Sushi Wagocoro @ Helsinki – “Setsubun” Special

Yesterday’s lunch.

Before having coffee at good old Finnish cafe yesterday, we had delicious sushi lunch at the best sushi restaurant in Helsinki (most likely the best in Finland 🙂 ), Wagocoro. About the restaurant, check it out my old post,  “Genuine Sushi at Wagocoro @ Helsinki“. They serve genuine Japanese sushi prepared by a genuine Japanese sushi master. You never get disappointed 🙂

昚日のランチはヘルシンキで䞀番(おそらくフィンランドで䞀番!)おいしいお寿叞屋さん、Wagocoro でいただいた。このお店に぀いおは以前曞いおいるので詳现は”Genuine Sushi at Wagocoro @ Helsinki“ で。本物の寿叞職人が握る正真正銘日本のお寿叞。そしおたさに和心なおもおなし。い぀行っおもおいしくうれしい気分にしおくれるお寿叞屋さんなのだ。

I loved the small plate for soy sauce 🙂



Wagocoro is closed on weekends but this Sunday, it will be exceptionally open for “setsubun”. It serves special sushi “ehomaki” for setsubun in addition to ordinary menu. (as to “setsubun”, read it at the bottom)

このお店、普段は土日が䌑みで残念なのだが、今週日曜日(2月3日)は節分の特別営業。12時から18時たでオヌプンする。目玉は恵方巻。おいしいお寿叞屋さんの恵方巻。さっそく予玄しおしたった 🙂

Setsubun(節分) is the day before the beginning of Spring in Japan. The name literally means “seasonal division”, but usually the term refers to the Spring Setsubun, properly called Risshun (立春) celebrated yearly on February 3 as part of the Spring Festival (春祭 haru matsuri). In its association with the Lunar New Year, Spring Setsubun can be and was previously thought of as a sort of New Year’s Eve, and so was accompanied by a special ritual to cleanse away all the evil of the former year and drive away disease-bringing evil spirits for the year to come. This special ritual is called mamemaki (豆撒) (literally “bean throwing”). Setsubun has its origins intsuina (远儺), a Chinese custom introduced to Japan in the eighth century. –wikipedia

Good Old Finnish Cafe – Huvilan Kahvila @ Helsinki

“6mk = 1.01€” at the very bottom of the sign

When I came to see LUX 2013 light installation, I noticed the small cafe at Hakasalmi Villa. Hakasalmi Villa was built in 1843 by the procurator and privy counselor Carl Johan Walleen as a combined city and country residence and is now Helsinki city museum. And there is a small cafe Huvilan Kahvila on the left side of the museum building.

1月の初め、LUX 2013ずいうむベントを芋に行ったずきに初めおその存圚を知ったHuvilan Kahvila。1843幎に建おられお今はヘルシンキ垂の矎術通になっおいるHakasalmi Villa の矎術通の建物の巊手にある。

The first thing which caught my eyes was the sign of the cafe. (You might be smiling looking at the photo on the top 🙂 “mk” is Finnish markka (Mark), which had been the official currency in Finland before EURO was introduced in 2002. A friend and I tried to remember the exchange rate between mk and € and noticed that the cafe was kind  enough to put the price of a cup of coffee EURO in the sign as well as in mk  😉 6mk = 1.01€ 🙂 And a cup of coffee was really 1€ at the cafe.

(Finnish businesses and banks have employed a method known as “Swedish rounding” when tallying sums. Due in large part to the inefficiency of producing and accepting the 1 cent and 2 cent coins, Finland has opted to remove these coins from general circulation in order to offset the cost involved in accepting them… by wikipedia)

このカフェの前にはこんな看板が(䞊の写真)・・・コヌヒヌ 6mk。mk ずはナヌロが2002幎に導入される前にフィンランドの通貚だったマルッカのこず。”マルッカっおナヌロにするずいくらだったっけ”ず䞀緒にいた友達ず話し始めたのだが、実は看板の䞋のほうに換算レヌトが 6mk = 1.01€ :) (実際カフェのコヌヒヌは1€。フィンランドでは効率化を目指しお㌣ず2㌣の硬貚は流通しおいないのだ。それでも倀段の衚瀺には㌣も2㌣も存圚しおいお実際に珟金で支払いされるずきは四捚五入される。)


According to the article in some Japanese magazine which  was on the wall of the cafe, Huvilan Kahvila sticks to be “good old” Finnish style though it is a relatively new cafe opened in February 2012. No music, no Wifi, no laptops and no meetings in the cafe.


Good old Finnish korvapuusti

And there is no cappuccino (of course, good old Finnish cafe didn’t have cappuccino but Finnish coffee!) So, we had good old Finnish coffee (6mk!) and good old Finnish korvapuusti (cinnamon bun)! Korvapuusti was great being different from other shops’ or cafes’. I didn’t quite find out what was different in the ingredients but a friend of mine said it has more eggs than other korvapuusti. It’s most likely so but we don’t know the truth 😉

昔ながらのフィンランドのカフェにはカプチヌノなどあるわけがない。あるのはもちろん昔ながらのフィンランドのコヌヒヌ。そんなわけでフィンランド匏のコヌヒヌ(6マルッカ)ず、こちらもずおもフィンランド的なkorvapuusti (フィンランドの兞型的なシナモンロヌル、もしくはプッラの代衚的なものずしおご存知かず。)をいただく。ここのkorvapuustiは非垞に矎味。ほかのずころのkorvapuustiずなんだか違っおいたのだが、どこがどのように違っおこのような味ず食感になっおいるのか・・・私には分からなかったのだが、䞀緒にいた友達によるず普通のkorvapuustiよりも入っおいる卵の量が倚いのではないかずいうこず。そうかも・・・ず思ったが 真盞は䞍明 😉


The Japanese magazine article talked about donuts (I think it meant “munkki” if you know what munkki is 😉 which they start baking at 1am to get them ready at 7am when the cafe opens (it seems good old Finnish cafe used to open early in the morning for the people who enjoys coffee before going to work). I didn’t see any donuts and asked the lady at the counter about it and she told me it was only on Saturdays. Of course, I am thinking of going there on Saturday, not this week though 😉 We chatted a bit about the Japanese article as she didn’t know what was written there 🙂

日本の雑誌にはこのお店のドヌナッツに぀いおの蚘茉があり(フィンランド通の皆様にはmunkkiでおなじみ)、朝7時の開店にあわせお午前1時から仕蟌みを開始するずか(昔ながらのフィンランドのカフェは朝7時に開店しお䌚瀟に出勀する前の人々がコヌヒヌを飲んでいく堎所なのだずいうこずもその雑誌に曞いおあった。なるほどね・・・。) お店になかったので聞いおみるず、ドヌナッツがあるのは土曜日だけだずいうこず。もちろん、今床土曜日に食べに行かなくちゃず思った私。お店の人はこの蚘事に䜕が曞いおあるのか知らなかったようで、ドヌナッツは土曜日だけず教えおくれたあずに、そのこずに぀いお曞いおあるのかず質問されたり。

I liked the tulips at the entrance and the tables of the cafe. I also liked the carpet. It’s a cozy good old Finnish cafe! Lovely to have it in Helsinki city center <3

入り口やテヌブルの䞊に眮いおあったチュヌリップずか私たちのテヌブルの暪に敷かれおいたカヌペットずかお店の䜕気ないむンテリアがなんだか玠敵だった。こんな玠敵な昔ながらのフィンランドカフェは昚日行ったヘルシンキ音楜センタヌの道を挟んで隣。(反察隣には有名なフィンランディアホヌル) シティセンタヌにある昔ながらのフィンランド匏カフェ、さっそくお気に入りの堎所になったのだった <3


Cafe @ Helsinki Music Center -Good space to work on your own stuff


Even though the price of 4€ for a cup of cappuccino surprised me, I liked the half an hour I spent at the cafe at Musiikkitalo (Helsinki Music Center) before going to yoga class today. When there is no concert, it is quiet and the cafe space with high ceiling  and big windows feels relaxing and refreshing.



I wanted to be in such space to be lost in thought on my own. More than half of the people sitting in the cafe were on their own looking at their laptops, reading books and so on. Cappuccino was good  with a piece of dark chocolate.

今日はいろんな考え事をするためにそんな堎所が必芁だった。私も含めおカフェにいた半数以䞊の人が䞀人でパ゜コンに向かったり、本を読んだり・・・。 ちなみにその高いカプチヌノもおいしかった。

Helsinki Music Center / ヘルシンキ音楜センタヌ

Outside the cafe, it was snowing and  windy in Helsinki city center.

The Cafe which Reminds Me of My Childhood – Fratello Torrefazione @ Helsinki


My love for coffee (=addiction to coffee) is genetic, I reckon. You may argue if there is such genes though 😉 My parents have made coffee every morning using a siphon coffee-maker after Japanese breakfast. I haven’t seen any morning without coffee in a siphon coffee-maker. Though I wasn’t allowed to taste such stimulant till certain age, there was always coffee at our breakfast table. It’s still the same when I visit them. In the same way, my morning never starts without coffee.



There aren’t many places, home or cafe, you see siphon coffee-makers nowadays. I am not sure if a siphon coffee-makers is out of date or it has never been that popular though. So, when I went to   Fratello Torrefazione for the afternoon cappuccino today, the cafe reminded me of mornings in my childhood. They serve coffee brewed in siphon coffee-makers.

サむフォンでコヌヒヌを䜜るシヌンは最近ではめったに芋るこずがなくなった。家の実家ではいただに昔ず同じようにサむフォンでコヌヒヌを入れおいるのだが・・・。 そんなわけで 今日午埌のコヌヒヌを飲むべく出かけたFratello Torrefazioneではなんだかずおも懐かしい気分になった。このカフェではサむフォンで入れたコヌヒヌも飲めるのだ。


Today, I had cappuccino out of habit. But while I was looking at siphon coffee-maker from our table,  I so decided to taste coffee brewed in it next time when I come to Fratello Torrefazione. This cafe has good quality of coffee beans and serves good quality coffee. It’s always busy with coffee lovers. Though I think sweets are pricey, it’s one of the best cafes for real coffee 🙂

぀い習慣であたり考えずにカプチヌノをオヌダヌしおしたった本日。そんなカプチヌノを飲みながらサむフォンを眺め぀぀、次回はサむフォンで入れたコヌヒヌを泚文しおみようず思ったりしたのだった。ずころでこのカフェ、Fratello Torrefazione は䞊質なコヌヒヌ豆を䜿っおおいしいコヌヒヌを出しおくれる。よっおコヌヒヌ奜きのお客でい぀も混んでいるのだ。スむヌツはちょっず倀段が高すぎる気もするが、コヌヒヌを飲む店ずしおはお薊めの䞀軒である。

Heavenly Brunch @ Mille Mozzarelle


“Could Helsinki be one of the best places for brunch in the world?”,  I wondered this morning while  I was having brunch at Mille Mozzarelle in my neighborhood. Mille Mozzarelle used to be a small Italian grocery shop on the other street in Punavuori, Helsinki. They moved to the street in the same neighborhood and opened a restaurant+shop next to my favorite German bakery.

ヘルシンキはブランチ事情はなかなかむケおるのではないかず思い始めた今日この頃。今朝近所のMille Mozzarelleでブランチを食べながら やっぱりヘルシンキは玠敵なブランチタりンなのかもしれないず思った。このお店ちょっず前たでは同じ界隈の別の通りにあるむタリア食料品店だった。去幎の11月ごろ同じ゚リアの違う通りに匕っ越しお私のお気に入りのドむツのパン屋の隣にレストラン食料品店を開いた。


The brunch started with a glass of juice (either mango orange juice or mango pineapple juice) followed by beautiful bruschette (picture at the top)! At least two different kinds of hams and different kinds of paste on the crispy bread. It made us all smiley!!! Two of us (five in total) usually choose vegetarian, but today, both chose non-veggie (i.e. original) brunch. When we saw such gorgeous-looking Italian hams at the show window (fridge), it looked absolutely right thing to do not to choose vegetarian! When we had bruschette generously topped with tasty hams, we all agreed the choice was right 🙂



The main dish brought us further joy!  Hams, mozzarella cheese (a big piece behind salad!), and another three pieces of cheese, a slice of melon, grapes, sausage with salad and focaccia. Yogurt was served together with the main dish.



The finale of the brunch was lovely dessert! Dolce (dessert) is very very important when it comes to Italian. I have a firm belief, “I have to eat dolce if I eat Italian! Italian meal. Without dolce, I can’t say I ate Italian”. 😉  (Hope Italian friends agree with me 🙂 ) After main dish, my tummy was totally full. But!, when I saw such lovely dolce, suddenly my tummy made good enough space for it 🙂 Balance of sweetness of the cream and sourness of the blueberries of dolce gave us great satisfaction!

そしお締めはもちろんデザヌトむタリア料理でドルチェデザヌト)はずっおも重芁。”ドルチェを食べなければむタリアンを食べたずは蚀えない”ずいう固い信念を持぀私。むタリア人の友達もきっず同意しおくれるずおもうのだが・・・笑。 メむンを食べ終えた時点でお腹が超いっぱいでもう食べられない気分だったのだが、そのかわいらしいデザヌトが出おくるずやる気満々。ブルヌベリヌの甘酞っぱさずクリヌムの甘さが芋事に調和したその倧きすぎないデザヌトでゎヌゞャスなブランチを締めくくった。


One more addition to the best brunch places in Helsinki! Brunch is one of the major activities you should consider on weekends 🙂

玠敵ブランチスポットにたたたた䞀軒远加。ブランチはヘルシンキで流行の週末のアクティビティず蚀っおもいいのではないだろうか・・・ ぜひ皆様もお楜しみあれ 🙂

Mille Mozzarelle serves brunch (17€)on Saturdays and Sundays from 11am to 3pm. Table reservation is strongly recommended!

Mille Mozzarelle のブランチ(17€)は土曜日ず日曜日の11am から 3pmたで。混みあうので予玄を

Mille Mozzarelle @ Facebook (Facebookのペヌゞ)

Great Italiano @ Helsinki /Ravintola Nerone

I felt like eating pasta for lunch. I thought about great pasta dishes I had in Italy a month ago. I thought about where I could have the best pasta in the town (i.e. Helsinki). Then I remembered two Italian restaurants an Italian classmate at Finnish language course recommended some time ago. Both of them are in my neighborhood, Punavuori 🙂 And I hadn’t been either of them. So, I went to one of them, Ravintola Nerone today.

今日のランチはパスタな気分。1ヶ月前にむタリアで食べたおいしいパスタの数々の思い出にいただに浞っおいる私(笑。ヘルシンキで䞀番おいしいパスタが食べれる店はどこだろうか・・・ず思いを巡らす。そういえば、フィンランド語のクラスで䞀緒だったむタリア人に”本物のむタリアの味に䞀番近いむタリアンを食べれる店はどこか”ず聞いたずきに教えおもらった店が2件あった。その2件はどちらもうちの近所。だったら今日行けばいい・・・ずいうこずで早速Ravintola Neronに向かう。


I had passed in front of the restaurant many times before but, honestly, never had thought it was such a great restaurant but thought it was a Finnish pub with Italian name. (and there is a pub next to the restaurant…) But when I opened the door, it was packed with people enjoying pizza, pasta and other lunch plates! It looked absolutely promising 🙂


Looking at the menu carefully, I chose penne with gamberi (shrimps) and gorgonzola cheese sauce. Plenty of penne served with bread… It tasted great! I don’t know how to describe the taste but it was balanced well. It tasted “comfortable” (I know “comfortable” is usually not a word to describe the taste but I would like to express the taste with it) . I also appreciated bread with penne. I always crave bread when I eat pasta.



A friend enjoyed yummy pizza Napoletana . “We are proud to serve one of the best pizza in Helsinki”, Nerone says in the web page. I will try their pizza next time. (I will most likely have Margerita had a belief Pizza Margerita could tell quality of pizza at each restaurant 😉 )

䞀緒に行った友達はピザナポレタヌナをおいしく食す。 “We are proud to serve one of the best pizza in Helsinki” (ヘルシンキで䞀番おいしいピザを出しおいたす) ず、お店のweb pageに曞いおあるこの店。今日は行く前からパスタ気分であったのだが、次回は私もピザを食べたい(そしおピザなら絶察マルゲリヌタ。店のピザの味を確かめるならマルゲリヌタずなぜか思っおいる私。;-))

It might be difficult to notice nice interior decoration at Nerone when it is packed with people. It was really packed today!

By the way, I liked Nerone for the inexpensive prices as well as the tasty food. As to lunch, It’s only slightly more expensive than canteen of the company I used to work 😉 Even dinner menu is inexpensive.



After having such lovely lunch, we had cappuccino at Kaffecentralen which is located on the same street as Nerone and serves one of the best coffee in Helsinki. Highly satisfying lunch break, it was!

そんなおいしいランチの埌は、同じ通りにあるKaffecentralenぞ。い぀行っおも期埅を裏切らないおいしいコヌヒヌを出すこのお店でスムヌスでしっかりした味のカプチヌノをいただく。家の近所でなんずも満足なランチタむムであった 🙂

Heartwarming Lunch on the Cold Day – Leib Resto ja Aed @ Tallinn

When it’s cold, sky is super clear. The sun was rising when we were leaving Helsinki for Tallinn.

It was one of the coldest mornings when a friend and I left the West Harbor of Helsinki for Tallinn, Estonia. I saw many Facebook posts which told me temperature went down lower than -20 degrees. (Luckily, the lowest temperature I saw was -17 degrees 😉


We wanted to go shopping in Tallinn and the cold weather didn’t bother us as much as it would have if we had gone for sightseeing. We managed to go to one of the big shopping malls in Tallinn by the free shuttle bus from the port and happily finished shopping by the time we planned to do so.


The agenda after shopping was lunch at the restaurant where I had planned to go last summer but couldn’t. When I read about the restaurant at some tourist information web page, I had good feeling about the Leib Resto ja Aed. A couple of weeks ago, I noticed it was introduced in Japanese magazine.

買い物のあずは遅めのランチ。去幎の倏に行こうずしお予玄たでしたのにいけなかったレストラン、Leib Resto ja Aed。去幎タリンに行くずきにサヌチしおなんだかピンず来たのがこの店だった。さらに、今幎になっお日本の雑誌でも玹介されおいたのだが。

Wintery pumpkin dish, 7€

Dining experience at Leib Resto ja Aed was dreamy and heart-warming. Great selection in the menu, lovely presentation and great taste, and good service. The restaurant staffs were friendly, yet polite. And it wasn’t expensive (of course, it depends on where you compare it with but we wouldn’t get this quality at this price in Helsinki)


After having appetizer, beef tartare,  I had wintery pumpkin dish as a main course. It was one of the best veggie main dishes I’ve ever had. The harmony of the tastes of roasted pumpkin with pumpkin cream and cottage cheese was perfect.


Wintery chocolate dessert 5.00 EUR

Dessert was as amazing as we stopped talking. We were just smiley and enjoying the moment of bliss. I don’t think I need to explain more about it but am hoping the photos tells you much more than my words 😉

デザヌトは・・・ああ、もう・・・なんお蚀ったら・・・ほんず至犏の䞀品。(友達のデザヌトも少し詊食されおもらったので二品だが・・・;-) あれこれお説明するより、写真を芋おもらったほうがよいず思われる。こんなデザヌトを食べおる間は友達ず私、話すのもやめおただそのおいしさず幞せに浞っおみた ;-)

CrÚme brûlée with black bread 4.00 EUR

After lunch, we walked a bit in the old town stopping by some small shops  and headed to the harbour to catch the ferry to go home in Helsinki. All the way home, we were talking about how lovely day we had in Tallinn. Shopping and lovely meal! Girls day in Tallinn was successful!


Smiley Coffee Time at Kawa cafe :)


Last Thursday at Kawa Cafe. What made me smile was cute and yummy cupcakes and smiley cappuccino 🙂 🙂 🙂

先週の朚曜日に行ったKawa Cafe でずっおも玠敵なコヌヒヌタむム。超かわいくおおいしいカップケヌキずスマむリヌなカプチヌノ。もう最高 🙂 🙂 🙂



Breakfast at Cafe Aalto @ Helsinki


On the second floor of Akateeminen bookshop, there is the famous Cafe Aalto. The interior of the cafe was designed by the famous Finnish architect and designer, Alvar Aalto, who is often called “the father of modernism”. His work includes architecture, furniture, textiles and glassware. Among Japanese tourists, the cafe is one of the most popular places to visit in Helsinki partly because of Aalto, but mostly for the famous movie shot in Helsinki. The cafe was one of my most favorite long time ago when I still lived in Tokyo and visited Helsinki occasionally for work. There weren’t that many lovely cafes in Helsinki at that time and I liked cafe Aalto for the location on the second floor of a bookshop (I like bookshops!!!) But after moving to Helsinki, I didn’t come here that often anymore. I actually avoided it as I thought it was too touristy to have a good coffee break.

アカデミア曞店の2階にあるカフェ・アヌルト。フィンランドを舞台にしたあの映画 “かもめ食堂”にも登堎したカフェ。フィンランドが生んだ有名な建築家でありデザむナヌでもあるアルノァ・アアルトのむンテリアデザむンであるこずでもよく知られおいる。そんなカフェには日本人の芳光客に倧人気。日本語のメニュヌもあったりするくらい。ただ日本に䜏んでいおたたに出匵でヘルシンキに来おいたころ、かもめ食堂なんお映画もなかったころは本屋の2階ずいうのが特に気に入っおよく行ったそのカフェも、あたりに人気の芳光スポットになっおいたのでだいぶ足が遠のいおいたが・・・


Such cafe Aalto surprised us with the generous breakfast this morning. I had Poet’s breakfast which included caffe latte, orange juice, croissant, marmelade, brie cheese and fruits. Look at the above photo! When it was served, I said “Wow!” with unstoppable joy! When I tasted it, I was so glad that we chose to come to cafe Aalto. Each food on the plate was delicious! Orange juice was “freshly squeezed”<3  It was only 10.20€ 🙂 Considering the quality, it was very generous!!!

今日はブレックファストを食べに出かけお倧感動。思っおたより党然おいしいっおいうかずおもおいしい。こんなにおいしいフルヌツ、フィンランドではなかなか食べたこずないしっお思うくらい。ブリヌチヌズもクロワッサンも、そしお絞りたおのオレンゞゞュヌスも私が食べた日本語メニュヌによれば ”詩人の朝食”、 このクオリティで10.20€ずは、フィンランドではずっおもお埗。


And a friend had Aalto’s traditional, coffee/tea, orange juice, toast, butter, cheese, ham, tomato and marmelade. It also looked very nice being really Finnish.

友達が頌んだ”アヌルト”ずいうのもずおもフィンランド的な朝ごはん (パン、チヌズ、ハム、トマトずきゅうり、これはフィンランドの兞型的な朝ごはんなのだで、おいしそう。

As a lot of Japanese tourist come to the cafe there was Japanese menu. And we heard other Japanese people talking at the other table today. But now it doesn’t matter if it’s too touristy or not to be at Cafe Aalto. Their breakfast is irresistible! And I liked the calm atmosphere of the cafe this morning 🙂

こんなおいしい朝ごはんをいただいたら このカフェが芳光名所だずかなんだずかもう関係ない感じ。今朝のカフェはずおも萜ち着いた雰囲気だったしゆっくりず食べる玠敵な朝ごはん・・・たた行かなくちゃ。


I found the Cioccolata :) in Helsinki – @Signora Delizia

Even though temperature was higher than yesterday and the day before, it feels super cold in Helsinki today. It is windy. I was taking pictures facing to the sea but couldn’t stay there for more than three minutes.



Never mind! The actual reason why I went out was not to take pictures but to go to Signora Delizia to try their cioccolata (hot chocolate). I had been looking for real cioccolata since I came back from Dolomiti, Italy. I loved the cioccolata at the mountain hut in Dolomiti. I’ve had the similar quality of cioccolata several times, somewhat, only in the mountains. I tried to explain how different it is from other hot chocolate but couldn’t quite figure it out. They are just different. My favorite one is not as sweet as I taste sugar but light and tasty. I think I could drink a couple of cups at once.

出かけた理由はほんずは写真を撮るためじゃなかったので撮圱はすぐ䞭止しおお目圓おのSignora Deliziaに向かう。先週初めおうかがっお以来、ここならおいしいチョコラヌタがあるかもしれないず思っおいたのだ。むタリアのドロミテの山小屋で飲んだチョコラヌタココア)ず同じくらいおいしいチョコラヌタが飲みたくおヘルシンキに垰っおきおから行く店行く店で詊しおいたのだ期埅は薄かったが、もしかしたらどこかにあるかもず…) 普通のココアずそのチョコラヌタ、どこが違うのかず聞かれるずあたりうたく説明できないのだが、そのチョコラヌタはすっごく甘かったりせず軜くお䜕倍でも飲めるおいしさなのだった。だからずいっお薄味ずいうこずもたったくないのだが。ずにかく飲んでみればその違いは歎然。”ちがう”のだ。

I thought Signora Delizia, the real Italian cafe & shop I visited first time last week, might have my favorite cioccolata! And.. again, my instinct was right!!! They had lovely cioccolata which I almost ordered the second cup (but didn’t…;-)

そしおい぀もどおり、食べ物や飲み物に関する私の勘は鋭かったSignora Deliziaにはあのおいしいチョコラヌタがやっぱりあった。思わず2杯目を頌みたくなるほどおいしかった。


I enjoyed not only the cioccolata but also ocaccia sandwich. Among focaccia fillings, I liked taste of artichoke together with ozzarella :) The cafe has good collection of magazines. The Economist talking about 2013 wasn’t that inspiring. But the National Geographic was quite inspiring introducing amazing places of the world!

