Aalto Architecture for Novice – 素人でも楽しめるアアルトの建築

Alvar Aalto is most likely the most famous Finnish designer and architect in the world.


I am such a novice when it comes to design and architecture and hadn’t had much knowledge about Aalto architecture except I’ve seen many of them. Quite recently, however, a friend who is an architect herself enlightened me a bit about Aalto design in one of the building he designed over lunch. Since then, I got more interested in Aalto architecture and have taken photos of them.


Finnish design is practical. It’s not only about enjoying the beauty of the design but also (or more) about enjoying using it. So, it’s my own way of enjoying Finnish design, Alvar Aalto design, to have good time having coffee, breakfast or lunch. These three buildings are some of my favorite place to have coffee, breakfast or lunch. It’s quite interesting to look at and compare them, isn’t it?




Robert’s coffee in this building is a cafe I visit most frequently. I love that it’s very bright inside! Not only because sunlight coming through the glass ceiling but also ceiling lamps are bright. So even in dark winter or on a rainy day, it’s bright. and cheers me up! I often work with my laptop at this cafe. Height of the tables and chairs are perfect for me. And their latte and cappuccino are nice and price is reasonable. Also the building is connected to Kamppi shopping mall where metro and bus terminals are as well.  In addition, it’s one of the closest cafe to my apartment 😉


隣もその隣もアアルトの建築という場所にあるラウタタロに、最近 Dylan Marmoripihaがオープンして、ブレックファストやランチに気軽に利用できるようになった。



Restaurant Dylan Marmoripiha has opened in Rautatalo recently and we can enjoy breakfast and lunch! Dylan has several restaurants and all of them have tasty dishes with fresh and healthy ingredients! Variety of brunch and lunch buffet is great. This is the restaurant where my architect friend inspired me about Aalto architecture.

Akateeminen kirjakauppa/Cafe Aalto(カフェ・アアルト)


Cafe Aalto is one of the most famous Aalto architecture, especially among Japanese tourists who come to Finland inspired by the movie shot in Finland. They have even Japanese menu and I find Japanese tourist whenever I visit there. But it’s not only tourists who go there but also locals do. I often notice old ladies and gentlemen enjoying coffee or lunch. My favorite at this cafe is tasty and generous breakfast which is offered until 12pm! You don’t have to be that early bird to enjoy the breakfast. I also enjoy table service!


Autumn Color – 秋の色

Rastila and Kulosaari, Helsinki.


This autumn has been extremely rainy but today, it was sunny and golden-colored leaves were lovely. Luckily, I got a ride to Rastila in the eastern Helsinki and enjoyed beautiful autumn colors and lovely cafe.


Cafe MONAMI is in the old manor located in the same area as camping site. It used to be our favorite gourmet restaurant but we got to know it had been closed when we read about the new cafe in the paper.

目的は新しくできたカフェ、Cafe MONAMI。Rastilaのキャンプ場と同じ敷地にある元マナーハウスがカフェになっている。以前はここが超おいしいレストランだったのだが、新聞でこのカフェが紹介されているのを見て、レストランはなくなったんだな~と気づいた。


The cafe was cozy and lovely, especially with the light and autumn colors through the windows.



After having coffee, we drove in the autumn colors.

The pink manor in Kulosaari was cute.


It was relaxing and lovely Sunday afternoon.


Lovely Lunch at Wanha Laamanni, Porvoo

A friend and I had amazing lunch, the best-ever pumpkin soup and miraculously soft lamb steak in Porvoo.

Wanha Laamanni is located just in front of the cathedral in the old town. On Friday lunch time, it was very quiet both outside and inside were very quiet. Until another group came when we almost finished eating, we were the only customers in the restaurant. We liked it 🙂




It was a cold day, temperature was close to 0 degrees. So soup was quite attractive! We share the main course soup as appetizer and chose lamb as main. Presentation of the soup was lovely. In the plate there were mushrooms and herbs. The waitress poured creamy pumpkin soup in the plate on the table. The taste was heavenly. We repeatedly said it was worth coming to Porvoo on the cold day.




After lovely soup, OMG, lamb steak was truly amazing! I had never eaten such soft lamb meat. It was melting in my mouth.


We were extremely happy for the dishes we tasted at the restaurant. I didn’t have any plan today and thought it would be a boring day. However, it turned out to be quite nice day with wonderful lunch 🙂

A Pink Tea Pot

IMG_0999I hadn’t been to moko market for a while though I had heard that they changed the arrangement and there is more space for KaffaRoastery which is another cafe in the moko market just next to moko market cafe.

近所なのにしばらく行っていなかったmoko market。店のレイアウトが変わり、併設のKaffaRoasteryが広くなったという話を聞いていたのだが・・・。

Today I saw new layout of the moko market and liked it a lot! Moko had been always a lovely place to see all lovely & cute interior decoration items and so on but now it looks more for matured people without losing the cuteness!


I don’t remember how they used to serve tea but, today, my darjeeling tea was served in a pink pot which I liked a lot! It’s maybe a small thing but I felt super happy to see such a lovely pink pot <3 Usually, I drink coffee when I go to cafe but I think I will drink tea at moko (or I will go to moko for the pink tea pot 😉


Moko Market Café & Store

Fancy Sea Breakfast? – I do :)                船の旅を満喫する- まずは朝ごはんから :)

IMG_3371 ヘルシンキからほんとに気軽に行けるタリンへは、何度も行ったことがあるのだが、その気軽さと楽しさ故、海外旅行という感覚もすっかり忘れてしまう。そんなわけで、また、日帰り旅行に出かけてみた。(こちらの地理に詳しくない方、タリンはフィンランドの隣国エストニアの首都です。)気軽と言うのは、本当に気軽で、フェリーでたったの2時間だし、料金も全然高くない。料金に関しては、いつ行くのかとか、どのくらい事前に予約するのかとか、特別セールとかいろいろな事情で変わるのだが、どうみても高くない。

I had been to Tallinn by ferry several times. It’s super easy to get there from Helsinki. It takes only two hours by ferry and the fare is quite affordable. (Price varies depending on when you book, when you go, if some special deal is offered etc. but it is quite affordable!) I usually spend most of the time on board by reading and talking with friends over coffee. But this time, we decided to spend time in different ways trying to maximize fun on board.

片道2時間のクルーズの時間、いつもなら本を読んだり、コーヒーを飲みながら一緒に行く友達とおしゃべりにふけるのだが、今回はちょっと違ったアプローチで、船旅を満喫してみることにした。 IMG_3351 IMG_3355 Yesterday, a friend and I met at the terminal at 9:30, checked in easily with the machine and waited for the boarding time which was 10:00.


Departure time of our ferry, TallinkSilja “Star” was 10:30 and we had a table reservation for buffet breakfast called “Sea Breakfast” at 10:00. When we got to the restaurant on the Deck 8, we saw the sign, “fully booked”. I, honestly, hadn’t thought that many people would have buffet breakfast on board while the cruising time is only 2 hours. But the restaurant got really busy and really full.  We, luckily, arrived there before it became super crowded though.

タリンクシリヤラインの”Star”号の出発時間は10時半だが、10時にブレックファスト・ブッフェの予約が入っているので、乗船と同時に8階のレストランへ。入り口で ”予約で満席” という表示を見て、びっくり。2時間の短いクルーズだし、タリンに着いたらどこかレストランに行けばいいと思って、今までトライしたことがなかったのだが、実は人気のよう。・・・というわけで、早めにレストランに着いた我々が、盛り上がりながら好きなものを選んで席に着いたころには、たくさんの人がビュッフェに行列。ほんとに満席だったのだ。

IMG_3361 IMG_3365     IMG_3366 IMG_3364 IMG_3360 At the buffet, I was happy to find pate, salmon and karjalan piirakka (Karerian pie) , simply because they are my favorite 🙂 And they were very good 🙂 Among them, pate was as good as I went to have more 😉 My friend made beautiful sandwich with Finnish bread and salmon (Look at the picture at the top of this post!) and it turned out to be gorgeous in the picture. (I am a blogger but also a photographer ;-)) Oh, I should mention she liked the small pieces of cake a lot 😉

さてさて、実際の朝ごはんだが、サーモンにパテに、カレリヤパイという私の好きなものが並んでいて、盛り上がる。味もなかなかで、特にパテは美味でお代わりを ;-) 友達は、サーモンと黒パンでなんだか素敵なルックスのサンドイッチを作った次第。写真を撮るととても美しい感じに。(一番上の写真)さらにベリーの入ったデザートが気に入ったよう。

An hour had gone very very quickly over enjoyable breakfast. It’s a nice way to start a day of day trip to Tallinn. I think it made sense to eat on board when the arrival at Tallinn was 12:30 and we wanted to go sightseeing/shopping straight after arriving there.


After enjoying breakfast, we headed to the shops (on board, of course!) There are always something to buy (somewhat!) and window shopping is always fun! From chocolate, alcohol to toys, clothes and kitchen wares, variety of things are sold on board. Though we thought about leaving shopping-on-board to the evening, we bought some small things for families and friends. I don’t drink alcohol but buy some bottles of wine when I travel to Tallinn. It’s nice to keep some bottles at home so that I can take them to visit friends for dinner or party.

朝ごはんに続いてはお買い物。特に買いたいものがあるわけじゃなくても、旅先での(旅というほど大げさなものでもないのだが)ショッピングは盛り上がる。友達とあれこれ言いながら、普段と少し品ぞろえの違う店で何かを見るというのが楽しいのかもしれない。マーケットの品ぞろえは豊富。お決まりのチョコレートやアルコールから、おもちゃや衣類、それにキッチン用品まで。とにかくいろんなものが。船での買い物は帰りでもできるので、まずは見るだけと思っていたが、小さなものでお土産によさそうなものを、私も友達もさっそく購入。アルコールは飲めない体質ではあるが、見るのは大好き。ワインのボトルのデザインは、素敵なものが多いし、友達の家を訪ねるときの手土産にもよいので、いつも何本か購入するのだ。 IMG_3383 IMG_3394   IMG_3411 Two hours passed really quickly while we enjoyed breakfast and shopping. As usual, the ship arrived at the D terminal of port of Tallinn.


It seems our plan to maximize fun on board worked well on the way to Tallinn. About the cruise back to Helsinki, you have to wait for next post 🙂


TallinkSilja line : http://www.tallinksilja.com/en/web/int/book-a-cruise

タリンクシリヤの日本語のサイト: http://www.tallinksilja.com/en/web/int/japanese

Cambusa – Blissful Italian @ Yokohama, Japan

Admittedly, I didn't explore as many restaurant as I usually would do in Japan when I visited there at the beginning of November for a week. But I was lucky to have friends who suggested to go for lunch to a lovely Italian restaurant, Cambusa. It was hidden in the area I had never imagined to find such a lovely restaurant, near Yokohama station.

11月の初めに1週間ほど横浜に行っていた。今回はいつもほどレストランの開拓に励まなかったのだけれど、友達のお薦め、なかなか予約のとれない横浜のイタリアン、Cambusa に行くことができた。まさかそんなところにというような横浜駅西口の裏通りにある隠れ家という感じのこの店、感激のおいしさだった。


All the dishes were tasty and joyful. Among them, I loved the pasta with broccoli and pork as much as I tried to cook something similar when I came back to Helsinki. Broccoli was cooked right (not too hard but not too soft) and pork had right amount of fat (not too fatty but not too dry!). When it was served I thought it was sparkling! (I mean it looked gorgeous!)




Pizza margarita's presentation was entertaining. The pizza chef was friend's friend and put some special decoration on our pizza (see them in the picture below ;-) 





Also we had very individual cappuccino. We were four and everyone got different picture in the foam 🙂

カプチーノも特別仕様。わたしたち4人にそれぞれ違うデザインのカプチーノが :) かぶりものをした女の子(笑。  


ごちそうさまでした~。Thank you very much for the lovely meal, Cambusa!



My Lovely Dining Experience in London Last Week

I had spent one week in Japan and flew to London, mainly, to see a football match. Rather than writing about the football match, I wanted to write about what I ate there (not because the result of match wasn't that exciting but because my dining experience was fantastic 😉


After the football match, we went for dinner to Spanish restaurant, Tendido Cuatro. A friend had told me me their paella is superb! We started with Iberian ham, fried aubergine and Spanish omelet. All of them were very nice, and Iberian ham was superb! If I had a chance to go to the same restaurant, I would definitely have Iberian ham 🙂



And the huge pan of paella was served! Wow! And as the friend told me, it was delicious. Three of us finished it but didn't have any more space in the tummy left for dessert 😉


All the restaurant staffs were native Spanish speakers. Tendido Cuatro is authentic Spanish restaurant, in my opinion.



For the next morning, I searched lovely cafe which serves lovely breakfast in the Time Out web page. (I always look at the Time Out to check out restaurants, cafes and happenings in London.) And I chose to go to a Kiwi cafe Kopapa

翌朝は素敵な朝ごはんが食べたいと思って 私がロンドンでおいしいお店を探すのに愛用しているTime OutのWeb pageで朝ごはんのおいしい店をチェック。(朝ごはん情報はこちら http://www.timeout.com/london/feature/1064/londons-best-breakfasts-and-brunches) 以前から気になっていたKopapaに行くことにした。


My breakfast, Spiced banana French toast with grilled bacon, orange blossom labne, tamarind raisin relish & orange vanilla syrup, was lovely without being too sweet! Bacon was cooked in very English way. It was cold rainy Monday morning but the cafe and lovely breakfast uplifted my spirit 🙂

いただいたのはこちらのフレンチトースト (Spiced banana French toast with grilled bacon, orange blossom labne, tamarind raisin relish & orange vanilla syrup)。 とてもさわやかな口当たりのフレンチトースト。そしてベーコンがいかにもイギリス風。晴天で紅葉がきらきらしていた前日とは打って変わって雨模様の月曜日の朝はKopapaのカフェでゆっくり、まったりクオリティの高い朝ごはんを楽しんだ。


In the afternoon, we visited Jamie's Italian restaurant! I like Jamie Oliver and it had been in my wish list to go to his restaurants. I wasn't sure if we could get a table but we tried to have late lunch there. The ground floor was busy and almost full but we got a table downstairs. 


I wanted to have very Jamie dish. My observation on how Jamie cooks and how he uses his inspiration in cooking and ingredients made me choose Jamie's Italian burger. Burger doesn't sound very Italian but it is Jamie, there must be something very Jamie in including it in his Italian menu! 


The burger was huge! And photogenic! Many friends like the photo in my Facebook 😉 And it tasted great and healthy! 

で、出てきたバーガーがこれ! びっくりする大きさ。でも写真に撮るとインパクトがあっていい感じ。味も上々。パテがおいしかったな~。大きかったけど完食。Facebookで写真を見た友達からどうやって食べたのかという質問があったけど、もちろん分解して食べた次第。



After eating such big burger, I didn't have any extra space for dolce though I usually say "You can't say you ate Italian without having dolce" 😉 Luckily, a friend had gelato and I could take a photo and taste it a little 🙂 I thought gelato was really good as scoops were not huge and they tasted lovely!



So, is food but in Britain as bad as its reputation? It might have been so some time ago. But recently, there have been a lot of choices of good restaurants and cafes. Whenever I come to London, I enjoy lovely cafes and restaurants. Looking forward to next time :) 


Twenty-Eight Hours in Munich


On the way back from Belgrade, I stopped over at Munich and spent 28 hours. The captain on the flight from Belgrade told us it was snowing and freezing-point temperature in Munich and I got excited about it (I like snow!). When we arrived at the Munich airport, it was very snowy and windy, OMG! I chatted with the guy sitting next to me about the weather and he told me he didn't have any coat as he didn't expect such weather at all on his way back to Brussels and I told him I was prepared as I live in Finland 😉 Anyway, next morning, I was delighted to see snow covered trees, buildings and ground. Beautiful! Also we had one extra hour to sleep in as the time changed on that Sunday from summer time to winter time (winter time is not the right word as winter time is just ordinary time but we call it "winter time" or is it only me who says so? ;-) 

ベオグラードの帰りに立ち寄ったミュンヘンでは28時間の滞在。ベオグラードからミュンヘンに向かう機内のアナウンスでミュンヘンの天気は雪、ちょうど0℃くらいというのを聞いてひそかに盛り上がる私。雪が好きなのだ ;-) 隣に座っていたベルギー人は、コートをもっていないとあせっていたが、私はもちろん準備万端。なんてたってフィンランドに住んでるからいつでも寒い気候に対応できるような準備ができてる(笑。実際ミュンヘンの空港に着陸するとそこは大雪、っていうか風が強くてまるで吹雪。こんなんじゃなくても、って思うくらい。とにかくそんな雪が積もって翌朝は窓の外にとても素敵な風景が・・・建物も来も地面もすべて白い雪で覆われて、とてもマジカル。しかもこの日は夏時間から冬時間に変わる日だったので1時間余分に眠れたし・・・(ちなみに冬時間というのはあまり正しくない言い方。冬時間が普通の時間で夏時間が特別なのだ。が、冬時間って使うことも多いような・・・って私だけ?)



Breakfast at Frenzy added more fun to the morning. They have a lot of choices in the breakfast menu and  I had gone through the menu before I went to Munich. (I don't understand German and needed to be prepared to maximize the breakfast joy!) I chose pancakes with cinnamon, maple syrup and plenty of fruits and yogurt with (again) plenty of fruits. It was presented lovely and tasted nice 🙂 I loved the breakfast 🙂 Not only the food but also I liked the interior decoration of the cafe, especially the flower wall paper which I forgot to take a picture of as I was too excited about breakfast to document other things! The cafe was all the time full and more people were coming in while we were there. And most people including us seem to have made table reservations. If you had a chance to have breakfast on weekends whatever weather would be, try Frenzy! They offer breakfast only on weekends.

そんな素敵な雪の朝をさらに素敵にしてくれたのがFrenzy 。ここで朝ごはん。種類の豊富なメニューはもちろんドイツ語。というわけで事前に予習をしていった私(笑。(食べるときにはいつも真剣。グルメなのだ!) シナモンパンケーキにメイプルシロップとフルーツ。そしてさらにフルーツ入りのヨーグルトを注文。どちらもほんとにフルーツたっぷりでとても素敵な盛り付け。とってもおいしかった。素敵だったのは食べ物だけじゃない。店内のインテリア、とくにお花模様の壁紙がとってもラブリー。パンケーキで盛り上がりすぎて写真を撮るのを忘れてしまったけれど・・・。もしミュンヘンに立ち寄る機会があればぜひチェックしてみてください。朝ごはんは週末のみ。


After breakfast, we went to visit The Nymphenburg Palace. Everything was white and it was really really lovely! It was really cold though 😉 This was my first snow of the season as I missed it in Helsinki which had snow a couple of days earlier than Munich. I was in Belgrade with a lot of sunshine on the day, which wasn't bad either 😉

素敵なブレックファストの後はNymphenburg Palaceでお散歩。シティセンターに近いところにこんなお城と公園が。こういうところがミュンヘンのよいところだったりする。すべて白く染まったその風景はほんとにほんとに素敵だった。写真もたくさん撮ったし。でも超寒かった・・・なにはともあれ、これが私にとって今シーズンの初雪。この2-3日前にヘルシンキでも雪が降ったのだが、その日は暖かく晴れたベオグラードにいたので雪で盛り上がるヘルシンキの友達に遅れをとってしまった。って、そんな青空の下にいるのも楽しかったけどね。

One of good things about Munich is such lovely places are located close to the city center. You could easily access to the Nymphenburg Palace by tram or bus from the city center. 



I Found A Good Sushi Bar in Belgrade! – Ikki Sushi Bar

As I always do before travelling, I tried to find sushi restaurants which Japanese people recommend in Belgrade. We know about sushi the best in the world, of course! But this time, I didn't find any bit of information written by Japanese. And there were only two choices of sushi restaurants I found in the internet even without recommendation by Japanese (could have been more if I had some more patience, but not much more anyways!) 

ベオグラードに出かける前に、いつものように寿司屋情報をチェック。私がいつも参考にするのは日本人の人が書いているすし屋の評価。特に現地在住の日本人のブログなんかは信用できる。"すし屋 ベオグラード" で ぐぐってみたが・・・なにもめぼしい情報がない・・・しかたなく "sushi Belgrade" で検索すると、2件の店がヒット。(もうちょっと辛抱強く見たらもっとあるのかもしれないけど、なにかと忙しいわたくし。すし屋の検索にそんなに時間はかけられない・・・笑)

One out of two… Following my instinct after looking at their web pages, I chose to go to Sushi Bar Ikki! Very friendly waiter welcomed me when I finally found it after getting lost a bit in Belgrade city centre. And he brought me wet wipe which reminds me of Japan a lot (above picture)

2件のうちから1件。お店のウェブページを見比べてたぶんこっちと思ったイッキ・バールに決定。店の名前はどうなんだかっていう感じではあるが写真がおいしそう。ベオグラードのシティセンターでちょっと道に迷いながらもお店に到着。とてもフレンドリーなスタッフが出迎えてくれた。2階のテーブル席に着くと早速おしぼりが! おしぼりってなんとも日本的(おしぼりの件はイスタンブールのすし屋に行ったときにも書いたけど)。



There were a lot of selections in the menu and I chose small size of sushi set to taste different kinds of sushi. To my surprise, small set has 14 pieces of sushi which is usually large size or more in Finland and maybe in other countries as well.  Medium has 20pcs and Large has 26 pcs, the waiter explained to me when I asked about the other sets from my curiosity!!! Serbians love sushi and they need big portion, he added ;-) 


Having had a first bite, I was impressed by the rice and wondered if there was a Japanese chef. I asked about it but the waiter said the chef was Serbian!!! It was cooked and prepared right!!! Often rice is not done right when it's cooked by non-Japanese chefs though. As to fish, I liked salmon the best 🙂 Even though I had wondered if I could eat 14 pieces, each piece was small enough for me to eat all of them happily 🙂


After finishing dinner, I had to ask for help from the waiter to find out how to go back to the hotel by bus. He was really kind and checked it in the internet. (I went to the restaurant from the other place and didn't know the direct route to the hotel). 


Good sushi and super kind staffs! If I ever had another chance to visit Belgrade, I would definitely go to Ikki sushi bar again!


Genuine Sushi at Wagocoro @ Helsinki

2012-10-22 12.43.14

Today we had sunshine and blue sky, finally, in Helsinki! On such a lovely day, I noticed a Japanese friend posted information about "Seriously delicious" sushi shop (take-away shop but they have two tables where you could also eat), Wagocoro, in the Facebook. I've got to go!!! I have been tasting sushi every place I travel in Europe and also in Helsinki where I live (actually, I was searching for sushi restaurant in Belgrade where I am going tomorrow when I saw the post ;-). And I always trust Japanese friend's recommendation for sushi restaurant. We know how it should be!

So, I got ready very quickly and left home for Töölö!

久しぶりに青空が広がって太陽が降り注いだ今日のヘルシンキ。午前中パソコンに向かっているとFacebookに友達が新しいすし屋の情報を載せているのに気づいた。日本人の友達が"まじでおいしい" っていうそのすし屋、Wagocoro。ほんとにおいしいに違いない。すぐにでも行ってみたい。明日からまた旅に出る私、今日行かなかったらしばらく行けない・・・と思ってるところにその友達からチャットが。話を聞いているともういてもたってもいられなくなった私。"やっぱり今から行ってくる~" と言い放ち、そそくさと支度をしてTöölöに向かう。

2012-10-22 11.53.50

場所はだいたい地図で確認して通りの名前も覚えていたが、正確な番地を覚えていなかった私。(ある意味、らしい (笑) でも道の反対側から遠目でここに違いないと日本人の感性が働く(笑 日本独特の感じってやっぱり日本人にはすぐ分かるもの・・・ 

The shop looked so Japanese and I immediately spotted it from the other side of the street though I didn't remember the exact address (typical me!). 

2012-10-22 11.57.52

The Japanese couple who are the owners and chefs welcomed me super warmly when I opened the door. Also they were smiling to me when I looked the shop through the windows before opening the door. Both of them have good experience as sushi chef in Japan. Husband is the sushi master (means, he has more than 10- year experience as sushi chef) and wife also has 7-year experience.I chatted a bit with them and both of them were so nice!


2012-10-22 12.44.29

今日私が選んだのは、本日のスペシャル(€9.5)。一番上に載せた写真でお気づきの方もいるかもしれないけど甘エビも入ってる!  そして"まじおいしい"という友達の言葉、その通り。まじおいしかった。特に気に入ったのはカリフォルニアロール。なにがよかったかというと一番外側に巻かれるようにちりばめられているとびっこ。このぷちぷち感が最高。とびっこの軍艦が出ると いくらじゃないんだ・・・ってなんだかがっかりする私だが、このカリフォルニアロールではとびっこがあってよかったと思うのだった(笑。そしてイカもとろける感じ。フィンランドでもこんなにおいしいイカが食べられるなんてびっくり!サーモンはとびきりおいしいけどそれ以外のネタは全然期待できないという私の先入観をくつがえす感じ(笑。

I ordered Today's special (€9.5) which included sweet shrimp, squid, salmon, California rolls. Looked exciting for good selection of fish and tasted excellent!!! My most favorite one was California rolls for the fish eggs sprinkled on the outer layer of rice. It went so well with the rest of the ingredients of the roll. Also squid was meltingly delicious. I hadn't expect any other good sushi fish/seafood than salmon in Finland but, WoW! They were outstanding!!!

2012-10-22 12.42.38


I also had toro-salmon which is fattier part of salmon which I saw in their Facebook page and looked extremely delicious! And it was super delicious. I am happy to tell you that Helsinki has now Genuine Japanese sushi shop!