Absolutely “LOVELY” cafe in Katajanokka, Helsinki – Signora Delizia


I am ashamed to admit that I hadn't been to this lovely cafe till this morning. A friend told me about the small Italian cafe and I read about it in the Finnair in-flight magazine. Ever since, I had thought about visiting there but hadn't. Yesterday, when I was having cappuccino with another friend, he told me that I should go to the small Italian cafe owned by an Italian guy in Katajanokka. And, I did go there today!



As soon as I opened the door, I repeated "LOVELY" hundreds times in my mind 🙂 And the owner welcomed me really warmly! I ordered cappuccino and croissant and was surprised when the owner told it was ONLY 4.5€. (You know it could be more pricey at other ordinary cafe!) I talked about my blog and how I got there etc. with him and some other customers. I loved the small talk, of course 🙂

お店のドアを開けた途端に"来てよかった~。"とうれしくなった。"lovely" という言葉が何度も頭をリピートした。やさしくて楽しいオーナーが暖かく迎えてくれた。カプチーノとクロワッサンを注文した。お会計は4.5€と聞いてびっくりした。ヘルシンキのカフェでカプチーノとクロワッサンを頼んでこの値段はとてもお得。他のヨーロッパの国ではこれが普通のところも多いけど、ヘルシンキではとりたてて素敵でもないカフェでもそんなに安くないのだ。オーダーをしながらイタリア人のオーナーと私のブログの話や私が今日このカフェに来たきっかけを話したり、お店のお客さんも一緒になって話が弾んだり。


I had one of the best morning (close to lunch time 😉 coffee time sitting in the comfortable sofa, reading a cooking book of pasta which was in the bookshelf.   


Signora Delizia is not only a cafe but also a delicacy boutique. The shelves were full of Italian delicacies such as pasta, pasta sauce, chocolate, coffee.

Cappuccino and croissant were very nice but what makes this cafe really lovely are the owner, the customers and how they decorated the cafe. I'll most likely become a frequent customer of Signora Delizia. And I have expectation this cafe might have my favorite hot chocolate (if you read my previous post, you would know what I am talking about…)

このお店、Signora Delizia はカフェだけではなくイタリアの食料品(パスタ、パスタソース、コーヒー、チョコレートなどなど)も壁一面に並べられて販売している。カプチーノもクロワッサンもとてもおいしかったけれどこのお店を素敵にしているのはなんといってもオーナーの素敵な人柄、フレンドリーなお客、そしてお店のインテリア。お店には日本から来たお客さんが描いてくれたお店の絵が飾ってあったりもした。

For more info and nice pictures of the shop/cafe お店の情報はこちら。
http://www.signoradeli.com/(in Finnish)

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