Genuine Sushi at Wagocoro @ Helsinki

2012-10-22 12.43.14

Today we had sunshine and blue sky, finally, in Helsinki! On such a lovely day, I noticed a Japanese friend posted information about "Seriously delicious" sushi shop (take-away shop but they have two tables where you could also eat), Wagocoro, in the Facebook. I've got to go!!! I have been tasting sushi every place I travel in Europe and also in Helsinki where I live (actually, I was searching for sushi restaurant in Belgrade where I am going tomorrow when I saw the post ;-). And I always trust Japanese friend's recommendation for sushi restaurant. We know how it should be!

So, I got ready very quickly and left home for Töölö!

久しぶりに青空が広がって太陽が降り注いだ今日のヘルシンキ。午前中パソコンに向かっているとFacebookに友達が新しいすし屋の情報を載せているのに気づいた。日本人の友達が"まじでおいしい" っていうそのすし屋、Wagocoro。ほんとにおいしいに違いない。すぐにでも行ってみたい。明日からまた旅に出る私、今日行かなかったらしばらく行けない・・・と思ってるところにその友達からチャットが。話を聞いているともういてもたってもいられなくなった私。"やっぱり今から行ってくる~" と言い放ち、そそくさと支度をしてTöölöに向かう。

2012-10-22 11.53.50

場所はだいたい地図で確認して通りの名前も覚えていたが、正確な番地を覚えていなかった私。(ある意味、らしい (笑) でも道の反対側から遠目でここに違いないと日本人の感性が働く(笑 日本独特の感じってやっぱり日本人にはすぐ分かるもの・・・ 

The shop looked so Japanese and I immediately spotted it from the other side of the street though I didn't remember the exact address (typical me!). 

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The Japanese couple who are the owners and chefs welcomed me super warmly when I opened the door. Also they were smiling to me when I looked the shop through the windows before opening the door. Both of them have good experience as sushi chef in Japan. Husband is the sushi master (means, he has more than 10- year experience as sushi chef) and wife also has 7-year experience.I chatted a bit with them and both of them were so nice!


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今日私が選んだのは、本日のスペシャル(€9.5)。一番上に載せた写真でお気づきの方もいるかもしれないけど甘エビも入ってる!  そして"まじおいしい"という友達の言葉、その通り。まじおいしかった。特に気に入ったのはカリフォルニアロール。なにがよかったかというと一番外側に巻かれるようにちりばめられているとびっこ。このぷちぷち感が最高。とびっこの軍艦が出ると いくらじゃないんだ・・・ってなんだかがっかりする私だが、このカリフォルニアロールではとびっこがあってよかったと思うのだった(笑。そしてイカもとろける感じ。フィンランドでもこんなにおいしいイカが食べられるなんてびっくり!サーモンはとびきりおいしいけどそれ以外のネタは全然期待できないという私の先入観をくつがえす感じ(笑。

I ordered Today's special (€9.5) which included sweet shrimp, squid, salmon, California rolls. Looked exciting for good selection of fish and tasted excellent!!! My most favorite one was California rolls for the fish eggs sprinkled on the outer layer of rice. It went so well with the rest of the ingredients of the roll. Also squid was meltingly delicious. I hadn't expect any other good sushi fish/seafood than salmon in Finland but, WoW! They were outstanding!!!

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I also had toro-salmon which is fattier part of salmon which I saw in their Facebook page and looked extremely delicious! And it was super delicious. I am happy to tell you that Helsinki has now Genuine Japanese sushi shop!


Awesome Sushi Experience in Sofia, Bulgaria



I ate sushi in Helsinki yesterday. And I ate sushi in Sofia today! I got up at 3am, walked in the heavy rain for twenty minutes to get to the station to catch a bus to Helsinki airport. My flight left Helsinki at 6:35am and arrived at Sofia at 12:30pm via Munich. Hotel staff came to pick me up at the airport. He told me he had been to Japan and enjoyed it a lot! We talked about Tokyo on the way to the hotel though he was originally trying to show and tell me about Sofia 😉 Anyhow, a long morning, I got totally tired by the time I got to the hotel. So, I decided to have a low-key day. 

Main activity on such a low-key day was to try sushi in Sofia as I do whenever I travel. A Bulgarian friend who used to live in Tokyo strongly recommended the restaurant, Sasa. And of course, I trusted such a recommendation! And she was right!!! Their sushi was awesome as well asl the yuzu prawn appetizer I chose as the photo in the menu lookes super. It tasted as super as the photo. Bliss:)
All of the sushi was delicious but among them, fatty salmon was special. It was served with a little bit sweeter soy sauce and grated Japanese radish. The harmony of those were great and I liked it a lot!
In addition to the lovely food, the restaurant had a nice view of Sofia from the 18th floor. Also their customer service was as good as we have in Japan 🙂 Funny to talk this much about Japanese restaurant on my first day in Sofia but it was such as day. Tomorrow, I will go to some famous sights and experience more Bulgalia!

Sushi at “Domo” in Helsinki


今日のディナーの場所を決めるときに "Domo" に行ってみない?と日本人の友達にメッセージを送ったら、"なにそれ、ジョーク?” と返された。そんな店名の日本料理の店、Domo。 ヘルシンキでは老舗のうちの1つでわたしもよく行く日本食の店“古都”が移転したあとを中国人のオーナーが買い取って始めたと聞いていた店。日本人の経営じゃない日本食屋・・・どうなんだろうかと思ったけど、日本に住んでいたことのある外人友達何人かからおいしかったと聞いたのでトライして見ることにした。(外人友達ってここではわたしも外人だけど、日本人じゃないという意味で外人って書いてみた) 

"Domo" is a Japanese word to express gratitude. IT's an adverb that literally means indeed or very much but can be understood as thank you. When we say "Domo arigato", it means "Thank you very much" but "domo" could be also "thank you". It is short and easy, thus we often use it. 

Today, a friend and I went to Japanese restaurant Domoin Helsinki recommended by a couple of my non-Japanese friends who used to live in Japan. I trust their recommendation as they know genuine Japanese taste and really love Japanese food.


As I always do at Japanese restaurants in other countries than Japan, I tried sushi at Domo. They were presented very well and tasted good! Rice was seasoned with enough vinegar (it is often missing at Japanese restaurants outside of Japan!!!) and tasted very Japanese. The combination of such rice and fish, especially with eel, was quite nice. And white fish, siika, was quite tasty! 



I usually order sushi set which has good variety and is cheaper than ordering a la cart. But they didn't have it and it was a bit pricey to have variety of sushi. But the Japanese staff told me they have sushi set at lunch time and I would like to try it some time soon.  


They have many different kinds of Japanese dishes in the menu and I would like to try those as well. 

And my friend's recommendation was right 🙂