Quality Coffee Break at Fleuriste @ Helsinki

2012-10-18 17.10.49

Korvapuusti is the most genuine pulla in Finland. What is pulla and what is korvapuusti? According to Wikipedia, Pulla (Finnish pronunciation: [ˈpulːɑ]) is a mildly-sweet Finnish sweet roll or dessert bread flavored with crushed cardamom seeds and occasionally raisins or sliced almonds. Braid loaves (pitko) are formed from three or more braided strands of dough. The braids may also be formed into a ring. These braided strands or rings are typically coated with melted butter and then sprinkled with white sugar or almonds.[1] Other types of pulla include small round ones that resemble English scones but have a sugar and butter topping, and larger cinnamon rolls called korvapuusti. The outside typically has a shiny brown glaze, formed by a coating of egg whitemilk or a mixture of sugar and brewed coffee. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulla)


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Or you can see it in the above picture.


Last Thursday, in the rainy afternoon, I went for coffee to a  charming cafe, Fleuriste, on Uudenmaankatu. It is one of my most favorite cafes in Helsinki and serves lovely pulla, cakes, coffee, tea, lunch, brunch etc.  In addition to really good food and drink, they have lovely interior decoration and atmosphere. Also the staffs are super nice and smiley. I always feel happy as soon as I open their door and feel welcoming and peaceful atmosphere.


On that Thursday, they had lovely korvapuusti (slap on the ear in English) pulla which made me happy again! Also the good-quality coffee I had with pulla was perfect with the sweet bun.  

To read my previous post about the Fleuriste, click here (Fleuristeについては前にも書いてます。リンク)

Very Best Pulla @ Kawa Cafe @ Helsinki

2012-10-20 15.14.20

I had another smiley coffee time at Kawa cafe which I often go for green smoothies after yoga practice. Today, a friend and I had a plan to go for a walk to Hietaranta beach (in Helsinki) which was located about 3km away from our neighbourhood and have a coffee break at Cafe Ann Mare which is located just in front of the beach. Weather was not the most suitable for going for a walk to the beach but it wasn't raining then! (We have had so much rain, almost everyday, for one month! and it is raining now) 

今日は友達とヘルシンキにあるHietarantaビーチまで歩いてそこにある素敵なカフェ Ann Mare でお茶しようということになった。ビーチで散歩という感じの天気でもないけど、今日はとりあえず雨も降ってなかったし。(ここ1ヶ月くらいほとんど毎日雨。実際、今も雨・・・) 近所に住むその友達と待ち合わせてビーチまで約3キロ。雨でもう全部散ったかと思っていた紅葉もまだ残っていて秋の景色を楽しみながら散歩。

We enjoyed walking surrounded by beautiful coloured leaves and liked the quietness of the beach (almost no people!) but … You can't imagine how disappointed we were when we noticed the cafe was closed for private occasion!!! We checked it in the web page before leaving home and it was supposed to be open for public today… And I was so excited to have coffee and pullat at the cafe I hadn't been to… 

Ann Mareは素敵なカフェだと聞いてたし まだお茶したことはなかったので 新しいカフェ発掘!と盛り上がっていたのだが・・・ビーチに着いてみると・・・今日は貸切・・・そんなこともあるかもしれないと思ってWebページで調べて今日は貸切じゃないって確認していったのに!!! (しかもそんな確認作業をしたのは私だけじゃなくて友達も!) 超がっかり~。

Well, there is no other cafe at the beach… We had to move on and find some cafe as coffee and pulla was the main purpose of going for a walk ;-) 


We found two more cafes which were closed and another two which were open but did't look so fancy. In the end, we arrived at our favorite Kawa cafe. By the time we got there, it had been 1.5 hours since we started walking from our neighborhood. 

カフェを探してさらに散歩は続く。土曜日の3時過ぎ・・・2軒のカフェは土曜日休み・・・あとの2軒はなんだかいまいちな感じ・・・(行ったら後で後悔しそうな)。さらに歩いて・・・ここなら間違いない、お気に入りのKawa cafe までたどり着く・・・新しいカフェ発掘・・・というわけにはいかなかったけど、ここで超~おいしいプッラに遭遇!オーナーのお母さんが作ったこのプッラ。出来立て! 

And… voi la! They had freshly baked pulla that the owner of the cafe told us her mum baked :) 

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It was one of the very best pulla I had ever had and we were so glad that we came to the cafe all the way 🙂 It contains a lot of butter (I could tell it from the taste and it was firmly confirmed by the owner 😉 and combination of butter, sugar and cardamon was super! We were talking we could have one more but, of course, we didn't (Girls are always on a diet ;-). With the lovely cardamon thread pulla and the smooth and tasty cupucino, we have one of the most lovely coffee time today 🙂 Thank you, Kawa cafe!!!

おいしいのが一目瞭然。そして一口食べてさらに納得・・・ほんとにおいしい。やわらかくてたっぷりバターと砂糖とカルダモンの組み合わせが至福 🙂 途中で妥協しなくてよかった~~~。お茶の時間はとっても大切。特にこんなふうに雨の日が続いて暗い秋の日に心温まるおいしいプッラと滑らかでおいしいカプチーノは素敵。そんな素敵な Kawa cafe に心から感謝 🙂 ところでプッラ、思わずもう1個食べたくなったけど・・・がまん(笑

I have written about the same cafe at / このカフェについては以前にも書いてます。


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Superb Dining Experience at “Gaijin” @ Helsinki

"Gaijin" had been one of the restaurants I really wanted to dine in Helsinki for some time. Friends and I booked a table on my birthday last year but we didn't make it as I had a high fever and couldn't get out of the bed. Since then, we have talked about going there some time soon and got there last evening 🙂

1年越しでずっとずっと行きたかったヘルシンキのレストラン、"Gaijin" (外人)。ミシュランの星はついてないけれど超おいしいと評判で、予約が取れにくいと聞いていたこの店。去年の誕生日の日に友達が予約してくれて行こうとしたけど、当日わたしが高熱を出して行けなくなって以来、さらに行きたい度が高まって、今年の夏に一度予約しようと思ったけどやっぱり予約が取れなかった。昨日はそんな Gaijinでディナー。

Gaijin doesn't have Michelin stars but it was reviewed a lot and told to be one of the best restrants in Finland. I can tell you now it is true!  

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We chose Sunday to dine there for their Sunday menu. On Sunday, there are only two choices in the menu, either 5-course(55€) or 3-course(38€) menu. And the price is much more reasonable than other days of week. We tried 3-course menu started with Wasabi Scallops 🙂 Presentation was absolutely beautiful! (above picture) and it tasted awesome! It definitely tasted "Japan". 


最初の一品はほたての料理。グリルしたホタテと鮮やかなソース。盛り付けも美しく、味も最高! 日本の味が・・・

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The course menu was served with Japanese rice (I think it was Japanese) with seaweeds. It also reminded me of Japan a lot. (You know what I mean if you have ever lived in Japan 🙂 And I liked to eat the rice with sauce from scallop dish.


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The main dish was Braised Veal Cheek which also went super well with rice. And it was quite a big portion! At this point, we were so full!


So, it was great that dessert was not huge but yummy :) 


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Dessert included in the three-course menu was chocolate cake but I told them I would like to avoid chocolate if possible when they asked us about our allergies. And I got another dessert, sake-blueberry sorbet, which was served for five-course menu. I, of course, tasted friend's chocolate cake a tiny bit (who wouldn't?!) and it was lovely. 

コースのデザートはチョコレートケーキだったけど、できればデザートでチョコレートは避けたいわたし。オーダーするときにアレルギーはあるかと聞かれたのでできればチョコレートじゃないものが欲しいと希望を伝えたら、特別に5品のコースメニューのデザートに変えてくれた。(チョコレートのデザートを避けたいのには理由があるのだけれど、これはまた後ほど) もちろん、友達のチョコレートケーキもほんのちょっぴり味見させてもらっておいしかったけど 😉

2012-10-14 19.30.10

And my sorbet was also smiley being so fruity and fresh :) 


Having such a lovely dining experience at Gaijin, I guarantee you wouldn't be disappointed by them!

どれもこれも美味、盛り付けも美しい Gaijin! 超お薦め!

ah.. only one tiny tiny disappointment was that they had really narrow space between tables. I understand the restaurant is so popular that they want to accommodate more people by putting more tables and chairs but even for a tiny Japanese girl, it was almost impossible to walk through between two tables to get the chair! 

あっ、でも1つだけがっかりしたことが・・・ 人気のお店なのでできるだけ多くの人に一度に食事してもらいたいという気持ちは分かるのだが、店の規模に対してテーブルといすの数が多すぎ。わたしたちのテーブルと隣のテーブルの間にはフィンランド人に比べたら小人のように小さい私ですら危うく通れないというくらい。 もうちょっとテーブルとテーブルの間が欲しいところである。

And.. I should probably explain what "gaijin" means. It is a Japanese word and means foreigners.So, in Finland I am "gaijin" and yesterday, I was "gaijin" eating Gaijin ;-) 

For more information お店のWeb Pageは: gaijin.fi and the below is the menu we had yesterday. そして昨日食べたのはこのメニュー。

14.10..2012 ..2012    -    -  -- SUNDAY MENU    SUNDAY MENU  35/person   
WASABI  SCALLOPS: fried scallops, wasabi butter-dashi emulsion, roe 
CHEEK, PUMPKIN & NUTS: braised veal cheek, pumpkin, nuts, ramen broth 

GOHAN: japanese rice

MINT & XOCO chocolate cake, almond & sea caramel, mint crème, mint sorbet

and my dessert from the other course
SAKE BLUEBERRY: sake & blueberry sorbet, lemon flavoured white chocolate creme


Makki Makki – New Sushi Restaurant Opened Today @ Helsinki


More and more sushi restaurants have been opened in Helsinki and many other cities in the world. I bet it is one of the most popular food in the world nowadays! Today, another sushi restaurant opened in Helsinki but this one is slightly different from other sushi restaurants.

世界の寿司ブームはとどまるところを知らずw。 本日ヘルシンキにまたまた新しい寿司レストランがオープンした。 

"Makki Makki" is Korean sushi restaurant. Korean sushi might not be as well known as Japanese sushi and you might wonder what I'm talking about. But Gimbap (Korean sushi roll) is popular Korean dish (,especially during/after singing karaoke… ah… this is only from my experience ;-).  According to Wikipedia, Gimbap is often eaten during picnics or outdoor events, or as a light lunch, served with danmuji or kimchi

その名も"Makki Makki"。"巻き巻き"といったところだと思うが まっきまっき ってなんだかかわいいし、うまくフィンラン語ちっくになっている。新しいすし屋が開店したからと言って必ずチェックしているわけではないのだが、この店にはぜひ行かなくちゃいけない理由があったのだ。友達の友達がオーナーだということが1つ、そしてこの寿司屋は韓国寿司の店。知ってる人は知ってる韓国ののり巻き。わたしの中ではカラオケのときにもしくはカラオケのあとに食べる日本だったらラーメンみたいなスナック。(あくまでもわたしの中では(笑) wikipediaによればピクニックなどのアウトドアイベントのときのお弁当として、もしくは軽めのランチとして人気のようである。(カラオケとの関連については述べられてなかった(笑)


Makki Makki has Gimbap in addition to ordinary nigiri sushi (I would say ordinary Japanese sushi). The individual piece of sushi is packed separately so that you can pick them up from the shelf and take away quickly. I think this bit is really Asian! We do take away a lot! I also thought the interior design was very Asian in a way I'm familiar with. 


As to the taste, I liked them! Rice was rightly cooked (At many restaurants, I was disappointed by how they cooked rice but Makki Makki did it right!) I liked the piece with salmon (not the typical salmon nigiri but some other piece called "Dancing xxx", forgot the name!) the best. 

味もなかなかよろしくて、なによりご飯がちゃんとしてた。(海外でお寿司を食べるとご飯が残念なことが多いけど、Makki Makkiは大丈夫!) 本日食べたものの中ではサーモンサラダ風なものがとてもおいしかった。名前を忘れちゃったけど "Dancing xxx"と命名されていたその寿司は今後もわたしのお気に入りになること間違いなし。

I forgot to take a camera with me today! I had only my mobile which I got recently and didn't know how to take photos with very well. So, the photos might not tell you how good it was but I tell you once again, it was nice sushi! and it was inexpensive!


For more information, 詳しくはFBのお店のページで。 https://www.facebook.com/enjoymakki 

Bratislava Less than 20 Hours


(Bratislava castle/ ブラティスラヴァ城)

Right now, I am stressed in the hotel room at the old town of Bratislava, Slovakia. I managed to get SD card slot cover stuck in the SD card slot in the computer and can't donwload pictures to the net-book. I have a lot of pictures I want to share in the FB and the Flying Girl though.

スロバキアのブラティスラヴァで一泊する本日。今ホテルの部屋で相当イライラ。今回の旅に持ってきているネットブックのSDカードを入れるスロットからスロットカバーが抜けなくなってしまった。(たぶん逆向きに挿入して押し込みすぎた)せっかくいっぱいとった写真をダウンロードできないのでフェイスブックにもアップできないし、このブログにも載せられない。(今日載せてるのは携帯で撮った写真のみ) ストレスたまる~。

(Sofia airport/今朝のソフィア空港)

Anyways, I flew from Sofia to Vienna and took a bus from Vienna to Bratislava. Bratislava is in Slovakia but it takes only one hour by bus from Vienna, Austria. Though it had been raining a lot, this morning when I was going to the airport, sky was clear and sun was shining in Sofia. So they were Bratislava. I was surprised to the thermometer showing 32C degrees in Bratislava! Sun was really strong and I sweated!

まあそれはおいといて・・・今日は予定通りソフィアからウィーンに飛んで、ウィーンからバスに乗ってブラティスララヴァに到着。ブラティスラヴァはスロバキアの首都だがオーストリアのウィーンからはバスでたったの1時間。ウィーンのシティセンターに行くのと30分くらいしか変わらない。昨日までとはうって変わって、ソフィアは朝から快晴。そしてブラティスラヴァもとてもいい天気。というか暑い。32℃って・・・ 今年経験した一番暑い日かもしれない(笑。日差しも強くて汗ばむ1日だった。

It was already 3pm when I checked in the hotel and I immediately started to look around the old town. And I am going to take a bus tomorrow morning. So, my visit to Bratislava is super short. But must-see landmarks are almost all in the small old town and I saw most of them in a couple of hours and took (again) many many pictures. I will share the pictures later when I can download them 😉

ホテルに到着したのは午後3時ごろ。荷物を部屋に置いてすぐに外にでた。なにせ明日の朝にはまたバスに乗ってウィーンに移動。あまり時間がないのだ。でも、ブラティスラヴァの観光名所は旧市街にかたまっているので全部見るのもそんなに時間はかからない。私の駆け足観光でもほとんど見れた感じ。(あとで確認しないとどれがどれだったのかあまりよくわかってない;-) そしてあまり時間がなくてもまたまたたくさん写真を撮った。ので、ダウンロードができる環境に戻ったらブログに掲載する予定。

12090048Short stay, indeed, but I enjoyed the castle, churches, and walking in the old town. As usual, I tried sushi and it was nice 🙂 (will write about it separately later). In addition, I had lovely frozen yogurt at really lovely frozen yogurt shop, Kurt 🙂 Hotel Michalská Brána where I am staying is great located in the old town and having very nice rooms. I wish I could stay here one more night 🙂

短い滞在ではあるけれど、ブラティスラヴァ城やここそこの教会を見てまわり、充実感たっぷり。ここでも恒例のおすしも食べたし、デザートにはとても素敵なフローズンヨーグルトのお店でストロベリーをトッピングしたフローズンヨーグルト。旧市街にあるフローズンヨーグルトの店 Kurt はとてもラブリーなお店だった:) お店の人もとてもスマイリーだったしね。宿泊しているMichalská Bránaも、とても快適だし部屋のインテリアもモダンで感じがいい。しかも旧市街の中。せめてもう1泊くらいしたい気分・・・また来るかもね(笑

By the way, I took the above two photos by my phone and I don't have SD slot problem for it ;-) 

Awesome Sushi Experience in Sofia, Bulgaria



I ate sushi in Helsinki yesterday. And I ate sushi in Sofia today! I got up at 3am, walked in the heavy rain for twenty minutes to get to the station to catch a bus to Helsinki airport. My flight left Helsinki at 6:35am and arrived at Sofia at 12:30pm via Munich. Hotel staff came to pick me up at the airport. He told me he had been to Japan and enjoyed it a lot! We talked about Tokyo on the way to the hotel though he was originally trying to show and tell me about Sofia 😉 Anyhow, a long morning, I got totally tired by the time I got to the hotel. So, I decided to have a low-key day. 

Main activity on such a low-key day was to try sushi in Sofia as I do whenever I travel. A Bulgarian friend who used to live in Tokyo strongly recommended the restaurant, Sasa. And of course, I trusted such a recommendation! And she was right!!! Their sushi was awesome as well asl the yuzu prawn appetizer I chose as the photo in the menu lookes super. It tasted as super as the photo. Bliss:)
All of the sushi was delicious but among them, fatty salmon was special. It was served with a little bit sweeter soy sauce and grated Japanese radish. The harmony of those were great and I liked it a lot!
In addition to the lovely food, the restaurant had a nice view of Sofia from the 18th floor. Also their customer service was as good as we have in Japan 🙂 Funny to talk this much about Japanese restaurant on my first day in Sofia but it was such as day. Tomorrow, I will go to some famous sights and experience more Bulgalia!

Sushi at “Domo” in Helsinki


今日のディナーの場所を決めるときに "Domo" に行ってみない?と日本人の友達にメッセージを送ったら、"なにそれ、ジョーク?” と返された。そんな店名の日本料理の店、Domo。 ヘルシンキでは老舗のうちの1つでわたしもよく行く日本食の店“古都”が移転したあとを中国人のオーナーが買い取って始めたと聞いていた店。日本人の経営じゃない日本食屋・・・どうなんだろうかと思ったけど、日本に住んでいたことのある外人友達何人かからおいしかったと聞いたのでトライして見ることにした。(外人友達ってここではわたしも外人だけど、日本人じゃないという意味で外人って書いてみた) 

"Domo" is a Japanese word to express gratitude. IT's an adverb that literally means indeed or very much but can be understood as thank you. When we say "Domo arigato", it means "Thank you very much" but "domo" could be also "thank you". It is short and easy, thus we often use it. 

Today, a friend and I went to Japanese restaurant Domoin Helsinki recommended by a couple of my non-Japanese friends who used to live in Japan. I trust their recommendation as they know genuine Japanese taste and really love Japanese food.


As I always do at Japanese restaurants in other countries than Japan, I tried sushi at Domo. They were presented very well and tasted good! Rice was seasoned with enough vinegar (it is often missing at Japanese restaurants outside of Japan!!!) and tasted very Japanese. The combination of such rice and fish, especially with eel, was quite nice. And white fish, siika, was quite tasty! 



I usually order sushi set which has good variety and is cheaper than ordering a la cart. But they didn't have it and it was a bit pricey to have variety of sushi. But the Japanese staff told me they have sushi set at lunch time and I would like to try it some time soon.  


They have many different kinds of Japanese dishes in the menu and I would like to try those as well. 

And my friend's recommendation was right 🙂


What Makes Russian Restaurant So Russian? – Troikka @ Helsinki

Last Friday, we celebrated friend's birthday at Russian restaurant, Troikka, in Helsinki. It was really pleasant evening with excellent food and super fun company! Troikka was truly Russian.



What made me think it was so Russian was


not their food (they were really good Russian food though) or


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Russian style interior decoration


but the fact a waiter came with a tray of vodka glasses so many times to our table though we didn't order them at all. The waiter just came to ask us if we would like to have some vodka many many times with the glasses.I think we didn't have any, other than the ones some of us had at the very beginning of the party while we were waiting for all other friends without being asked, "what about vodka?" 


Apart from vodka, as I mentioned at the beginning, their food was excellent! I enjoyed pelmeni, borcsh (couldn't take even "OK" pictures of these dishes… so no photos 😉 and the lovely strawberry romanoff :) 

ロシアらしいロシアレストラン、Troikkaはウォッカの話はともかく、とても美味な料理が味わえるお店。わたしの中ではロシアの水餃子と思っているペルメニ、そしてロシアと言えばボルシチ(ビートルーツのスープ。なんか日本でボルシチっていうと違うものだな、と今思い出した。ちなみに、ペルメニとボルシチの写真はうまく撮れなかったのでなし。;-) 最後に甘すぎなくておいしいストロベリーロマノフで締めくくり。ごちそうさま!

2012-09-07 22.01.46

Trakai – Castle and Kibinai (Lithuania)

2012-08-26 12.50.40

I visited Vilnius, Lithuania, last weekend. It was quite a short trip of one night & two days but it is only one-hour flight from Helsinki. I didn't plan to see a lot of sights during such a short trip but wanted to visit Trakai castle located on an island in the Lake Galvė. I saw several pictures of Trakai castle and they looked so beautiful. It is located only 28km away from Vilnius and can be easily reached by bus or train. But I decided to join a tour which is much easier than taking public transport and walk to the castle. I am glad that I took a tour as I could hear a lot about Lithuania's history, economy, food, Trakai and the castle. It was really shocking to hear that average monthly income in the country was only 450€. 

先週末はリトアニアの首都ヴィルニュスに1泊旅行。海外旅行ではあるけれど飛行機でたったの1時間。短い旅行なのでいろんなところに観光に行くつもりはなかったけれど1箇所だけとても行きたいところがあった。ヴィルニュスから28キロ離れた場所にあるトラカイ城。湖に浮かぶ島に位置したその城の様子を写真で見て、ぜひ行ってみたかったのだ。トラカイまではバスや電車で行ってもそんなに遠くないけれど、もっと簡単に行ける現地の半日ツアーに参加。ツアーのよいところは、行き帰りの電車やバスの時間を気にしなくていいということもあるけれど、ガイドからいろいろな話を聞けるのがとても楽しい。トラカイに着くまでの間、リトアニアの経済事情、歴史、食べ物、トラカイとお城について、いろんな話を聞いた。一番驚いたのはリトアニアの平均月収。450€ というのはショックだった。

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Trakai castle was not as big as I expected but it was quite interesting to listen and see the history in each room of the castle. And there were a lot of tourist as I expected. 


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On the way to the castle, the tour guide told us about what we MUST eat when we visit Trakai. It was a pasty called "kibinai". It is almost like cornish pasty but not quite 😉 There were different kind of fillings available but when I asked the waitress, she told me the one with mutton filling was the original. So, I ate the original kibinai. And I also had the "pink soup" which I had read about so many times in the blogs written by Japanese people who visited Lithuania. Of course, "pink soup" is not the name of the soup but only my way of calling the soup 😉 It is cold beetroot soup. And it was cold! I liked both kibinai and the soup a lot. And it was perfect to eat kibinai which was still hot from the kitchen and cold soup. And today, (Monday after the trip) I was thinking of both dishes when I saw the boring menu in our office canteen 😉  


2012-08-26 14.46.00

I googl-ed about kibinai just now and got to know the restaurant I ate kibinai was often mentioned as the best place for kibinai! I had no idea about it but lucky me! I am happy for it : ) It is really easy to find the restaurant, Senoji Kibininė , when you go to Trakai castle. 

ところで、このキビナイを食べたレストラン、実はキビナイならこの店で的なとても人気の店だということを今日発見。キビナイについて詳しい情報を求めてぐぐったところ、一番お薦めのお店らしい。全然知らなかったけど、ラッキー。どおりでおいしかったはず!このお店、トラカイ城の湖をはさんで向かいにあるので見つけるのも簡単。Senoji Kibininė 、もしトラカイに行く機会があったらぜひキビナイをお試しあれ。

My First Ethiopian Experience in Helsinki – Queen Sheba Ethiopian Restaurant

I have never been to Ethiopia. I have only a little experience when it comes to African cuisine. I had had no idea about Ethiopian food until I went to Queen Sheba Ethiopian Restaurant (in Finnish, "Kuninatar Saba") yesterday. A friend of my from yoga class told me about the restaurant the other day and she also said she hadn't had known about Ethiopian food till she went there 🙂 A friend who went there with me said it might come with sour bread from her African food experience in London.

エチオピア料理・・・と言われてもまったくピンと来ないし、アフリカ料理を食べたことも数回しかない(確か新宿にあったアフリカ料理の店に何回か行ったし、モロッコに行ったときはもちろんモロッコ料理をいただいた)。アフリカ料理を数回食べたことがあるからといってその感じがエチオピア料理にも共通なのか・・・まったく不明。でも 昨日はヘルシンキに新しくオープンしたエチオピア料理の店 Queen Sheba Ethiopian Restaurant でエチオピア料理デビュー(笑。ヨガ友のお薦めである。昨日一緒にお店に行った友達とはお店に着くまでに、エチオピア料理はどんなものなのかという話で盛り上がり、彼女がロンドンで食べたアフリカ料理はすっぱいパンと一緒に出てきたからエチオピア料理もそんな感じなのではないかという予想。

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I had already decided what to eat before going there. I wanted to try "Ater Kik Alitsa", Split peas cooked with onion, garlic and herbs and seasoned with turmeric! It's vegetarian and herbs and turmeric sound definitely yummy! (Or I should say my kinda' food!) And my friend chose "Doro Wot", The national dish of Ethiopia. Chicken stew with a boiled egg seasoned with Ethiopian spices and berber. One had to try the national dish to experience authentic Ethiopian food! And I was glad that she chose it as I could also taste it from her plate! Why not?!  ;-) 

お店に行く前からWebのメニューを見てぜひ食べてみたいと思っていたのが"Ater Kik Alitsa", タマネギ、にんにく、ハーブ、そしてターメリックで味付けした干しエンドウ。ベジタリアンだし、ハーブとターメリックというのがいかにもおいしそう。私好みである。そして友達はエチオピアの伝統的な料理という説明がついた "Doro Wot", ゆで卵の入ったチキンシチュー。こちらもハーブたっぷり。2人で全然違うものをオーダーしたからもちろんお互いの料理を少しづずお味見 🙂

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As the friend guesses, our foods were served with slightly sour bread. It was really soft and served in rolls. The national dish was spicy but it came with cottage cheese and boiled egg. Chicken was really well cooked and super tender.  (the picture on the top) 


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I liked my dish at my first bite. Herbs!!! It tasted great : ) I didn't expect the dish to be that good even though a friend of mine had told me they served good food. Both my veggie dish and friend's Ethiopian national food were really tasty with herbs. 

そして私が頼んだ豆料理。一口食べただけで私のお気に入りにランクイン(笑。ハーブが効いててなんともいえないおいしさ。まさかエチオピア料理がこんなにおいしいなんて・・・お店を教えてくれたヨガ友からおいしいとは聞いてたけど、こんなにおいしいとはね!6時前からすでにお店がほぼ満員なのも納得。お店のWebには予約をしたほうがいいと書いてあったし。おいしいだけじゃなくて値段もお手ごろ。この豆料理は9€. この値段でおいしいものが食べられるのはヘルシンキではめずらしい。次回はもっと大勢で行って何種類かの料理をとってシェアしたいな~と思ったりする。

No wonder the restaurant was already quite full before 6pm and it was recommended to make a reservation in their web page. In addition to yummy food, the dishes are inexpensive. My meal was only 9€. You know how much you usually have to pay to get tasty food in Helsinki! This is one of a few places you could get inexpensive but yummy food! At this restaurant, I think it would be much nicer to go with a couple of more friends to order several dishes and share them so that we could enjoy the variety!