Picture-Perfect Scenery – Backwater Tour/ From Kerala, India


Time to leave India is getting closer. I have only two more days here. Yesterday, a friend and I went to Backwater Tour which was included in our treatment & stay package at Somertheeram Ayurveda Resort. 



Somewhat, my expectation wasn't that high as I didn't know much about beautiful nature at Kerala backwater. But the scenery was amazing! Though I had a chair to sit down, relax and enjoy quietness and beauty, I was standing up almost all the time to shoot pictures 🙂


(Our captain)

The boat tour started at the backwater which was located about 20-minute drive from Somertheeram. There wasn't other people on the same boat. A friend, captain and me on the small wooden boat. Boat went forward slowly. There are several motor boats overtook us but we  definitely loved our slow boat! Even though it was sunny and hot day, we had nice breeze all the time and it was really lovely 🙂





(the moment I wish I have had another lens! 望遠レンズがほしかった!)

We saw trees, flowers, fruits on the trees, birds bathing people, sandy beach, etc on the way. What I liked the most among them was beautiful reflection of trees on the surface of the water. It was so so so beautiful! And I was so so so happy to be there at that moments. 

バックウォーターを囲む自然の美しさは圧巻だった。なかでも私が一番感動したのは水面に映った景色。そのエメラルドグリーンっぽい水面に映るグリーンの葉っぱや空・・・ほんとにほんとに美しかった :) ケララに来てとてもよかったと想う時間だった。

Two hours on boat was absolutely delightful. 

FYI, Poover is the place we went yesterday for the tour. http://www.kerelatourism.com/poovar.html


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