I found the Cioccolata :) in Helsinki – @Signora Delizia

Even though temperature was higher than yesterday and the day before, it feels super cold in Helsinki today. It is windy. I was taking pictures facing to the sea but couldn’t stay there for more than three minutes.



Never mind! The actual reason why I went out was not to take pictures but to go to Signora Delizia to try their cioccolata (hot chocolate). I had been looking for real cioccolata since I came back from Dolomiti, Italy. I loved the cioccolata at the mountain hut in Dolomiti. I’ve had the similar quality of cioccolata several times, somewhat, only in the mountains. I tried to explain how different it is from other hot chocolate but couldn’t quite figure it out. They are just different. My favorite one is not as sweet as I taste sugar but light and tasty. I think I could drink a couple of cups at once.

出かけた理由はほんとは写真を撮るためじゃなかったので撮影はすぐ中止してお目当てのSignora Deliziaに向かう。先週初めてうかがって以来、ここならおいしいチョコラータがあるかもしれないと思っていたのだ。イタリアのドロミテの山小屋で飲んだチョコラータ(ココア)と同じくらいおいしいチョコラータが飲みたくてヘルシンキに帰ってきてから行く店行く店で試していたのだ(期待は薄かったが、もしかしたらどこかにあるかもと…) 普通のココアとそのチョコラータ、どこが違うのかと聞かれるとあまりうまく説明できないのだが、そのチョコラータはすっごく甘かったりせず軽くて何倍でも飲めるおいしさなのだった。だからといって薄味ということもまったくないのだが。とにかく飲んでみればその違いは歴然。”ちがう”のだ。

I thought Signora Delizia, the real Italian cafe & shop I visited first time last week, might have my favorite cioccolata! And.. again, my instinct was right!!! They had lovely cioccolata which I almost ordered the second cup (but didn’t…;-)

そしていつもどおり、食べ物や飲み物に関する私の勘は鋭かった!Signora Deliziaにはあのおいしいチョコラータがやっぱりあった。思わず2杯目を頼みたくなるほどおいしかった。


I enjoyed not only the cioccolata but also focaccia sandwich. Among focaccia fillings, I liked taste of artichoke together with ozzarella :) The cafe has good collection of magazines. The Economist talking about 2013 wasn’t that inspiring. But the National Geographic was quite inspiring introducing amazing places of the world!



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