Unexpected Location for Fab. Lunch – Ravintola Lähiö

I had no idea about the location when I saw the address. It meant it wasn’t in the city centre of Helsinki. But but but, somewhat the article in the online news made me think I must go there despite the article was in Finnish which I don’t understand as much as English.



Though it’s reached easily by metro from Helsinki city centre, we had a car on the day and drove to Rastila camping site. Yes, it’s located in the camping site, unexpected location for gourmet restaurant. There were many camping cars at the site.





For lunch, our choice was grilled salmon. We knew what to order when we saw the day’s lunch menu online before coming here 🙂 And it was the right choice! I think other dishes are equally good though. Well, we like salmon 🙂


More than salmon, however, I was super impressed by the potatoes under the salmon (Hope you can see them!). I am not a big fan of potatoes. I usually skip to eat it. Often, I even ask the chef not to put any potatoes on the plate. But I, of course, tasted it at this gourmet restaurant.


The potatoes were so delicious that I couldn’t leave any bit on the plate. I was really full but couldn’t stop! It was one of the best potatoes I had ever eaten. (I’ve never imagined I would write about potatoes with this much passion 😉 )

こんなおいしいレストラン、Ravintola Lähiö http://www.lahio.fi/。キャンプ場まで足を伸ばす価値はある。キャンプ場と聞くとなんだか行くのが大変そうなのだが、地下鉄の駅のすぐ近くでもあるので、アクセスも簡単。かつ、このメインディッシュにサラダビュッフェと食後の飲み物がついて10€というのは、オトク感も高いではないか・・・。


Including salad buffet and coffee/tea, the lunch was only 10 €. Super value!

I recommend to go to Ravintola Lähiö http://www.lahio.fi/ at the camping site 😉
