Lunch in the Sky @ Helsinki


We ate lunch in the Sky! Last Sunday, we had a super exciting lunch experience. Even though we had hoped for sunshine and blue sky, it was cloudy and rainy on the Sunday. But the experience was amazing!!!

Lunch in the sky! (ランチ・イン・ザ・スカイ) 先週の日曜日は空中レストランでランチをいただいた。空中レストランとか天空レストランとかいうのは聞いたことあるけど、これはほんとに空中。屋根と小さな床はあるけど壁はない。というわけで、最初に地上で遊園地のローラーコースターに乗るときのようなシートベルトを係の人にしっかり装着してもらう。

It started with making sure that we were safe with seat belts as if we went for roller coaster in the amusement park. 


And the "restaurant" with 22 guests was lifted to a height of 45 meters from the ground.



Voila! Appetizer and main dish cooked by an established and celebrated chef in Estonia were served with champagne and wine! Honestly, we were not impressed by the appetizer but were really impressed by the main dish, beef tenderloin. (I usually don't eat meat but eat it at special occasions 😉 According to the chef, it was beef from Namibia! How special!!! It was so impressive and a friend and I have talked about it a lot since we came down to the ground (for two days ;-) 



Though I said it was an amazing experience and we had so much fun, if you are afraid of height, probably this is not for you! Looking at my foot trying to take a photo which shows where we were, it was a bit scary for me who usually like height ;-) 

空での食事は大盛り上がり。とても楽しい40分だった。でも自分の足元を見るとこんな感じ。高所恐怖症の方にはお勧めできない(笑 高いところが大好きな私ですら、この写真を撮ろうとしたときはちょっとどきどきだったし。

This restaurant was open in Helsinki only for one week in August this year. I hope it will come to Helsinki again next year and I can have longer dining time in the sky. Duration of the lunch in the sky was only for 40 minutes and we felt it was too short though it was a bit chilly in the cloudy and rainy sky.

このレストラン、ヘルシンキでは8月の1週間だけのオープン。私たちの行った日曜日が最後の日だった。ぜひまた来年ヘルシンキで開催して欲しい。(そう、また行きたいのだ ;-) 上空ではちょっと寒かったけれでこんなに楽しいイベント、40分では短すぎ。次回はディナーでもっと長いこと空中で食事したいと思うのだった。

This even has been held in many different cities of the world and claimed to be unforgettable. I think it is true. It will remain as one of the most exciting events in my life (most likely!, but you never know!!!)! Also I think it would be fun to dine at the restaurant in the sky in some other cities : )

このイベントは世界のいろんなところで開催されていて、”忘れえぬ体験”というようなふれこみなのだが、まさに同感。いろんなところでいろんなおいしいものを頂いている私の人生の中でも思い出に残るランチになること間違いなし(たぶん・・・でももしかしたらもっとすごいランチ体験が待っているかもしれない(笑) そしてできればどこかほかの街で(ロンドンとかイタリアのどこかとか、ニューヨークとか香港とか) Dinner in the Skyしてみたい!

Sushi in Edinburgh and Frankfurt.. and a Photo from Frankfurt

On the day Japan won to Spain at their first football match at London 2012, we also had victory in finding great Japanese restaurant in Edinburgh. We were so tired after the return trip standing on the busy train between Edinburgh and Glasgow and watching two football matches in a row. We were so so so tired! We wanted to have dinner to get some energy to go back to Edinburgh but didn't have energy to find a restaurant. Still, we didn't give up eating at good restaurant…



Luckily, I had a good guidebook which listed the genuine Japanese restaurant, Bonsai which was located no far from our hotel. Unlike all other Japanese restaurants I visited in Europe, there wasn't set menu but we chose what we liked from the menu and they were served beautifully! And they all tasted great! It was taste of Japan : ) Among all those delicious sushi, unagi (eel) was outstanding! 

そんな状態でガイドブックを頼りに見つけたこのお店、Bonsai (盆栽)、これが大当たり。ヨーロッパでお寿司を食べるときはいつもセットで頼むのだが、このお店はセットなし。好きなものを頼んで友達と一貫ずつ(日本っぽくおすしは2貫で出てくる)。こんな風に盛り付けられたおすしの登場に、疲れていたのを忘れて大盛り上がり!見かけだけではなく味も上々。特にうなぎがやわらかくておいしかった。こんなおいしいうなぎのお寿司が海外で食べられるなんて期待してなかったし。


There was Japan's football shirt with No 10 and Shunsuke Nakamura's autograph on the wall! He is one of my most favorite Japanese football player and I was happy to know he had also eaten at the restaurant. (And I happened to be wearing Japan's No 10 shirt ;-) 



By the way, I flew from Helsinki to Edinburgh via Frankfurt and had severn hours of layover at Frankfurt. By looking at the information about what I could do in Frankfurt, I thought shopping would be optimal for me 😉 So, I went to the most popular shopping street (according to my search in the internet) Zeil Fussgängerzone (pedestrian street) to look at the shops but didn't find anything to buy, unfortunately. Of course, I ate sushi in Frankfurt.  "Mikuni" was very authentic Japanese restaurant and I had  sushi set which came with small appetizer and miso soup. (25€). The atmosphere was very Japanese with the Japanese staffs and interior decoration but somewhat sushi wasn't as great as I expected from the atmosphere and reviews in the web pages though it was fairly good. My expectation was too high, I guess 😉

ところでヘルシンキからエジンバラに行くときにはフランクフルトを経由したのだが、なんと乗り継ぎ時間が7時間。あまりに時間があるので市内に出て買い物・・・フランクフルトで一番のショッピングストリートという評判のZeil Fussgängerzone (ここは歩行者天国)に行っていろんなお店を見たけれど特に欲しいものが見つからず。でもここでもお寿司を!"Mikuni"(三国)でいただいた。このお店はとても日本風。スタッフも全員日本人だし、インテリアもとても日本。古い畳の座敷もあったり。その雰囲気とインターネットで見た評判がとてもよかったので、とてもとても期待していたのだが・・・たぶん期待が高すぎ、そこそこおいしかったのだが感動!というまではいかなかった。ちなみにいただいたのは25€の上寿司のセット。お味噌汁と酢の物と漬物がついてきた。(そんなところもとても日本的。)


There isn't much to tell you about Frankfurt as I was just in the shopping malls and eating sushi 😉 but here is the photo of the architecture I was impressed most in Frankfurt.



Luxembourg – Pretty Old Town, Wonderful dinner and wonderful hotel : )

On the rainy Sunday morning a friend who I travelled together in Brussels left for Tokyo via Helsinki and I took train to Luxembourg where I hadn't been. What I knew about the small country was that it is part of BENELUX countries and there is European Court of Justice. Apart from those, I had no idea about Luxembourg. 

雨模様のその日曜日の朝、ブリュッセルを一緒に旅した友達はヘルシンキ経由で東京に向かい、私は電車でルクセンブルグへと向かった。まだ行ったことのない小さな国ルクセンブルグ、知っていることといえばベネルクス三国の1つだということ(中学とか高校とか絶対テストにでるキーワード 笑) と 欧州司法裁判所があるということ。

  2012-07-16 12.30.02

 It had a small old town which was pretty. 

2012-07-16 14.40.322012-07-16 11.47.10

2012-07-15 19.41.31

CertificateBut the highlight of the short visit for me was the restaurant I had dinner with a friend with out much expectation. There seemed to be a lot of good restaurants in Luxembourg but, unfortunately, we arrived there on Sunday and most listed restaurants in the gourmet web sites were closed. It took some effort (a lot of google-ing) to find the one but we have got lucky!

The restaurant, Chiggeri, has Guinness World Record for having the most varieties of wine. Honestly, it doesn't concern me in practice when I don't drink it but doesn't it sound good?

そんなルクセンブルグで一番印象に残ったのは美しいオールドタウンではなく、ディナーを食べたこのレストラン。事前調査によるとルクセンブルグにはグルメレストランがたくさんあるのだが、有名どころは軒並み日曜日が休み。ぐぐりにぐぐって見つけたのがこのレストラン、Chiggeri。 なんと世界でもっともいろんな種類のワインが飲めるとしてギネスブックに載っているのだ。お酒の飲めない私には関係ないといえば関係ないけど、なんだか響きがよい感じ。

We had three-dish course and all of them were lovely! We had scallops with "yuzu" taste as appetizer, some white fish with leak as main… And dessert was bliss! Fondant au chocolat was meltingly delicious and framboise ice cream was … I don't find a word to express it exactly…! I mean it was speechlessly yummy! The young water seemed to be delighted to see us enjoying the dishes so much 🙂

3品のディナーコースは柚子味(なんとここで柚子とはまったく期待してなかった)のホタテの前菜で始まり、長ネギが付け合せの白身の魚がメイン、そしてデザート。このデザートがほんとに絶品。今まで食べたデザートの中で一番おいしかったんじゃないかと思うくらい。口の中でとろけるフォンダンショコラ、濃厚、でも軽い、そして甘すぎず。フランボワーズのアイスクリームもどう表現していいのか分からないがとにかく絶品!無言でいただく(笑 ほんっとにおいしかった。


 Just as a side note for those who started to feel like visiting Luxembourg, I recommend the hotel, Grand Hotel Cravat. Great staff, great location and great breakfast. Interior decoration, hotel staff and how the hotel is are something I could only imagine every hotel had in 1940s or 50s (just in my imagination world 😉 oh, also, you don't need many days to explore the town 😉

I stayed in Luxembourg only for 24 hours but it was filled with fun 🙂

参考までに もしルクセンブルグに行く機会があったら、ホテルは Grand Hotel Crava がお薦め。場所もいいし、ホテルのスタッフもとても丁寧で親切、そして朝ごはんが素敵。なんだか1940年代とか50年代のホテルはこんなんだったんだろうな~と思わせるインテリアとかスタッフの服装、ホテルの造りも・・




Brussels for Gourmet

2012-07-14 18.05.01

I have worked with a super gourmet manager. He knew all about food and wine in the world. He told me Belgium was one of the best places to eat great food as they have as good food as in France being located next to France but the prices are cheaper than France not being France. 


First time when I visited the county, I had the best-ever waffles in Brugge. It was light, tasty and even melting in my mouth. Though I thought the piece was huge at the first glance, I finished it easily and wanted to have more. After a while, I was still thinking about the waffles and decided to visit Brussels to have waffles and mussels. (I love mussels, too!) Unfortunately, I didn't know about two different kinds of waffles, i.e. Brussels and Liege waffles, and the one I had in Brugge was Brussels waffle. In Brussels I had Liege waffle and I was totally disappointed. I was almost convinced that I would have to go to Brugge for my dream waffles.


But this time in Brussels, I was lucky to have a friend who came with a guidebook for girls published in Japan (We have all those different kind of guidebook in Japan ;-)  It explained the difference of the waffles and told us where to eat them.


Out of several choices in the guidebook, we headed to the Dadoy at the Grand-Place, for Brussels waffles. They had a shop on the ground floor and a tea room on the first floor. The tea room was quite busy with only one waiter serving. Luckily we didn't have to wait much but more and more customers came in while we were eating waffles. Many of them were, not surprisingly, Japanese tourists ;-)  

でも今回のブリュッセル訪問。日本から来た友達が持ってきた女子のためのガイドブック(名前なんだっけ?)にはそんな情報もばっちり。もちろんお薦めのお店も。そんな中から街の中心グランプラスにあるDadoy へ。1階はビスケットを中心としたお店、そして2階がティールーム。とても混んでいたけれどわたしたちはほとんど待たずにテーブルへ。でもその後もお客さんは続々と。日本人観光客もいっぱい。(そう、このお店はとても有名な老舗!)

This is the waffle I had 🙂 I ordered the simplest waffle in the menu but I will have the one with ice cream next time. I was too excited to think about what else I would have with the waffle, I guess… 😉 Apart from the forgotten ice cream, it was really lovely and melting in my mouth : ) It might be hard to imagine melting waffle if you have had only Liege waffles which are more commonly available on the street shops and in Japan (and many other places, I guess). But, believe me, it melts in the mouth and you could eat more and more. (I am sure you are imagining it now 😉


2012-07-14 17.27.21

Every morning in Brussels, we had either (or both) pain au chocolat or (and) croissant with a cup (or two cups) of coffee. Among the ones we tried, I think the croissant at Charli was the best! I didn't eat pain au chocolat there but according to my friend, it was also great! I just had a look at their web page to put the link to this blog and the feeling I had in the Boulangerie came back. The web page shows how charming the boulangerie is and how passionate they are about what they produce. If you are also bread and pastries lover, check it out even if you don't have a plan to visit Brussels now! You will know what I mean 🙂



We also enjoyed yummy seafood in Brussels. We loved oyster and prawn feast at Toucan-sur-Mer in the very lively atmosphere.

ブリュッセルではシーフードも大満足。Toucan-sur-Mer で食べた牡蠣やえびの盛り合わせには大興奮。

2012-07-13 22.33.15  

And we had tasty mussels at La Boussole merely following my instinct which often works, especially  for great food 😉 In addition to their great food, we loved the homey atmosphere and were happy to be at the restaurant in our last evening in Brussels (this time 😉

最後の夜は直感でホテルの近くのLa Boussoleへ。ここではおいしいムール貝。料理もお店の雰囲気も家族が工夫を凝らして手作りで作っている感じがとても素敵だった。


Oh, I shouldn't forget about lovely dessert we had at La Boussole .そしてこの店で食べたデザートもシンプルでおいしかった。ごちそうさま!


A Cute Cupcake Shop @ Antwerp

Cupcake 1

While we were visiting Brussels for four days, friends and I visited Antwerp. And we happened to walk in front of the cute cupcake shop, "Momade Cupcakes". I love cupcakes as much as I believe it has magic to make girls happy;-) I loved the cupcake with blueberries I tasted at the shop. It wasn't only the cupcakes that was lovely but also the way girl at the counter talked with me and the whole atmosphere of the shop (and their small cafe) was absolutely cute! 

ブリュッセル滞在中に、一緒に行った友達の現地在住の友達がアントワープに連れて行ってくれた。アントワープはブリュッセルから電車で40分くらい。車でも同じくらいだったような気がする、時間を見てなかったけど・・・そんなアントワープでとってもキュートなカップケーキのお店を発見。町の中心から駐車場に行く途中に偶然通りかかった"Momade Cupcakes"。ショーウィンドーに飾ってあったとってもキュートなカップケーキに誘われるまま店内に。いろんな種類のカップケーキに迷いながらもブルーベリーのミニカップケーキをいただいた。おいし~い。キュートだったのはカップケーキだけじゃない。お店の人の雰囲気もキュート。素敵なカップケーキを目の前に相当盛り上がる私と調子を合わせて一緒に盛り上がれるキュートな店員。カップケーキはガールズを幸せにする魔法の力がある思い込んでいる私のその思い込みをさらに強くしちゃうようなキュートなお店だった。アントワープに行く機会があったら超お薦め!

If you ever had a change to go to Antwerp, I would recommend to go to "Momade Cupcakes".

Here I share the pictures of cupcakes with you but can't share the taste in the blog, unfortunately ;-) (scroll down to see more photos)


Cupcake 3

Cupcake 4

Cupcake 5

Cupcake 6

Sushi in Europe – Ljubljana, Brussels and Luxembourg


ルクセンブルグではKamakuraというかなり高級和食の店の雰囲気がただようお店でランチ。トリップアドバイザーによればルクセンブルグで第4位のレストラン。ブリュッセルに帰る電車の時間が迫っていたので急いでオーダーして急いで出してもらったお寿司のセット。これが一番小さいサイズの寿司セットらしく・・・1人分とは思えない量。ちょっとご飯が硬かったような・・・でも 私の電車の時間に気を遣っていただきながらとても丁寧なサービスは印象に残る。

My sushi exploration continues in Europe. I visited Brussels and Luxembourg for five days and came back to Helsinki last evening.

In Luxembourg, I ate lunch at 'Kamakura' which is ranked in the 4th at the TripAdvisor web page. I told them I didn't have much time and they prepared and served sushi set very quickly with very good service. I thought sushi rice was a bit harder than I like but overall, it was good sushi experience. And I didn't miss the train to Brussels where I caught the flight back to Helsinki.


ブリュッセルのお寿司は名前がとてもおもしろいお店、 のんべい大学でいただいた。のんべえ大学の'大学'はどうやら近くにある大学にちなんでいると思われるが、実はほんとにのんべいなのかもしれない・・・などと話したりするのもまた一興(笑

In Brussels, I had lunch at 'nonbe DAIGAKU'. The name 'nonbe DAIGAKU' means university of those who love drinking' (perhaps there is better translation, I guess….).  Though I felt myself inappropriate going there as I don't drink at all ;-), it was great to have really nice sushi and miso soup there.

のんべえ大学(nonbe DAIGAKU)
住所:Avenue Adolphe Buyl, 31 1050 Bruxelles






Apart from this trip, I haven't had a chance to show you the picture of sushi set I had at Ljubljana, Slovenia in May and would like to post the photo below. This was at Sushi mama in the old city and I remember squid was very nice 🙂 


By The Way, I was in Tokyo ;-)

In the middle of June, I visited Tokyo where I used to live. It was rainy season and super humid (I saw humidity "99%" at electric bulletin board!!!). And typhoon hit Japan on my very birthday. Typhoon in June was so unusual though. It rained crazily and wind was furiously blowing! 


Neverthless, I enjoyed seeing my family and friends, eating yummy foods and going shopping 🙂



This is the Tokyo sky tree which was recognized by the Guinness World Records Company on November 17, 2011 as the tallest tower in the world. (The photo was taken from Asakusa) It's now one of the places you have to visit when you go to Tokyo though I didn't have time to do so this time.



As to sushi, it became one of my regular "must do" activities to go to Nakamaru sushi located at Higashi-rinkan which is a bit far from central Tokyo but definitely worth going for the yummy sushi, super nice owner and the staffs. I had my birthday party with friends there. I enjoyed sushi, sashimi and all other dishes a lot and have to say it was worth going there in the heavy rain and strong wind of the typhoon!

最近では東京に帰ったら必ず行く東林間の中丸寿司にて誕生会。東林間・・・ちょっと都心から行くには遠いのだが、絶対行く価値あり!おすしもおさしみも、その他の料理(焼き物、揚げ物・・・)もほんっとにおいしい!そしてマスターシェフの中丸店長をはじめ、お店のスタッフももとてもおもしろくていい人たち! 台風の雨風に打たれながらも、やっぱり行ってよかったと思うのだった。


Another super groumet place I visited was Pizzeria e trattoria da Isa. They serve real Neapolitan pizza. They have different kinds of Marghetita in the lunch menu and they were awesome! Worth queueing! Luckily I went there early enougn and had queued only for a couple minutes till they opened the door.

グルメつながりでもう1件。中目黒にあるPizzeria e trattoria da Isa で、絶品ピザをいただいた。マルゲリータがお薦め。ランチメニューにはマルゲリータのバリエーションも何種類かあってどれでもおいしいと思われる。開店前に到着して2-3分しか並ばなかった私たちがその忙しい店内でピザを前に盛り上がっている間に外には行列・・・(これがすごい東京っぽいと思った。ちょっと懐かしい感じ(笑)でも行列の価値あり!


A Cafe with the Lovely Ceiling – Viilipuutarha @ Helsinki


I read about "Viilipuutarha", "Wild garden" in English, long time ago in the newspaper. The cafe I had wanted to go for such long time and haven't been till this evening had lovely decoration on the ceiling. Though I had dreamed of having luxurious brunch there on Saturday, it's not Saturday today and I went there after work. Although chocolate chiffon cake looked super delicious, I chose korvapuusti (typical Finnish bun) with coffee. I thought the simple and typical Finnish bun could tell me how good their buns, cake and biscuits were 🙂 And and…

ずっと前に新聞で読んでずっと行ってみたいと思ってたのになかなか行く機会のなかったカフェ Viilipuutarha, (英語だとWild Garden)。 今日は思いがけず開いてる時間にお店の前に。ドアを開けると鳥のさえずりでウェルカム(センサー仕掛け)。そしてうわさどおりの乙女チックなインテリアデコレーション。中でも天井はとても素敵。テーブルにもこんな白バラが。



Voila! The reputation of their homemade baked goods was true! Cafe staffs were very kind and friendly : ) And it is table service (table service is unusual at the cafes in Finland, in case you don't know about it 😉



Cafe Cardemumma @ Kallio, Helsinki

The last time I tried to go to the Cafe Cardemumma was Sunday and they were closed. Many cafes and restaurants are closed on Sundays, unfortunately, in Helsinki. But yesterday(Saturday), after being tired of studying at home, I visited this cafe and loved it : )

初めてこのカフェに行ってみようと思った日は日曜日だった。店の前まで行って日曜日は休みということに気づいて、がっかり。フィンランドのカフェやレストラン、日本だったら絶対開いてると思われる日曜日に閉まっていることが多い。でも昨日は土曜日、前回休みだったからますます行ってみたくなっていたcafe cardemummaでコーヒーブレイク。私の予感どおり、とってもナイスなカフェだった。一人でお茶しながらうれしくて顔がほころんじゃうようなカフェ。お店オリジナルの手作りスィーツ (実はフィンランドのカフェ、オリジナルじゃない店もすごく多い。印象としてはどこのカフェに行っても同じケーキみたいな)、プッラ、おいしそうなキッシュやサラダ。私のコーヒーブレイクはフィンランド定番のかもめ食堂でもおなじみ(らしい)のkorvapuusti と普通のコーヒー。おいし~い。


お店のスタッフも笑顔でとても親切 : ) なんだかほかのお客もとても穏やかの感じの人が多かった。プッラじゃなくてケーキ類も魅力的だったけど、砂糖を取り過ぎないように気をつけているので、ケーキは特別なときだけ。次回は事前に甘いもの断ちをしてケーキを食べようかしらん・・・(笑。 ブランチメニューもあって、来週末にでも行きたい気分。(ということはたぶん行く;-) レポートをお楽しみに!Cafe Cardemumma 営業時間にご注意を!

Lovely looking sweets and smiley staffs. Having yummy home-made korvapuusti (cinnamon bun), I couldn't help smiling : ) The cozy cafe is in my most-favorite-cafe list now! Their brunch menu looked great as well as sweets on the counter. I think I will go there again next weekend, Saturday, to have brunch. Check out Cafe Cardemumma


Cloudy Sunday & Salutorget cafe @ Helsinki

 It was sunny and the sky was super blue in the morning but when left home in the afternoon, it started to get cloudy and it was a bit chilly. It's May but there are still cold days, especially when it is windy.

I walked from home to Pohjoisesplanadi to go to another cafe I hadn't been to. I took my camera with me and enjoyed taking photos on the way. Marimekko's show window was quite springy and lovely!




At the Salutorget cafe I wanted to try their cream tea (scones and tea) but it wasn't available today. So, I tried voisilmäplla (butter eye bun) (my most favorite pulla!) with cappuccino. The pulla was huge and it was really light and tasty. It was a bit different from usual Finnish voisilmäpulla but I liked it as much as the ordinary ones. It is nice that we have different types of voisilmäplla available in the town. It was 4.20€, much more expensive thant the ones we could get from other cafes but it doesn't matter really for one Sunday afternoon. And it was huge 😉 As the Salutorget cafe is located on the most touristic street in Helsinki, the customers were mostly tourists. I also looked very tourist with my camera 😉 and my looks ;-)It was comfortable to spend time there though I don't know if it was because of non-local customers or nice welcoming waitresses! They do table services which is not common in Finland, btw.

さて、お目当てのカフェは Salutorget。フィンランドではめずらしい(イギリスでは全然めずらしくないけど)クリームティーをやってるというのを聞いて、行って見たかったのだが・・・残念、今日はやってないって(どうも日曜日はやってないようで)。せっかく来たので好物のvoisilmäpllaとカプチーノでコーヒータイム。メニューにSalutorget風というようなことが書いてあったが、いかにも。いわゆる普通のvoisilmäpllaと違ってサクサク。とても軽い。voisilmäpllaは私の大好物。フィンランドの普通のやつも、このカフェのオリジナルも、どちらもおいしい!しかもここのプッラは巨大!こんなに大きくてどうしよ~と思ったけど サクサクだったので、あっという間に食べちゃった(笑




Even though weather wasn't best to take a walk, I enjoyed walking slowly with the camera after the coffee break. I liked lovely buildings near the senator square. 



I also visited the city hall which had exhibition to celebrate Helsinki's 200years as capital city. I liked the satellite pictures picture of the city and managed to locate my flat : )


As to Helsinki 200years as capital city programme, check out
