Coming Home – @ Helsinki


The day before, I flew back from Kerala. Even though it was lovely to be in India, it is also nice to be back home and sleep in my own bed and have my favorite coffee when I get up 🙂

The biggest difference I feel between here and there is weather, of course. Everyday, temperature in Kerala was over 30 degrees often with more than 80% humidity. In Helsinki, it was less than -10 degrees yesterday when I went out and humidity in my flat is only 20%! Huge difference, isn't it?!? 



Yesterday, I caught up with friends over coffee and over dinner and saw a lot of Christmassy stuff and snow in the town. Among them, I loved the ginger cookie decoration we saw at Kiseleffin talo

帰国した翌日の昨日は近所の友達とお茶したり、もともと同じ会社で働いていた友人たちと集まってご飯を食べたり。 街はひたすらクリスマスムード。クリスマスデコレーションがあちこちに。そんな中でもKiseleffin talo の陣j-クッキーのデコレーションがとってもキュート 🙂 (写真のバッグ、帽子、いす、スリッパ、タイプライターなどなど、これ全部ジンジャークッキー!)




By the way, Giselle Tea & Cafe served the best meringue in Helsinki! It wasn't the giant-size meringue which you see at almost all other cafes in Helsinki. It was small and tasty one 🙂

ところで、Kiseleffin taloの中にあるGiselle Tea & Cafeで食べたメレンゲのお菓子。とってもおいしかった。こちらでメレンゲというとどこのカフェでも同じ超巨大で絶対食べきれないと思うようなものしか見たことなかったのだが、ここのメレンゲはオリジナル。かわいらしくおいしくてカプチーノのお供に最適!


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