Best Voisilmäpulla?! Most Likely!!


It’s hard to believe it has been two weeks since I encountered most-likely-the-best voisilmäpulla in the town. (Maybe, subconsciously, I wanted to keep it secret 😉 ) It was another snowy day in the middle of March. I stupidly decided to walk from home to the cafe, Cafe & Eepos. It wasn’t only cold and snowy but also, as often it is, it was windy! I got totally frozen, once again, after walking for 30 minutes or so, but was happy to find voisilmäpulla in the cafe. Voisilmäpulla has been my most favorite pullas since I got to know about it. voi = butter and silmä = eye. Pulla (bun) with butter eye! In the middle of the pulla, there is butter eye covered with sugar. That is voisilmäpulla in short.

ヘルシンキで一番おいしいと思われるvoisilmäpulla(ヴォイシルマプッラ)を食べてから2週間。なんで今までブログに書かなかったのかは謎である・・・が、無意識に秘密にしたかったのかもしれない(笑。とにかく、そのおいしいプッラをいただいたCafe & Eepoに行ったのは相変わらず雪の降る3月の中旬・・・雪が降って寒いだけでなく風も強くてさらに寒い日の午後だった。そんな寒いのに家から歩いてカフェまで行こうと決めて途中まで歩いて後悔した私。だが、もう今さらバスに乗ってもという距離までがんばったのでそのまま歩いてカフェに到着。またまた体が凍るように冷たくなっていた。が、店で大好きなヴォイシルマプッラを発見。ちょっと復活。ヴォイシルマップラは初めて食べてからプッラのなかでも一番のお気に入り。あったら絶対食べるくらい。voi = バター、 silmä = 目。バターでできた目のついたプッラ。しかもそのバターの目の上にはたっぷりの砂糖がかかっている。簡単に言うとそれがヴォイシルマプッラなのだ。


I had been to this cafe before but haven’t known they had such perfect voisilmäpulla (for me, of course!) The texture of the voisilmäpulla I had at the Eepos was totally different from any other ones I had ever tasted. Oh, even before that, it looked different from typical voisilmäpulla shape. I wondered if it was really voisilmäpulla though it was named “voisilmä”. Shape doesn’t really matter anyway. It tasted great with the heavier texture of the bun than other typical pulla. It didn’t taste as sugary as other voisilmäpulla. It was, for me, just so perfect!!!


IMG_3091Luckily, snow season seems to have been over (hopefully, it is not only my optimistic observation..). On the sunny Easter Sunday, I started to crave voisilmäpulla of Cafe & Eepos! Maybe some time this week, I’ll go there and have it 😉

さてさて、まだとても寒いながらそんな雪のシーズンもようやく一段落したようで(ってほんとにもう降らないんでしょうね!)、青空のイースターサンデー。突然Cafe & Eeposのヴォイシルマプッラが食べたい衝動に駆られたのだった・・・仕方ないから今週行こう!

Information about the cafe:

Cupcakes, cupcakes, cupCakes!


chocolate & nutella cupcake

I love cupcakes as much as I I said,  “I love cupcakes as much as I believe it has magic to make girls happy;-),” in the post, the cute cupcake shop at Antwerp , which I wrote last summer. And they again made me happy today 🙂




Last week, I noticed the sign, “Cupcakes are ->” !!! on the street that I walk everyday. How exciting!!! I had been looking forward to tasting cupcakes at the new cafe on Fredrikinkatu, 3-minute walk from my flat. (have to say, again, I love my neighborhood!). Today, I had a chance to visit BrkLyn Bakery 🙂

先週、毎日歩く近所の通りに “Cupcakes are ->”(カップケーキはこちら)の看板を見たときの盛り上がりたるや・・・さっそく今日は一仕事終えたご褒美に BrkLyn Bakeryでカップケーキをいただいてみた。



Red Velvet Cupcake

and, loved the Red Velvet Cupcake . I also tasted chocolate & nutella (OMG, nutella!!! I know many friends who are crazy for it ;-)) cupcake (picture on the top) a friend had and ti was also yummy!

私の食べたred velvet カップケーキも、友達に少しだけ味見させてもらったチョコレートとヌテラのカップケーキも(そう、ヌテラ中毒になりそうな友達もいたりするあのヌテラ(笑)もどちらもとってもラブリーな味。一口食べただけでやっぱりhappyな気分。

I’m happy to have another cafe/shop where I can get lovely cupcakea in Helsinki 🙂

My other favorite shops for cupcakes are Kannistonleipomo,



 and Keisari, especially for their inviting presentation of colorful cupcakes!

そし カラフルなカップケーキを素敵にディスプレイしているKeisari。ご参考まで


If you want to know what “PASSION” does, visit Qulma @ Helsinki

IMG_3037 IMG_3030

Blue sky and sunshine! Weather was gorgeous today in Helsinki. I decided to walk to the restaurant where I planned to have lunch with a friend who told me the restaurant seems to have nice bread. (we love bread!!!) When I went out, I realized it wasn’t such a good idea to walk there. It was cold with strong wind. When I opened the door of Qulma, however, I thought it was a great idea to come there welcomed by the super-friendly owner 🙂

真っ青な空とまぶしい太陽の光・・・。まさにゴージャスな天気の本日のヘルシンキ。ついうっかりだまされて、ランチの約束をしていたレストランにトラムではなく歩いて出かけようと思ったわたくし。家を出て歩き始めて気づいた・・・とっても寒い!風が超冷たいのだった。でも、これからどこのトラム停に向かってもあまり意味のない感じ・・・トラム待つのも寒いし・・・と 歩いて行こうと決めたことを後悔しながらもお目当てのレストラン、Qulmaに向かった。お店のドアを開けると、とてもフレンドリーなオーナーが歓迎ムードたっぷりで声をかけてくれた。寒くてちょっとダウンしてたテンションも復活。なんだかとてもよい予感!


As I felt very cold after walking in the cold weather, I chose soup buffet without the second thought. Especially borsch was appealing originated from the other cold country, Russia and I started with a bowl of borsch out of three different kinds of soup at the buffet.

寒い中を歩いて来たので迷わずスープビュッフェをオーダー (サラダもおいしそうだったけど、寒すぎ)。3種類のスープの中でも特にフィンランドと同じくらい寒いロシアのスープ、ボルシチは魅力的だった。

The borsch with sour cream (my favorite!!!) was delicious!!! Especially, pieces of beef in the soup was nice. One of the best borsch I ever tasted 🙂



I tried the other two different soup, mushroom soup and vegetable soup. Both of them were nice but I so loved the borsch and had another bowl at the end! Four bowls of soup! Even though size of a bowl was small, it was much more than I usually eat. (I have such small tummy! and you would agree with me if you had dined with me 🙂 ) I was really full but I couldn’t help trying over my limit 😉



When we talked with the owner, he told us how passionate he was about food and I could see his passion manifesting through their food and how the restaurant serves the customers. Recently, I feel importance of doing what one is passionate about more and more. It was absolute joy to witness sincere passion at such a lovely restaurant 🙂



Turkish yogurt with sweet mint pesto, fried cinnamon & sugar seeds and chili apricot is one of the outcomes of his culinary exploration. Marc, the owner, told us he tried a lot to find perfect taste in the mint pesto and indeed it was yummy! Not only the pesto but also all of them tasted great! (He also told us the pesto goes with many other food, such as berries!)

ところでこのトルコヨーグルト。Marcオリジナルの スィートミントペスト、フライドシナモンとシュガーシード、そしてチリアプリコットと一緒にいただくのだが、これぞこだわりの一品。彼が試行錯誤の末たどり着いた絶妙な味のミントペストはご自慢の一品である。どのトッピングも全部おいしかったけど。

Linux Master, Linus Torvalds visited Qulma! リナックスのあの人も訪れた!

Qulma seems to have a lot of fans and I am one of the newest fans 🙂 Many celebrities have enjoyed their joyful food. You would find pictures of them on the wall if you visited Qulma. Marc told us those pictures are also his passion : ) Also you find some of them in their Facebook page.(I l already “like”d the page :))

Qulmaのファンはとても多いようで、私も本日すっかりファンになってしまった。政治家やロックスター、フィンランドを代表するあの有名なオタクなどセレブリティも訪れるこのお店。その壁には有名人の写真が所狭しと飾られている。これらの写真もまたMarcのパッションだと彼は語っていた。 もちろんFacebook pageでもその写真の一部が見られる。

Qulma also serves breakfast on weekend and brunch on Saturdays. I, of course, as a brunch lover, would love to have brunch there. Who is coming with me? 😉




A Tea House for (Serious) Tea Lovers – The Ounce @ Helsinki

World map on the wall reminded me of the Age of Exploration

I pass in front of this shop almost everyday and wanted to go there for tea. But I hadn’t visited there till this evening. Entering the tea house, The Ounce, I saw (maybe) one of the best collection of tea in Helsinki. Passing in front of the shelves of tea jars, I found a small tea room with three tables (one of them was really small table with a sofa.)

ほとんど毎日前を通るそのお茶専門店 The Ounce、相当長いこと一度入ってみようと思っていたのだが、なんだかなかなか機会がなかった。お店に入るとヘルシンキではヘルシンキでも1,2を争うのではないかと思われるお茶の品揃え。所狭しと棚に並ぶお茶のジャー。その棚の前を通り過ぎて奥に進むと3つしかテーブルのないとても小さなティールームがあるのだった。



After taking off the coat, I went back to the counter in front of the shelves to choose tea. I consulted the person at the counter and chose the one which goes well with milk. They gave me two choices, Assam and something else.. I forgot what it was but chose the one which wasn’t Assam as I often chose Assam when I drink tea and wanted to try something else. In the very very cozy tea room, tea was served nicely 🙂



It tasted very nice, neither too strong nor too weak. It went well with milk, of course 🙂



I liked the early Tuesday evening I spent having lovely tea and a biscuit at The Ounce.Their tea and the small tea room with warm atmosphere made me feel relaxed and calm.  


They serve not only black tea but also all different kinds of tea from different part of the world. If you are a serious tea lover (or you like tea, anyways 😉 , I recommend you to check out  The Ounce,

The Ounceは紅茶だけでなく世界各国から輸入されたいろんな種類のお茶を扱う専門店。お茶を極めたい人・・・とまでいかなくても、お茶好きの人にはお薦めのお店。

Smiely :) Morning with Home Made Pulla @ Cafe Akvamarine


My energy level was super low and I felt super tired this morning. I didn’t know why though. I got up and had breakfast but again went back to bed. Even after getting up the nap, I was still tired. I craved pulla. I really needed to have good pulla! So, I did go to cafe for morning pulla (it was almost noon though 😉 . One of my recent favorites in my neighborhood is Cafe Akvamarine on Uudenmaankatu. It’s non-frill Finnish cafe with one of the best korvapuusti in the town though they have nice antique (at least looking) sofa and lovely flowers on the table.

今朝はなんだかお疲れモード。昨日夜更かししたわけでもないのに、なんだか力が入らない。あ~、でもプッラが食べたい!!!どうしても食べたい。というわけで力を振り絞って私の最近お気に入り、近所のカフェ・アクアマリンに出向くことにした。このカフェはアンティーク風のソファとテーブルの上のお花以外は全然飾り気はないのだが、そのプッラ、特にkorvapuusti (フィンランドのシナモンロールの代表)は絶品!!!

As a matter of fact, I hadn’t tasted their korvapuusti till today though I hade heard it was one of the best. Today, it was only my second time to visit the cafe and, the first time, I was there for laskiaispulla (kinda’ special occasion 😉


And I am happy for my second visit 🙂

さてさて、そんなこんなで横殴りの雪の中を歩いて出かけたアクアマリンのkorvapuusti…うわさどおり!というか私の想像以上のおいしさ 🙂


You may see the difference from other not-so nice korvapuusti only looking at the picture 😉 It’s different. It is home-made and tastes butter (it may not easy to find it out from the picture 😉 It tasted delicious!!! Even though it was bigger than I usually prefer, I loved it and finished it easily!!!


By the way, korvapuusti isn’t usually my first choice for pulla. There is huge difference between good korvapuusti and not-so nice ones. Most cafes and shops don’t have good ones. But now, I know Akvamarine has one of the best and am sure korvapuusti will be my first choice whenever I visit the cafe from now on 🙂



After having such lovely pulla and a cup of Finnish coffee which I usually don’t like but think goes well with pulla, I don’t feel energy-low anymore 😉

I also have to mention that the owner of the cafe is as nice as her pulla. I enjoy super short conversation with her (in Finnish!!!) 🙂



Cafe Akvamarine: Uudenmaankatu 19-21, 00130 Helsinki
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10:30-17:00, Saturday 10:00-16:00, Sun Closed