Relaxing Friday Afternoon at Café Köket @ Helsinki


I saw this cafe yesterday from the tram #4T on the way to Signora Delizia. I thought this must be the cafe I was looking for some time ago reading Helsinki tourist office’s blog but I couldn’t find it as the was located further than I walked at that time. Anyway, today I was happy to be able to have cappuccino at the cafe I hadn’t been before.

昨日、ラブリーなカフェ Signora Delizia に向かうトラムの中から目に付いたこのカフェ。もしや以前行こうと思って見つからなかったカフェかも・・・。というわけで早速今日行ってみる。もはやカフェ活動は日課なのだ。今日もまたカフェ開拓。これだけ毎日のようにお茶しているのにまだ行ったことのないカフェがあるなんて、ヘルシンキは実は思った以上にカフェの街なのでないかと思い始めた。


I ordered cappuccino and pulla (the one in the above picture). Cappuccino was creamy and I liked it.Their home-baked pulla made me feel happy. (love pulla!) I liked combination of the polka-dotted table cloth, yellow paper napkin and the simple plate with pulla. They are cute all together, aren’t they ;-)?



I had read about the owner who greeted me at the counter and her cafes in the internet. She has been innovative and created some extraordinary cafes, such as  the café on the Esplanade Park’s stage and the container café on the Market Square. Köket means “kitchen” in Swedish and the cafe serves freshly baked pastries. They also serve sandwiches, smoothies, breakfast, brunch, lunch…etc. And the cafe also provides office environment, i.e. free Wifi, printer. Freshly baked pastry and free Wifi! Sounds perfect for me 😉

このカフェとそのオーナーのことは以前にインターネットで読んだことがある。今日カウンターで迎えてくれたとても親切なオーナーはとてもクリエイティブでこのカフェを始める前もちょっと普通とは違ったカフェを展開してきている。ヘルシンキの目抜き通りにあるエスプラナーデ公園にある舞台の上にカフェを作ったり、マーケット広場にコンテナでカフェを作ったり。Köket はスウェーデン語でキッチンという意味である。名前が象徴するように、このカフェではお店のキッチンで作ったフレッシュな自家製ペストリーがいただける。その上 Wifiが無料で使えたり、プリンターもあるのでカフェのお客が仕事場として利用することもできる。カフェで物書きをすることが多い私にはまさにぴったり。

The interior decoration was quite relaxing and I felt really relaxed on the Friday afternoon.



When we were leaving the cafe, we saw something which was not on the counter when we came in. Fresh and good looking! I was tempted. But maybe next time 😉 (and I don’t know exactly what it was 😉


For more info/お店のHP

Absolutely “LOVELY” cafe in Katajanokka, Helsinki – Signora Delizia


I am ashamed to admit that I hadn't been to this lovely cafe till this morning. A friend told me about the small Italian cafe and I read about it in the Finnair in-flight magazine. Ever since, I had thought about visiting there but hadn't. Yesterday, when I was having cappuccino with another friend, he told me that I should go to the small Italian cafe owned by an Italian guy in Katajanokka. And, I did go there today!



As soon as I opened the door, I repeated "LOVELY" hundreds times in my mind 🙂 And the owner welcomed me really warmly! I ordered cappuccino and croissant and was surprised when the owner told it was ONLY 4.5€. (You know it could be more pricey at other ordinary cafe!) I talked about my blog and how I got there etc. with him and some other customers. I loved the small talk, of course 🙂

お店のドアを開けた途端に"来てよかった~。"とうれしくなった。"lovely" という言葉が何度も頭をリピートした。やさしくて楽しいオーナーが暖かく迎えてくれた。カプチーノとクロワッサンを注文した。お会計は4.5€と聞いてびっくりした。ヘルシンキのカフェでカプチーノとクロワッサンを頼んでこの値段はとてもお得。他のヨーロッパの国ではこれが普通のところも多いけど、ヘルシンキではとりたてて素敵でもないカフェでもそんなに安くないのだ。オーダーをしながらイタリア人のオーナーと私のブログの話や私が今日このカフェに来たきっかけを話したり、お店のお客さんも一緒になって話が弾んだり。


I had one of the best morning (close to lunch time 😉 coffee time sitting in the comfortable sofa, reading a cooking book of pasta which was in the bookshelf.   


Signora Delizia is not only a cafe but also a delicacy boutique. The shelves were full of Italian delicacies such as pasta, pasta sauce, chocolate, coffee.

Cappuccino and croissant were very nice but what makes this cafe really lovely are the owner, the customers and how they decorated the cafe. I'll most likely become a frequent customer of Signora Delizia. And I have expectation this cafe might have my favorite hot chocolate (if you read my previous post, you would know what I am talking about…)

このお店、Signora Delizia はカフェだけではなくイタリアの食料品(パスタ、パスタソース、コーヒー、チョコレートなどなど)も壁一面に並べられて販売している。カプチーノもクロワッサンもとてもおいしかったけれどこのお店を素敵にしているのはなんといってもオーナーの素敵な人柄、フレンドリーなお客、そしてお店のインテリア。お店には日本から来たお客さんが描いてくれたお店の絵が飾ってあったりもした。

For more info and nice pictures of the shop/cafe お店の情報はこちら。 Finnish)

Italy is Tasty :)

I may not need to say it loud here as I understand millions of people have already said it. But let me say it once again, Italy is absolutely one of the best destinations for great food! 



I spent three nights and four days skiing at Dolomiti in the north of Italy. The mountains were beautiful and skiing was fun (mostly! except the time I had difficulty in skiing with almost no visibility with a lot of snow falling!) but what I enjoyed the most and miss back in Helsinki is food I had there. (apart from friends I went skiing together ;-) 

クリスマス休暇中、3泊4日をイタリアのドロミテでスキーをして過ごした。雪に覆われた山は美しく、スキーも楽しかった(一部の苦難のときを除いては・・・;-) のだがヘルシンキに戻ってきてまた山に戻りたいと思っている理由はスキーでも山でもなくイタリアで食べた食事だったりするのだ! 


I don't remember that many great dishes I had in Rome, Venice and Milan but have observation that food is great in Italian mountains. At the hotels and mountain huts, they usually offer hal-board and it is inexpensive at all. At the first hotel we stayed at Arraba, each of us paid only 45€ per night including dinner(three course meal + salad buffet and petite appetizer) and breakfast. And at the lovely lovely mountain hut, it was 75€ in the private room (most rooms are shared rooms and private rooms are special!) and it included three course dinner and breakfast. 



The dishes in the photos are only part of what we ate at Dolomiti and I admit, many times, I couldn't finish the meal as it was plenty and my tummy is not big enough. I wasn't worried about gaining weight having such lovely food but wish my tummy have been much bigger! 



I miss pasta and hot chocolate which is not super sweet but tasty particulary. I was trying to find a cafe which serves similar hot chocolate to it in Helsinki but haven't had any luck yet. It is usually super sweet and I feel I am going to have a headache. Maybe I have to wait until I go to the mountains in Italy ,-)

ヘルシンキに戻ってきてからはパスタとホットチョコレートが恋しくて・・・ホットチョコレートに関しては山で飲んだのと同じくらいおいしいものを探して毎日カフェに出かけて試しているのだが・・・今のところヒットなし・・・だいたいがひたすら甘すぎるのだ。あぁ また山に戻りたいと思う日々なのだ・・・(笑。


LUX 2013 Helsinki – One of My Most Favorite Winter Events in Helsinki


Cold, dark and long Finnish winter when we have to take care of ourselves not to get depressed. But there is something I look forward to every year in January. It is LUX Helsinki, light installation at the Senate Square, the Opera, the Olympic Park etc.  in the city center.  This year, it started last Friday, 4 January and I went to see it on the first day. 

寒くて暗くて長いフィンランドの冬・・・油断すると落ち込みやすい季節でもある。そんな冬の季節に毎年楽しみにしているのがこのイベント、LUX Helsinki. ヘルシンキの大聖堂やオペラ、オリンピックスタジアムなどで5日間にわたって行われるのライトアップショーである。今年も1月4日からスタートしたので早速初日に行ってみた。

The one at the Senate Square (the Cathedral) is usually the most exciting and beautiful. Every year I go there to take photos. But it is much better to see it in the video as the light moves and change with music. And this year, I took some videos (check it out at





LUX started in 2009 and I lived in Helsinki at that time. But I seem to have not know about it then as I don't find any pictures from 2009. However, below, you will find pictures from 2010 to 2012. I liked 2011 the best 🙂 And the official information at

このイベントは2009年から毎年行われているのだが、どうやら私は2009年のライトアップは見に行かなかったようで・・・(写真がない・・・) でも2010年から毎年見に行って写真を撮っているので下に並べてみた。今までの中では2011年が一番よかったような気がする・・・LUXの公式インフォメーションはこちら。

LUX 2010


LUX 2011


LUX 2012
