was beautiful reflection of trees on the surface of the water. It was so so so beautiful! And I was so so so happy to be there at that moments. 

バックウォーターを囲む自然の美しさは圧巻だった。なかでも私が一番感動したのは水面に映った景色。そのエメラルドグリーンっぽい水面に映るグリーンの葉っぱや空・・・ほんとにほんとに美しかった :) ケララに来てとてもよかったと想う時間だった。

Two hours on boat was absolutely delightful. 

FYI, Poover is the place we went yesterday for the tour.
