Coffee & Pastry from Karelia – “Konditoria Hopia” @ Helsinki

How many more cafes do I need to go to get to know all good cafes in Helsinki? It seems endless! And that is good news as I am not going to be bored here 😉



I knew almost nothing about this cafe when I went there first time except I’d heard it has the best Karelian pie (karjalanpiirakka, if you know Finnish) in Helsinki. The first time I went there with a friend, the tables were fully occupied and I did take away some pastries including Karelian pie. At that time, what got my eyes was the sign at the entrance. It said, “kahvila (coffee shop), konditoria (confectionery). I wondered if I had seen sign of “konditoria” anywhere else in Finland. The word “konditoria” made me think the cafe & confectionery “Hopia” must be a promising place for coffee break. (In my mind, the word “confectionery” is always the sign of excellent sweet food producers but I don’t know why.) The pastries I took away were pretty nice but I wasn’t sure if the Karelian pie was the best in Helsinki. I really wanted to try to have coffee and pastry at the cafe.

カレリア・パイ(日本では紀伊国屋でも売っているお米がのっているパイ)がヘルシンキで一番おいしいと聞いたこのお店、初めて行ったときは満席で仕方なくその有名なカレリ・アパイと何個かほかのペーストリーを買って帰ってきたのだった。この店に行ったといに一番印象に残ったのはその看板。”kahvila (コーヒーショップ), konditoria (コンフェクショナリー・菓子製造業)” と書かれているのをみてなんだかいい予感がしたのだ。 (私の中ではコンフェクショナリーという言葉がその道のプロっぽいいうイメージなのだが、どうしてそう思うのかは自分でも定かではない・・・) まあ そんなこんなでテイクアウトしたペーストリーの味がどうだったのかというとおいしかったのだが、カレリアパイがヘルシンキで一番おいしいのかどうかは確信できなかった。でも あのお店で食べてみたいのだ・・・


Yesterday, noticing sun was shining nicely outside, I wanted to go for photo-shooting. So, I went out with a camera and ended up with a place I didn’t know where I was. Luckily, I found a bus stop where I could take bus back to the city center. (And I always have a phone with GPS, of course! ) Since I felt cold after walking a lot outside, I felt like coffee and pulla. (maybe, pulla is the best food when it is cold 😉  When the bus was going through Töölö area, I suddenly thought about “Hopia“and got off at the nearest bus stop to the cafe.

雪か曇りの日ばかりの冬ではあるが、今週は日の光が降り注ぐ日もあって、そんな日は外に出ていたい、と誰もが思う。昨日もとてもよいお天気。太陽の光が雪に反射してまぶしいのでサングラスが必要なほど。こんな日は写真を撮りたい・・・とカメラを持って出かけた私。美しい景色を求めて見知らぬ場所を歩き続けて、たどり着いたのはいったいどこなのか、いまひとつ分からず・・・が、しばらく撮影をした後、無事ヘルシンキに戻るバスのバス停を発見。しかしだいぶ歩き回ったので体が冷えた感じ。そんなときはやっぱりカフェに行きたい、と思うのが人情である(って私だけかしらん?) どこのカフェに行こうかしらと考えながら乗っていたバスの中でTöölöを通過中に思いついたのがHopia。今日は座れるかも・・・。そんなわけで近くのバス停で下車。



There were tables available and I had really nice korvapuusti (the one in the photo just above this paragraph) and coffee. (I somewhat didn’t feel like Karelian pie but something sweet 😉

今回はテーブルも空いていたので プッラとコーヒーを頼んでゆっくり味わう。(カレリアパイをお店で食べて見たいと思ったけど、今日は甘いものの気分だった・・・)

According to their webpage, The cafe has been there since 1949 started by Emma Hopia evacuated from Sortavala (I had to look at wikipedia to find out where it is and what was there to evacuate from and you can follow the link  to find it out). Emma founded the cafe to bring Karelian cafe and pastry culture to Helsinki. (Sortavala is part of Karelian area) And the tradition continues till now.

後でこのお店のウェブページを見たところ、操業は1949年。ソルタヴァラという場所からヘルシンキに非難してきた Emma Hopia が始めたお店。(なぜ非難してきたかということについてはこちらで。私もその歴史については知らなかったのでwikipediaで調べた次第。) 彼女の出身地であるカレリア地方(ソルタヴァラはカレリア地方にある)のカフェとペーストリーのカルチャーをヘルシンキに紹介するというのがカフェのテーマだったらしい。Hopiaはその伝統を今も守り続けている。

What I observed at this cafe… It’s really popular among locals. Customers were coming in all the times. Most of customers having coffee in the shop were on their own including myself. They (or we) just had coffee and pulla quietly reading newspapers. It felt awkward to take pictures but I knew they wouldn’t mind as I have heard the cafe was in Japanese magazine. It seems customers simply love to have coffee and pulla at Hopia. I also liked to be in such a local cafe with nice coffee and pulla. It’s very Finnish cafe not only from what they serve but also from their opening-hours-point of view. It’s open from 8am to 5pm from Monday to Friday and closed on Saturday and Sunday.





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