Veggie Week (for me)

This week, I visited two veggie restaurants, one recently opened, another one which I hadn’t been for a while. Both were quite satisfying and joyful 🙂

今週は自分の中でベジウィーク。火曜日には比較的最近オープンしたと聞いたベジバーガーの店、”Soi Soi” へ。この店のことは ヴィーガンの人たちとたまにやってる持ち寄りパーティーのときに教えてもらった。前からあって私も何回か行ったことのあるベジバーガーの店、Vegemesta をもっとよくした感じ、と教えてくれた人が言っていたのだが、店に入って納得。まったく飾り気がなくどちらかというと がらーんとしたお店の中。店の人が一人で注文をとり、料理をし、料理を運ぶ(といってもバーガーとかサラダなのだが)。とってもざっくばらんな感じ。あまり愛想もない感じ・・・でも バーガーの具について質問すると親切丁寧に説明してくれた店の人。

Soi Soi” is located near Sörnäinen metro station. I heard about it from friends who I met at “vegan” gathering. They explained it as better version of Vegemesta (the other veggie burger shop). When I got there and saw how it was like, I understood why they explained in such a way. It was quite laid back “place” (I feel it’s more appropriate to call it “place” rather than “restaurant”.) Menu was on the black board on the top of wall. There was one guy cooking and serving. Absolutely no frill. Yet, when we asked questions about ingredients, he explained what they were kindly and pleasantly.


A friend and I, both, ordered goat cheese veggie burger. The filling which looks like meat pâté is soy. It was delicious and filling 🙂 I so enjoyed it!



The other restaurant I went for lunch on the other day was “Zucchini” which is open only for lunch time (11am – 4pm). I had been there before and liked a lot. A friend and I met up in front of the restaurant at half past eleven and it was already super busy at the restaurant. It looked that all the tables were occupied when we entered in the restaurant, but some groups left just before we got food from the counter. More and more customers came in after us but they all seem to have got tables. Most groups were sharing the tables with other groups of people and we also had another two people at our table. It’s such a popular veggie restaurant with such delicious and healthy food.



We both had French style casserole with smoked tofu. I ate smoked tofu first time and loved it 🙂 It was soooooooo delicious! It’s a lovely restaurant but it’s too busy to stay for nice long lunch. It may be a good idea to go there much later.


Healthy and tasty meal always makes me feel I’m a much better person than before 😉 (You know this feeling, don’t you?!)
