Cuppa with Laskiaispulla @ The Design Museum Helsinki on Shrove Sunday


It was very very relaxing Sunday without any big plans today. I had laid-back coffee time with a friend the cafebar Luomus at the Design Museum which is located only 5-minute walk from my flat.



It’s a season for laskiaispulla. This morning, I noticed I haven’t eaten the Finnish cardamon-spiced bun for Shrove days yet this year. Laskiaispulla is one of my most favorite food in Finland and every year, I try to eat it as much as possible during the season as they are available only during the season. (please read my old posts to get to know more about laskiaispulla. Links at the bottom)

今は laskiaispullaのシーズン。私の大好物のクリームが大量に挟まったプッラのシーズンなのだが、今年は実はまだ1つも食べてないことに気づいたのが今朝。シーズン中しか出回らないこのプッラ、例年、できるだけたくさん食べようと思っていたのに今年は出遅れ気味。(このプッラについては去年も食べ比べなどして書いているので一番下にあるリンクから過去の記事をご覧ください。)

I had hoped they would have it and they did 🙂 Their laskiaispulla was not that big and not that overwhelming creamy but it looked original. It tasted good but it wasn’t that special.

デザインミュージアムのカフェに laskiaispullaがありますように~と思いながら 行ってみるとやっぱりあった 🙂 シーズンものなのだ。このプッラは標準より少し小ぶり、かつクリームも少し控えめ・・・(というかこれがちょうどいいのかもしれないが 私はあの圧倒感のある大量のクリームが大好き(笑。) おいしくいただいたけれどこれといって特別感はない感じだった。


The cafe had pictures of different chair designs on the wall and each one of the chairs in the cafe was different. Yes, the cafe is in the Design Museum 😉 We could smell the wood the chairs were made of and it made me feel relaxed 🙂 Most of the table were occupied (before I took this picture ;-)) but people kept their voice low as they do in the museum and it was suited to my mood of snowy low key Sunday.

カフェの壁にはいすのデザインが・・・そしてカフェのいすは1つ1つが違うデザイン。(デザインミュージアムっぽい。) いすから木材の香りがしてとてもよい感じ。リラックス感満点。下の写真を見るとカフェには誰もいなかったかのように見えるが、写真を撮る前はほとんど埋まっていたのだ。でもみんな美術館にいる延長で静かに話していたのでなんだかそれが今日の私のムードにぴったりだった。今日もまた雪。なんかのんびり過ごしたい日曜日だった。


When we were leaving the museum building, we noticed the entrance hall was beautiful!



More posts about “laskiaispulla” in my blog

Laskiaispulla – It’s Shrove Tuesday
Laskiaispulla – Finnish seasonal cardamon-spiced bun

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