Smiely :) Morning with Home Made Pulla @ Cafe Akvamarine


My energy level was super low and I felt super tired this morning. I didn’t know why though. I got up and had breakfast but again went back to bed. Even after getting up the nap, I was still tired. I craved pulla. I really needed to have good pulla! So, I did go to cafe for morning pulla (it was almost noon though 😉 . One of my recent favorites in my neighborhood is Cafe Akvamarine on Uudenmaankatu. It’s non-frill Finnish cafe with one of the best korvapuusti in the town though they have nice antique (at least looking) sofa and lovely flowers on the table.

今朝はなんだかお疲れモード。昨日夜更かししたわけでもないのに、なんだか力が入らない。あ~、でもプッラが食べたい!!!どうしても食べたい。というわけで力を振り絞って私の最近お気に入り、近所のカフェ・アクアマリンに出向くことにした。このカフェはアンティーク風のソファとテーブルの上のお花以外は全然飾り気はないのだが、そのプッラ、特にkorvapuusti (フィンランドのシナモンロールの代表)は絶品!!!

As a matter of fact, I hadn’t tasted their korvapuusti till today though I hade heard it was one of the best. Today, it was only my second time to visit the cafe and, the first time, I was there for laskiaispulla (kinda’ special occasion 😉


And I am happy for my second visit 🙂

さてさて、そんなこんなで横殴りの雪の中を歩いて出かけたアクアマリンのkorvapuusti…うわさどおり!というか私の想像以上のおいしさ 🙂


You may see the difference from other not-so nice korvapuusti only looking at the picture 😉 It’s different. It is home-made and tastes butter (it may not easy to find it out from the picture 😉 It tasted delicious!!! Even though it was bigger than I usually prefer, I loved it and finished it easily!!!


By the way, korvapuusti isn’t usually my first choice for pulla. There is huge difference between good korvapuusti and not-so nice ones. Most cafes and shops don’t have good ones. But now, I know Akvamarine has one of the best and am sure korvapuusti will be my first choice whenever I visit the cafe from now on 🙂



After having such lovely pulla and a cup of Finnish coffee which I usually don’t like but think goes well with pulla, I don’t feel energy-low anymore 😉

I also have to mention that the owner of the cafe is as nice as her pulla. I enjoy super short conversation with her (in Finnish!!!) 🙂



Cafe Akvamarine: Uudenmaankatu 19-21, 00130 Helsinki
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10:30-17:00, Saturday 10:00-16:00, Sun Closed

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