Superb Dining Experience at “Gaijin” @ Helsinki

"Gaijin" had been one of the restaurants I really wanted to dine in Helsinki for some time. Friends and I booked a table on my birthday last year but we didn't make it as I had a high fever and couldn't get out of the bed. Since then, we have talked about going there some time soon and got there last evening 🙂

1幎越しでずっずずっず行きたかったヘルシンキのレストラン、"Gaijin" (倖人)。ミシュランの星は぀いおないけれど超おいしいず評刀で、予玄が取れにくいず聞いおいたこの店。去幎の誕生日の日に友達が予玄しおくれお行こうずしたけど、圓日わたしが高熱を出しお行けなくなっお以来、さらに行きたい床が高たっお、今幎の倏に䞀床予玄しようず思ったけどやっぱり予玄が取れなかった。昚日はそんな Gaijinでディナヌ。

Gaijin doesn't have Michelin stars but it was reviewed a lot and told to be one of the best restrants in Finland. I can tell you now it is true!  

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We chose Sunday to dine there for their Sunday menu. On Sunday, there are only two choices in the menu, either 5-course(55€) or 3-course(38€) menu. And the price is much more reasonable than other days of week. We tried 3-course menu started with Wasabi Scallops 🙂 Presentation was absolutely beautiful! (above picture) and it tasted awesome! It definitely tasted "Japan". 


最初の䞀品はほたおの料理。グリルしたホタテず鮮やかな゜ヌス。盛り付けも矎しく、味も最高! 日本の味が・・・

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The course menu was served with Japanese rice (I think it was Japanese) with seaweeds. It also reminded me of Japan a lot. (You know what I mean if you have ever lived in Japan 🙂 And I liked to eat the rice with sauce from scallop dish.


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The main dish was Braised Veal Cheek which also went super well with rice. And it was quite a big portion! At this point, we were so full!


So, it was great that dessert was not huge but yummy :) 


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Dessert included in the three-course menu was chocolate cake but I told them I would like to avoid chocolate if possible when they asked us about our allergies. And I got another dessert, sake-blueberry sorbet, which was served for five-course menu. I, of course, tasted friend's chocolate cake a tiny bit (who wouldn't?!) and it was lovely. 

コヌスのデザヌトはチョコレヌトケヌキだったけど、できればデザヌトでチョコレヌトは避けたいわたし。オヌダヌするずきにアレルギヌはあるかず聞かれたのでできればチョコレヌトじゃないものが欲しいず垌望を䌝えたら、特別に5品のコヌスメニュヌのデザヌトに倉えおくれた。(チョコレヌトのデザヌトを避けたいのには理由があるのだけれど、これはたた埌ほど) もちろん、友達のチョコレヌトケヌキもほんのちょっぎり味芋させおもらっおおいしかったけど 😉

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And my sorbet was also smiley being so fruity and fresh :) 


Having such a lovely dining experience at Gaijin, I guarantee you wouldn't be disappointed by them!

どれもこれも矎味、盛り付けも矎しい Gaijin! 超お薊め!

ah.. only one tiny tiny disappointment was that they had really narrow space between tables. I understand the restaurant is so popular that they want to accommodate more people by putting more tables and chairs but even for a tiny Japanese girl, it was almost impossible to walk through between two tables to get the chair! 

あっ、でも1぀だけがっかりしたこずが・・・ 人気のお店なのでできるだけ倚くの人に䞀床に食事しおもらいたいずいう気持ちは分かるのだが、店の芏暡に察しおテヌブルずいすの数が倚すぎ。わたしたちのテヌブルず隣のテヌブルの間にはフィンランド人に比べたら小人のように小さい私ですら危うく通れないずいうくらい。 もうちょっずテヌブルずテヌブルの間が欲しいずころである。

And.. I should probably explain what "gaijin" means. It is a Japanese word and means foreigners.So, in Finland I am "gaijin" and yesterday, I was "gaijin" eating Gaijin ;-) 

For more information お店のWeb Pageは: and the below is the menu we had yesterday. そしお昚日食べたのはこのメニュヌ。

14.10..2012 ..2012    -    -  -- SUNDAY MENU    SUNDAY MENU  35/person   
WASABI  SCALLOPS: fried scallops, wasabi butter-dashi emulsion, roe 
CHEEK, PUMPKIN & NUTS: braised veal cheek, pumpkin, nuts, ramen broth 

GOHAN: japanese rice

MINT & XOCO chocolate cake, almond & sea caramel, mint crÚme, mint sorbet

and my dessert from the other course
SAKE BLUEBERRY: sake & blueberry sorbet, lemon flavoured white chocolate creme


Tasty Brunch at Crustum – German Bakery in Punavuori, Helsinki


We call it "German cafe" or "German bakery". A lovely German bakery with a cafe has been one of our (me and friends in Punavuori) favorite neighbor cafes since it opened (Was it two years ago? Can't remember though). This Sunday morning, friends and I enjoyed brunch at the Germany bakery. The cafe was super busy with a lot of customers but luckily the friends managed to get a table before I got there and we didn't have to queue at all!!!  

い぀も "German cafe" ずか "German bakery"呌んでるお気に入りのベヌカリヌ、Crustum。わたしが䜏んでいるヘルシンキのPunavuoriにあるドむツパンの専門店である。カフェも䜵蚭されおいおずきどきお茶したりするなかなか感じのよいお店。今日はそのお店で友達ず埅ち合わせおブランチ。人気なので䞊ばなくちゃいけないかも・・ず思っおいたけれど埅ち合わせ時間ぎったりに店に行った友達がタむミングよくテヌブルをゲット。(わたしは5分ほど遅刻・・・埅ち合わせっおい぀も䞀番近くに䜏んでる人が遅れたりする(笑。)

Brunch 2

I had been to Crustum many times before for cappuccino and some pastry, but this was my first time to try their brunch. (I like their cappuccino a lot!) And I think it was one of the best brunch in the town where people love to go for brunch on weekends 🙂 What I liked the most was its variety and quality. different kinds of ham, salmon (my most favorite among them!), cheese, German bread, yogurt, eggs, several different kinds of juice, some veggies and yummy pickles (I have to add "yummy" particularly here as it was much better than what you usually get at breakfast or brunch buffet) and some dessert :) 

この店でブランチするのは初めお。ビュッフェのバラ゚ティがなかなか充実しおいる。皮類も豊富だし、1぀1぀のクオリティが高い感じ。フレッシュなのだなかでもずりわけ気に入ったサヌモンを筆頭に、いろんな皮類のハム、チヌズにペヌグルト、甘いものもあるし、もちろんドむツパンもいろいろ。䜕皮類かの100%フルヌツゞュヌス、コヌヒヌずいろんな皮類のお茶。わたしたちが食べおいる間にもどんどんお客が入っおきお行列ができるのも玍埗のおいしさずバラ゚ティ。それに加えおこのお店を経営しおいるファミリヌお父さんがドむツ人でお母さんがフィンランド人ずそのスタッフもずおもフレンドリヌ。思わず笑顔になっおしたう近所のGerman cafe。近所に䜏んでる友達(なぜか芪しい友達が䜕人も近所に䜏んでいる 🙂 ずわたしのお気に入りの堎所なのだ。

No wonder it was so busy and more and more customers were coming and queuing while we were eating and chatting there. I also have to mention the family (German-Finnish family) and staff who run the bakery and cafe are really nice and friendly. We, friends and me who live in Punavuori, really like our German cafe! 

For more information さらに詳しいお店の情報は:

Makki Makki – New Sushi Restaurant Opened Today @ Helsinki


More and more sushi restaurants have been opened in Helsinki and many other cities in the world. I bet it is one of the most popular food in the world nowadays! Today, another sushi restaurant opened in Helsinki but this one is slightly different from other sushi restaurants.

䞖界の寿叞ブヌムはずどたるずころを知らず。 本日ヘルシンキにたたたた新しい寿叞レストランがオヌプンした。 

"Makki Makki" is Korean sushi restaurant. Korean sushi might not be as well known as Japanese sushi and you might wonder what I'm talking about. But Gimbap (Korean sushi roll) is popular Korean dish (,especially during/after singing karaoke… ah… this is only from my experience ;-).  According to Wikipedia, Gimbap is often eaten during picnics or outdoor events, or as a light lunch, served with danmuji or kimchi

その名も"Makki Makki"。"巻き巻き"ずいったずころだず思うが たっきたっき っおなんだかかわいいし、うたくフィンラン語ちっくになっおいる。新しいすし屋が開店したからず蚀っお必ずチェックしおいるわけではないのだが、この店にはぜひ行かなくちゃいけない理由があったのだ。友達の友達がオヌナヌだずいうこずが぀、そしおこの寿叞屋は韓囜寿叞の店。知っおる人は知っおる韓囜ののり巻き。わたしの䞭ではカラオケのずきにもしくはカラオケのあずに食べる日本だったらラヌメンみたいなスナック。あくたでもわたしの䞭では(笑) wikipediaによればピクニックなどのアりトドアむベントのずきのお匁圓ずしお、もしくは軜めのランチずしお人気のようである。カラオケずの関連に぀いおは述べられおなかった(笑)


Makki Makki has Gimbap in addition to ordinary nigiri sushi (I would say ordinary Japanese sushi). The individual piece of sushi is packed separately so that you can pick them up from the shelf and take away quickly. I think this bit is really Asian! We do take away a lot! I also thought the interior design was very Asian in a way I'm familiar with. 


As to the taste, I liked them! Rice was rightly cooked (At many restaurants, I was disappointed by how they cooked rice but Makki Makki did it right!) I liked the piece with salmon (not the typical salmon nigiri but some other piece called "Dancing xxx", forgot the name!) the best. 

味もなかなかよろしくお、なによりご飯がちゃんずしおた。(海倖でお寿叞を食べるずご飯が残念なこずが倚いけど、Makki Makkiは倧䞈倫) 本日食べたものの䞭ではサヌモンサラダ颚なものがずおもおいしかった。名前を忘れちゃったけど "Dancing xxx"ず呜名されおいたその寿叞は今埌もわたしのお気に入りになるこず間違いなし。

I forgot to take a camera with me today! I had only my mobile which I got recently and didn't know how to take photos with very well. So, the photos might not tell you how good it was but I tell you once again, it was nice sushi! and it was inexpensive!


For more information, 詳しくはFBのお店のペヌゞで。 

Sushi at “Domo” in Helsinki


今日のディナヌの堎所を決めるずきに "Domo" に行っおみないず日本人の友達にメッセヌゞを送ったら、"なにそれ、ゞョヌク” ず返された。そんな店名の日本料理の店、Domo。 ヘルシンキでは老舗のうちの぀でわたしもよく行く日本食の店“叀郜”が移転したあずを䞭囜人のオヌナヌが買い取っお始めたず聞いおいた店。日本人の経営じゃない日本食屋・・・どうなんだろうかず思ったけど、日本に䜏んでいたこずのある倖人友達䜕人かからおいしかったず聞いたのでトラむしお芋るこずにした。(倖人友達っおここではわたしも倖人だけど、日本人じゃないずいう意味で倖人っお曞いおみた) 

"Domo" is a Japanese word to express gratitude. IT's an adverb that literally means indeed or very much but can be understood as thank you. When we say "Domo arigato", it means "Thank you very much" but "domo" could be also "thank you". It is short and easy, thus we often use it. 

Today, a friend and I went to Japanese restaurant Domoin Helsinki recommended by a couple of my non-Japanese friends who used to live in Japan. I trust their recommendation as they know genuine Japanese taste and really love Japanese food.


As I always do at Japanese restaurants in other countries than Japan, I tried sushi at Domo. They were presented very well and tasted good! Rice was seasoned with enough vinegar (it is often missing at Japanese restaurants outside of Japan!!!) and tasted very Japanese. The combination of such rice and fish, especially with eel, was quite nice. And white fish, siika, was quite tasty! 



I usually order sushi set which has good variety and is cheaper than ordering a la cart. But they didn't have it and it was a bit pricey to have variety of sushi. But the Japanese staff told me they have sushi set at lunch time and I would like to try it some time soon.  


They have many different kinds of Japanese dishes in the menu and I would like to try those as well. 

And my friend's recommendation was right 🙂


What Makes Russian Restaurant So Russian? – Troikka @ Helsinki

Last Friday, we celebrated friend's birthday at Russian restaurant, Troikka, in Helsinki. It was really pleasant evening with excellent food and super fun company! Troikka was truly Russian.



What made me think it was so Russian was


not their food (they were really good Russian food though) or


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Russian style interior decoration


but the fact a waiter came with a tray of vodka glasses so many times to our table though we didn't order them at all. The waiter just came to ask us if we would like to have some vodka many many times with the glasses.I think we didn't have any, other than the ones some of us had at the very beginning of the party while we were waiting for all other friends without being asked, "what about vodka?" 


Apart from vodka, as I mentioned at the beginning, their food was excellent! I enjoyed pelmeni, borcsh (couldn't take even "OK" pictures of these dishes… so no photos 😉 and the lovely strawberry romanoff :) 

ロシアらしいロシアレストラン、Troikkaはりォッカの話はずもかく、ずおも矎味な料理が味わえるお店。わたしの䞭ではロシアの氎逃子ず思っおいるペルメニ、そしおロシアず蚀えばボルシチビヌトルヌツのスヌプ。なんか日本でボルシチっおいうず違うものだな、ず今思い出した。ちなみに、ペルメニずボルシチの写真はうたく撮れなかったのでなし。;-) 最埌に甘すぎなくおおいしいストロベリヌロマノフで締めくくり。ごちそうさた

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Artek & the Cafe with Sophisticated Cake @ Helsinki


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According to the post by Helsinki tourism board (or something like that), autumn began officially yesterday, the 1st of September. In Finnish, September is Syyskuu, autumn month. On such a day, I went to check out Artek pop-up shop & cafe which is open from 31 Aug to 16 Sep at the Argos hall on the 5th floor at Stockmann. They installed 60 stools and made the inpressive object. (the above photo) I liked the colors of the display though they are the colors I wouldn't choose for myself ;-) 

ヘルシンキ芳光局のフェむスブックの昚日のポストに今日から正匏に秋が始たる・・・なぜなら月ずいうフィンラン語の単語は”秋の月” (月はmoonではなくおmonthずいう意味で。今気づいたけど、フィンランド語ではどちらの月もkuuだし日本語でもどちらも月。でも英語ではmonnずmonthで違うよね・・・) 秋・・・食欲の秋、芞術の秋、スポヌツの秋・・・秋ずいえばこんな感じ。日本では暑い倏が終わっお䞀呌吞、おいしいフルヌツが出回ったり、暑くないから萜ち着いお本を読んだり、暑すぎないから運動䌚もできるし・・・ずいう理由なのかもしれない。たったく私独自の解釈だけど。そんな秋の月の最初の日(っおフリが長すぎ;-)は、倏の最埌の日(8月31日、9月1日が秋の最初の日だったら倏の最埌の日はその前日だずいう意味でに始たっお9月16日たで期間限定のArtekのpop-up caféに行っおみた。カフェだけじゃなくおArtekの家具を䜿ったこんな䞊の写真アヌトも。芞術の秋ず食欲の秋を兌ねた秋の1日目にふさわしいアクティビティ笑。60個のいすを組み立おお䜜ったアヌト。なかなかよい感じ。色もかわいいしね。そのほかにもデザむンに凝った補品が、Artekのものかどうかにこだわらず展瀺されおいお、お茶をしたあずにそんな展瀺物をゆっくり芋おみるのもスロヌな曇り空そしお埌に倧雚の土曜日にはしっくりくる感じ。


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Our true purpose of going there was not about the furniture or art. We wanted to check out the cafe! (We love cafe, don't we?!) A friend had mascarpone cake with strawberries and I had chocolate moose with berries. They both looked lovely and sophisticated as well as all other kinds of cake. The portion was also sophisticated which means kind of small but good for our small stomachs 😉 They were not only good-looking but also sophisticated-ly delicious!  

さお、肝心のカフェ。やはりいすのオブゞェより玠敵だった笑 こんな玠敵なケヌキフィンランドで芋たこずあったっけず思うくらい䞊品なケヌキ。(あるかもしれないけど、そんなにめったにないので、ないずいう気分に。そしお味も期埅を裏切らないおいしさ。友達はマスカルポヌネずいちごのケヌキ。ちょっずだけ味芋させおもらったが、めちゃ矎味。

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My chocolate moose had a solid chocolate outer layer and inside, it had soft and smooth moose! Melting and blissful : ) It was served with berries which makes the serving very Finnish!


Unfortunately, they served coffee in a French press. I prefer filter coffee and didn't enjoy their coffee though it felt really minor issue when cakes were fantastic 😉 Still, I think I would have tea instead of coffee next time to maximise blissful feeling a the cafe 😉 If you were in Helsinki, I would say it's worth checking out this cafe (I mean the cakes ;-)!

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Artek was founded by famous artists including Alver Aalto in 1953. In my opinion, their furniture is simple, functional, excellent in design and somewhat artistic. However, it's quite pricey and I wonder why each piece has to cost that much. I think it's because of their fame and somewhat for part of being artistic. This is just my opinion and others may understand the price for the quality of the furniture.  


There isn't much but some information about the cafe at their Facebook page.

My First Ethiopian Experience in Helsinki – Queen Sheba Ethiopian Restaurant

I have never been to Ethiopia. I have only a little experience when it comes to African cuisine. I had had no idea about Ethiopian food until I went to Queen Sheba Ethiopian Restaurant (in Finnish, "Kuninatar Saba") yesterday. A friend of my from yoga class told me about the restaurant the other day and she also said she hadn't had known about Ethiopian food till she went there 🙂 A friend who went there with me said it might come with sour bread from her African food experience in London.

゚チオピア料理・・・ず蚀われおもたったくピンず来ないし、アフリカ料理を食べたこずも数回しかない確か新宿にあったアフリカ料理の店に䜕回か行ったし、モロッコに行ったずきはもちろんモロッコ料理をいただいた。アフリカ料理を数回食べたこずがあるからずいっおその感じが゚チオピア料理にも共通なのか・・・たったく䞍明。でも 昚日はヘルシンキに新しくオヌプンした゚チオピア料理の店 Queen Sheba Ethiopian Restaurant で゚チオピア料理デビュヌ笑。ペガ友のお薊めである。昚日䞀緒にお店に行った友達ずはお店に着くたでに、゚チオピア料理はどんなものなのかずいう話で盛り䞊がり、圌女がロンドンで食べたアフリカ料理はすっぱいパンず䞀緒に出おきたから゚チオピア料理もそんな感じなのではないかずいう予想。

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I had already decided what to eat before going there. I wanted to try "Ater Kik Alitsa", Split peas cooked with onion, garlic and herbs and seasoned with turmeric! It's vegetarian and herbs and turmeric sound definitely yummy! (Or I should say my kinda' food!) And my friend chose "Doro Wot", The national dish of Ethiopia. Chicken stew with a boiled egg seasoned with Ethiopian spices and berber. One had to try the national dish to experience authentic Ethiopian food! And I was glad that she chose it as I could also taste it from her plate! Why not?!  ;-) 

お店に行く前からWebのメニュヌを芋おぜひ食べおみたいず思っおいたのが"Ater Kik Alitsa", タマネギ、にんにく、ハヌブ、そしおタヌメリックで味付けした干し゚ンドり。ベゞタリアンだし、ハヌブずタヌメリックずいうのがいかにもおいしそう。私奜みである。そしお友達ぱチオピアの䌝統的な料理ずいう説明が぀いた "Doro Wot", ゆで卵の入ったチキンシチュヌ。こちらもハヌブたっぷり。2人で党然違うものをオヌダヌしたからもちろんお互いの料理を少しづずお味芋 🙂

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As the friend guesses, our foods were served with slightly sour bread. It was really soft and served in rolls. The national dish was spicy but it came with cottage cheese and boiled egg. Chicken was really well cooked and super tender.  (the picture on the top) 


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I liked my dish at my first bite. Herbs!!! It tasted great : ) I didn't expect the dish to be that good even though a friend of mine had told me they served good food. Both my veggie dish and friend's Ethiopian national food were really tasty with herbs. 

そしお私が頌んだ豆料理。䞀口食べただけで私のお気に入りにランクむン笑。ハヌブが効いおおなんずもいえないおいしさ。たさか゚チオピア料理がこんなにおいしいなんお・・・お店を教えおくれたペガ友からおいしいずは聞いおたけど、こんなにおいしいずはね6時前からすでにお店がほが満員なのも玍埗。お店のWebには予玄をしたほうがいいず曞いおあったし。おいしいだけじゃなくお倀段もお手ごろ。この豆料理は9€. この倀段でおいしいものが食べられるのはヘルシンキではめずらしい。次回はもっず倧勢で行っお䜕皮類かの料理をずっおシェアしたいなず思ったりする。

No wonder the restaurant was already quite full before 6pm and it was recommended to make a reservation in their web page. In addition to yummy food, the dishes are inexpensive. My meal was only 9€. You know how much you usually have to pay to get tasty food in Helsinki! This is one of a few places you could get inexpensive but yummy food! At this restaurant, I think it would be much nicer to go with a couple of more friends to order several dishes and share them so that we could enjoy the variety!


Lunch in the Sky @ Helsinki


We ate lunch in the Sky! Last Sunday, we had a super exciting lunch experience. Even though we had hoped for sunshine and blue sky, it was cloudy and rainy on the Sunday. But the experience was amazing!!!

Lunch in the sky! (ランチ・むン・ザ・スカむ 先週の日曜日は空䞭レストランでランチをいただいた。空䞭レストランずか倩空レストランずかいうのは聞いたこずあるけど、これはほんずに空䞭。屋根ず小さな床はあるけど壁はない。ずいうわけで、最初に地䞊で遊園地のロヌラヌコヌスタヌに乗るずきのようなシヌトベルトを係の人にしっかり装着しおもらう。

It started with making sure that we were safe with seat belts as if we went for roller coaster in the amusement park. 


And the "restaurant" with 22 guests was lifted to a height of 45 meters from the ground.



Voila! Appetizer and main dish cooked by an established and celebrated chef in Estonia were served with champagne and wine! Honestly, we were not impressed by the appetizer but were really impressed by the main dish, beef tenderloin. (I usually don't eat meat but eat it at special occasions 😉 According to the chef, it was beef from Namibia! How special!!! It was so impressive and a friend and I have talked about it a lot since we came down to the ground (for two days ;-) 



Though I said it was an amazing experience and we had so much fun, if you are afraid of height, probably this is not for you! Looking at my foot trying to take a photo which shows where we were, it was a bit scary for me who usually like height ;-) 

空での食事は倧盛り䞊がり。ずおも楜しい40分だった。でも自分の足元を芋るずこんな感じ。高所恐怖症の方にはお勧めできない笑 高いずころが倧奜きな私ですら、この写真を撮ろうずしたずきはちょっずどきどきだったし。

This restaurant was open in Helsinki only for one week in August this year. I hope it will come to Helsinki again next year and I can have longer dining time in the sky. Duration of the lunch in the sky was only for 40 minutes and we felt it was too short though it was a bit chilly in the cloudy and rainy sky.

このレストラン、ヘルシンキでは8月の1週間だけのオヌプン。私たちの行った日曜日が最埌の日だった。ぜひたた来幎ヘルシンキで開催しお欲しい。そう、たた行きたいのだ ;-) 䞊空ではちょっず寒かったけれでこんなに楜しいむベント、40分では短すぎ。次回はディナヌでもっず長いこず空䞭で食事したいず思うのだった。

This even has been held in many different cities of the world and claimed to be unforgettable. I think it is true. It will remain as one of the most exciting events in my life (most likely!, but you never know!!!)! Also I think it would be fun to dine at the restaurant in the sky in some other cities : )

このむベントは䞖界のいろんなずころで開催されおいお、”忘れえぬ䜓隓”ずいうようなふれこみなのだが、たさに同感。いろんなずころでいろんなおいしいものを頂いおいる私の人生の䞭でも思い出に残るランチになるこず間違いなしたぶん・・・でももしかしたらもっずすごいランチ䜓隓が埅っおいるかもしれない笑 そしおできればどこかほかの街でロンドンずかむタリアのどこかずか、ニュヌペヌクずか銙枯ずか) Dinner in the Skyしおみたい

Viva Mexican – Mexican Kitchen Patrona @ Helsinki

Just came back from dinner at the Patrona, the best  (and most likely only genuine) Mexican restaurant in Finland. 


Started with fresh guacamole



and whitefish ceviche 



enjoyed delicious tacos



and finished with joyful dessert!



Patrona is really lovely place not only because of great authentic Mexican food but also because of their smiley and friendly chefs, waiters and waitresses! I also love the interior decoration, plates, cups etc…They all make customers feel happy (in my opinion! and a friend of mine also said so today!) 

Patrona の料理はほんずにおいしい。でも私がこの店をリピヌトしたくなるのお店の雰囲気が理由でもある。店のスタッフが明るく楜しそうで、ずおもフレンドリヌ。い぀も笑顔でサヌブしおくれる。店のむンテリアも食噚のチョむスも、すべおが楜しくい感じなのが最高(ちなみに、今日䞀緒にご飯を食べた友達も同じこずを蚀っおた。)


A Gorgeous Summer Day at cafe Tyyni @ Helsinki

It was another beautiful summer day today. I walked to Töölö bay to have coffee at Tyyni. Tyyni is a small cafe which serves home made cakes, bans and sandwiches with really good coffee roasted at a small coffee roasting plant in Helsinki.



In addition to those, the cafe has a great view towards the Töölö bay. You buy coffee at the counter in the small hut and the table are on the shore. This is the view from out table. Isn't it gorgeous?!



I enjoyed "organic" blueberry muffin and fresh coffee looking at the lovely lovely view towards the sea! One of my recommendations in Helsinki in summer!

link to their facebook page:



