Cafe @ Helsinki Music Center -Good space to work on your own stuff


Even though the price of 4€ for a cup of cappuccino surprised me, I liked the half an hour I spent at the cafe at Musiikkitalo (Helsinki Music Center) before going to yoga class today. When there is no concert, it is quiet and the cafe space with high ceiling  and big windows feels relaxing and refreshing.



I wanted to be in such space to be lost in thought on my own. More than half of the people sitting in the cafe were on their own looking at their laptops, reading books and so on. Cappuccino was good  with a piece of dark chocolate.

今日はいろんな考え事をするためにそんな場所が必要だった。私も含めてカフェにいた半数以上の人が一人でパソコンに向かったり、本を読んだり・・・。 ちなみにその高いカプチーノもおいしかった。

Helsinki Music Center / ヘルシンキ音楽センター

Outside the cafe, it was snowing and  windy in Helsinki city center.

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