Cafe Empire -open only 9-17 June 2012

ヘルシンキ首都制定200年を祝うイベントがまだまだ続くヘルシンキ。今週はヘルシンキウィークでもあり、12日の火曜日はヘルシンキ・デー。 そのイベントの1つとして昨日から17日まで期間限定でオープンしているのがこのカフェ、Cafe Empire。ヘルシンキにカフェ文化が花開いた19世紀のカフェを再現。19世紀のドレスに身を包んだお店の人と19世紀のころの焼き菓子がいただける。

It's Helsinki week and Helsinki day is coming soon (12th June), and Helsinki is celebrating its 200th anniversary as as the capital. One of the events for the bi-centennial jubilee year is the Cafe Empire, 19th century-style coffee house, which is open only between 9th and 17th June. According to the Helsinki 2012 web page, "Helsinki’s café culture began to flourish in the early 19th century as a number of enterprising Swiss master bakers established themselves in the city. At home, cakes and pastries were enjoyed with coffee but also as dessert. The Sederholm House at Senate Square offers a wonderful setting for visitors to enjoy a selection of 19th century treats, while music from the same era whisks you away to Finland’s fledgling capital of two hundred years ago.."


I went the cafe today and experienced the 19th century treats. I had almond cake which tasted much better than I had expected, with the bitter lemon zest which gave nice contrast to the sweet cake and really nice almond even though there was only one piece of it on the top. A friend had crescent moon pie which she told me pretty nice.

私が選んだのは手前のアーモンドケーキ。レモンの皮のピリッとした味とおいしいアーモンドがなかなかよい感じ。あまり期待してなかっただけにさらに好感。そして友達が頼んだのは奥に見える三日月という名のパイ(日本語にするとちょっといまいちな名前)。三日月形のパイということである。これもなかなかおいしかったという話。ちなみに値段はアーモンドケーキが4€で 半月パイが2€。値段は21世紀である。

The cafe is located at the Helsinki city museum which is in front of the city's symbol, the Senate square. Through the window, you can see the nice view of the white Cathedral with the blue sky (if it is a sunny day like today). As to the 19th century theme, I have to say there wasn't much more than the sweets and dresses the waiters and waitress wore. But I thought it was kinda fun to check it out, especially when it is open only for one week.



A Cafe with the Lovely Ceiling – Viilipuutarha @ Helsinki


I read about "Viilipuutarha", "Wild garden" in English, long time ago in the newspaper. The cafe I had wanted to go for such long time and haven't been till this evening had lovely decoration on the ceiling. Though I had dreamed of having luxurious brunch there on Saturday, it's not Saturday today and I went there after work. Although chocolate chiffon cake looked super delicious, I chose korvapuusti (typical Finnish bun) with coffee. I thought the simple and typical Finnish bun could tell me how good their buns, cake and biscuits were 🙂 And and…

ずっと前に新聞で読んでずっと行ってみたいと思ってたのになかなか行く機会のなかったカフェ Viilipuutarha, (英語だとWild Garden)。 今日は思いがけず開いてる時間にお店の前に。ドアを開けると鳥のさえずりでウェルカム(センサー仕掛け)。そしてうわさどおりの乙女チックなインテリアデコレーション。中でも天井はとても素敵。テーブルにもこんな白バラが。



Voila! The reputation of their homemade baked goods was true! Cafe staffs were very kind and friendly : ) And it is table service (table service is unusual at the cafes in Finland, in case you don't know about it 😉



Summer is Coming Soon, Maybe ;-) – Tuesday Evening @ Helsinki

Lovely weather today! I know all my Finnish friends (or even Japanese friends living in Finland) would say it's too early ty for strawberries, but I couldn't resist and bought half a litter of strawberries. I am going to make strawberry smoothies tomorrow morning : )



Berry stalls are sign of summer. From now on, there will be more and more berry stalls in the town till the end of summer! (It's not that warm yet but summer will come eventually ;-)These strawberries were Spanish and later sweet Finnish ones will come.



Oh, I just notices the open cafe in front of Stockmann has new table and chairs this year!

Cafe Cardemumma @ Kallio, Helsinki

The last time I tried to go to the Cafe Cardemumma was Sunday and they were closed. Many cafes and restaurants are closed on Sundays, unfortunately, in Helsinki. But yesterday(Saturday), after being tired of studying at home, I visited this cafe and loved it : )

初めてこのカフェに行ってみようと思った日は日曜日だった。店の前まで行って日曜日は休みということに気づいて、がっかり。フィンランドのカフェやレストラン、日本だったら絶対開いてると思われる日曜日に閉まっていることが多い。でも昨日は土曜日、前回休みだったからますます行ってみたくなっていたcafe cardemummaでコーヒーブレイク。私の予感どおり、とってもナイスなカフェだった。一人でお茶しながらうれしくて顔がほころんじゃうようなカフェ。お店オリジナルの手作りスィーツ (実はフィンランドのカフェ、オリジナルじゃない店もすごく多い。印象としてはどこのカフェに行っても同じケーキみたいな)、プッラ、おいしそうなキッシュやサラダ。私のコーヒーブレイクはフィンランド定番のかもめ食堂でもおなじみ(らしい)のkorvapuusti と普通のコーヒー。おいし~い。


お店のスタッフも笑顔でとても親切 : ) なんだかほかのお客もとても穏やかの感じの人が多かった。プッラじゃなくてケーキ類も魅力的だったけど、砂糖を取り過ぎないように気をつけているので、ケーキは特別なときだけ。次回は事前に甘いもの断ちをしてケーキを食べようかしらん・・・(笑。 ブランチメニューもあって、来週末にでも行きたい気分。(ということはたぶん行く;-) レポートをお楽しみに!Cafe Cardemumma 営業時間にご注意を!

Lovely looking sweets and smiley staffs. Having yummy home-made korvapuusti (cinnamon bun), I couldn't help smiling : ) The cozy cafe is in my most-favorite-cafe list now! Their brunch menu looked great as well as sweets on the counter. I think I will go there again next weekend, Saturday, to have brunch. Check out Cafe Cardemumma


Cloudy Sunday & Salutorget cafe @ Helsinki

 It was sunny and the sky was super blue in the morning but when left home in the afternoon, it started to get cloudy and it was a bit chilly. It's May but there are still cold days, especially when it is windy.

I walked from home to Pohjoisesplanadi to go to another cafe I hadn't been to. I took my camera with me and enjoyed taking photos on the way. Marimekko's show window was quite springy and lovely!




At the Salutorget cafe I wanted to try their cream tea (scones and tea) but it wasn't available today. So, I tried voisilmäplla (butter eye bun) (my most favorite pulla!) with cappuccino. The pulla was huge and it was really light and tasty. It was a bit different from usual Finnish voisilmäpulla but I liked it as much as the ordinary ones. It is nice that we have different types of voisilmäplla available in the town. It was 4.20€, much more expensive thant the ones we could get from other cafes but it doesn't matter really for one Sunday afternoon. And it was huge 😉 As the Salutorget cafe is located on the most touristic street in Helsinki, the customers were mostly tourists. I also looked very tourist with my camera 😉 and my looks ;-)It was comfortable to spend time there though I don't know if it was because of non-local customers or nice welcoming waitresses! They do table services which is not common in Finland, btw.

さて、お目当てのカフェは Salutorget。フィンランドではめずらしい(イギリスでは全然めずらしくないけど)クリームティーをやってるというのを聞いて、行って見たかったのだが・・・残念、今日はやってないって(どうも日曜日はやってないようで)。せっかく来たので好物のvoisilmäpllaとカプチーノでコーヒータイム。メニューにSalutorget風というようなことが書いてあったが、いかにも。いわゆる普通のvoisilmäpllaと違ってサクサク。とても軽い。voisilmäpllaは私の大好物。フィンランドの普通のやつも、このカフェのオリジナルも、どちらもおいしい!しかもここのプッラは巨大!こんなに大きくてどうしよ~と思ったけど サクサクだったので、あっという間に食べちゃった(笑




Even though weather wasn't best to take a walk, I enjoyed walking slowly with the camera after the coffee break. I liked lovely buildings near the senator square. 



I also visited the city hall which had exhibition to celebrate Helsinki's 200years as capital city. I liked the satellite pictures picture of the city and managed to locate my flat : )


As to Helsinki 200years as capital city programme, check out




Sunday Brunch at Hotel Kämp – Helsinki


It's getting much warmer in Helsinki! I can go out without a winter coat. What a relief?! Today, I went to the Brasserie Kämp for Sunday Brunch. Kämp is the most prestigious hotel in Finland and Madonna stayed here when she came to Helsinki a couple of years ago. Looking at the menu of the Sunday Brunch, I have been looking forward to today since I agreed with a friend to come there!



We liked they had several kinds of salad, Paté spiced with green pepper, char grilled salmon as one of the appetizers, slightly-smoked salmon as one of the main dishes, roasted lamb, very tasty mozzarella, pancakes with maple syrup!!!…etc (every dishes, anyways). And we are extremely impressed by the crispy croissants and choices of the gorgeous dessert! They even had my favourite cupcakes from Kanniston leipomo (Déjà vu!!!)which I just wrote about a couple of days ago. So, this time I tasted both strawberry and chocolate ones : ) Both were lovely! I was simply enjoying eating those lovely dishes and didn't take many pictures. You have to go there if you would like to see how the Sunday buffet is like! It's a bit pricey and good for special occasions!

デザートの中にはなんと、おとといKannistonleipomoで食べてお気に入りになったあのカップケーキ。今日は友達と半分こでストロベリーとチョコレートの両方を味見。ビュッフェだから半分こでなくてもよかったけど、もうこの時点で結構おなかいっぱい(笑 料理の写真はあまり撮らず、魅力的に並んでいたデザートの写真のみ。後はご想像で!


 (written on 29, April このポストは4月29日に書きました)



 快晴の金曜日。気温はまだ10℃を少し上回った程度だが 気分はとても春、あるいはもう初夏の気分(笑 のヘルシンキ。カフェやパブのテラスは大賑わい。今週も1週間がんばって働いたので自分のご褒美、なにかプチおいしいものが食べたい・・・たとえば、カップケーキとか・・・

TGIF! It was a sunny Friday though wind was still chilly. I wanted to indulge myself as a reward for working another week.


A reward… something which makes me happy… maybe a cupcake?

I remembered my favorite Kanniston Leipomo recently started selling the original cupcakes as well as many other small shops and supermarkets in Finland. (Cupcake boom has finally arrived in Finland!!!)

遅ればせながら、最近ようやくフィンランドにもカップケーキブーム上陸。パン屋といえばスーパーのパン売り場というのが相場のフィンランド。そんな中数少ないほんとのパン屋、そして私がもっとも信頼している店、Kanniston Leipomo の店頭にも最近カップケーキがお目見え。チョイスはストロベリーかチョコレート。迷わずストロベリー。

Between, a strawberry cupcake and a chocolate cupcake, I chose strawberry one which I loved : ) Cupcake was absolutely right choice for indulging myself. The lovely strawberry cream with strawberry chips and the moist cake which reminded me of madeleine and financier made smile! Kannisto is definitely the best bakery in Finland, in my opinion!


おいし~い!このストロベリーのクリーム、ほんとのストロベリーの細かい粒も入っていて、果汁感たっぷり。そして下のスポンジの部分は、おいしい店のマドレーヌのようなしっとり感。(そういえばマドレーヌやフィナンシェもフィンランドでは見かけない、参考まで) なにもなくてもhappyな気分の金曜のアフター5。太陽の光がまぶしくい店の前のテーブル席(1つしかない!)でまったりしながら素敵なカップケーキと(普通の)コーヒーでさらにHappy! TGIF!

Fleuriste - Super Lovely Cafe in My Neighbourhood


In the suny afternoon, a friend and I went to the cafe, Fleuriste, in our neighbourhood first time. My expectation has been high since I read about the cafe combined with the flower shop at the Visit Helsinki's blog. And it was indeed the lovely cafe! I liked the serenity of the place and hospitality of the staff.  

ヘルシンキにも素敵なカフェが増えてきた。喜ばしい限り。昨日の寂しくて寒い天気(ヘルシンキ近郊でも場所によってはみぞれもちらついたし、吹雪になったという話も。)とは打って変わって青空になった今日、近所に住む友達と近所にあって気になっていたカフェ Fleuriste に行ってみた。花屋とカフェを組み合わせたこの店、Visit Helsinkiのブログで読んで、きっと素敵なお店に違いないと思っていたが、その通り。とても素敵なお店だった。落ち着いた感じかつかわいらしいインテリア。それに店の人もとても親切。行ったらほっとするカフェという感じ。



上の写真は友達が食べたスコーン。彼女もsmile! My friend was smiling enjoying the lovely scone.


店にあるピアノも素敵。 Loved piano in the cafe : )


そして私はサンドイッチ。シンプルだけどおいしかった。 And I enjoyed the simple but tasty sandwiches.


Almost all other customers were having brunch of 16€ (I think they had juice, coffee/tea/cappuccino/latte, yogurt with some fruits, salad and bread and puddings!) and I will definitely try it next time. I am so glad there is another lovely cafe in the neighbourhood!!!


Already Spring or Still Winter? …and Smoothies at Kawa Cafe @ Helsinki

The days are lengthened day by day…Sun wasn't totally set yet at 20:30 last Saturday (photo↓). Even though temperature was still low, we started feeling spring in the air…



But … today I was surprised to see snow on the street (photo↓)! And we had more snow later today (no photo).

と 思っていたのも束の間。今朝起きてびっくり・・・なんだか見慣れた風景(↓)。またしても雪!そして昼過ぎからさらに大雪 (残念ながら写真はないのでご想像ください)・・・


After the joyful yoga class, I had a lovely smoothie evening with yoga friends at Kawa cafe wondering if it was already spring or still winter. These are green smoothie and goji berry + blueberry smoothie.

もう春が来たのか、まだ(真)冬なのか、そんなことを話しながら夕方はヨガクラスの後にKawa cafe でヨガ友とスムージー。私はいつものグリーンスムージー、ヨガ友は流行り(少なくともフィンランドでは)のゴジベリーとブルーベリーのスムージー(あずきを髣髴させる色!)。


Is tomorrow going to be springy or snowy…? You never know!


Evening at Michelin Restaurant- ミシュランな夜@Chez Dominique

Reputation of Finnish cuisine…The Italian prime minister Berlusconi claimed that "I've been to Finland and I had to endure the Finnish diet so I am in a position to make a comparison." And French President, Jacques Chirac claimed that "After Finland, [Britain is] the country with the worst food.

However, there are more and more restaurants which serves tasty dishes in Finland nowadays though I have to say there is no point of comparing it to Tokyo, Paris, Hong Kong, even to London which actually has great restaurants, and so on.

Last evening, I had a chance to dine at one of the Michelin-starred restaurants, Chez Dominique, in Helsinki. Even though we had six-course menu, there were more dishes! It started with Greetings from the kitchen (several creative petite snacks) and finished with appetizer dessert, main dessert and a lot of petit confiserie. That is why there are more than six pictures and there were more which I didn't take pictures of. (Photos were out of focus taken by the smart phone as it didn't feel appropriate to take photos by camera! )


フィンランドといえば、残念ながらグルメで有名な国ではない。フランスのシラク大統領から「フィンランドの料理はイギリスと同様にまずい」と言われ、イタリアのベルルスコーニ首相からも「フィンランドでは食べるものがなくて、ダイエットしなければならなかった」と言われたくらい。もちろん東京やパリ、香港や、いまやグルメなお店が増えたロンドンとは比べ物にならないけれど、フィンランドにもおいしいお店が増えてきた。ミシュランの星つきのレストランも昨年には5つになり、昨日はその1つ、もっとも星の多い(といっても2つだけど)シェ・ドミニクでおいしいディナーをいただいた。値段も一流なこのお店、ぐるっぽんでクーポンを買っ たので半額。そんな素敵なお店とぐるっぽんというのがミスマッチではあるけれど、またとない機会!飛びついた次第。 トップの写真は昨日の料理の中で一番おいしいと思ったビーフ。普段は肉は食べないけれどスペシャルオケージョン。ベジタリアンとかローフードとかはすっかり忘れて堪能(笑。6品のコースだったが、最初の前菜(最初の というのは前菜も一品だけじゃなかったから)の前にキッチンからのgreetingsという名でクリエイティブなプチスナックのようなものも何品か出て、もはや下の写真のどこからがほんとの前菜だったかは不明(笑。さらにデザートも、デザートの前菜、デザート、そのあとの小菓子もなんだか小菓子というよりは大量。いやはや。説明するのもなんなので (というか全部は覚えてないので)写真をご覧くださいませ。カメラでの撮影はちょっと場違いという感じだったので、スマホでの撮影。よってちょっとピンボケ気味。ご容赦くださいませ。











気がつけばミシュラン星つきの店5つ中、4つ目の制覇。せっかくだから5つ目も近々トライしてみようかと。ちなみにその5店とはDemo, Luomo, Postres, Olo、そしてこのChez Dominique. 次は5店目Luomoへ : )

There are five Michelin-starred restaurants, Demo, Luomo, Postres, Olo and Chez Dominizue, in Helsinki and I have been to four of them by now. So, isn't it no surprise that I would like to go to Luomo, only one which I haven't been yet, next time?