Gourmet Day

Feb. 28, 2006

Img_3751 It happened to be a gourmet day today. At lunch time, a friend who left the company visited us and had lunch together at Arcachon near the office. Arcachon is a French restaurant and has been introduced in the popular gourmet cartoon. It’s a bit more expensive than our usual lunch but good for special occasions like welcome, farewell and Christmas. The roasted duck is my favorite but I chose fish cos I knew I’d eat a lot of meat in the evening. Fish (I don’t know which one?) was also good today. We enjoyed chatting! Lovely to have good food and a lot of laugh : )

In the evening, I went to Korean barbecue with friends. Gyutetsu in Futakotamagawa is my most recommended Korean barbecue restaurant now. Good price, good food, I’m very full now.

Gourmet day! My tummy is a little bit tired. Will have lighter meal tomorrow.

(when I try to take a picture of food, whay is it always out of focus?!!! Anyway it’s the dessert at lunch)





Smell the Coffee

Sep. 20, 2005


A lot of attempts to stop drinking coffee. But I have never been able to do it. I know the bad effects to the health though good effects have been also reported. It wakes you up temporarily but makes you more tired after a while.

Img_0812Still I love coffee just after waking up. It’s special! I don’t feel it’s tasty anymore after the first one. To make it more special, to make me feel happier (and to wake me up ;-), I choose coffee beans carefully. I grind it every morning.

Last Friday, I went to Yanaka coffee shop in Meguro. Though I’d heard their coffee was tasty, I hadn’t been there before. I chose my most favorite, French Roast, there. The girl at the shop asked me how I’d like beans to be roasted. She recommended grade 10, the deepest roast. I followed the recommendation. Anyway, I usually like deep-roast.

The coffee was excellent. I enjoy it every morning : )

By the way, some doctor said in the Internet page about coffee effect….

"To Drink or Not to Drink"
…. your cup of coffee.


何度もコーヒーをやめようと思ったけど一度も成功した試しがない。コーヒーについては健康に関して良い効果も報告されているが害も多い。一時的な目覚まし効果があるけれど しばらくすると飲む前よりずっと疲れてしまうのだ。

朝起きたときのコーヒーが最高。その後はいつ飲んでもあまりおいしいと思ったことがない。それだけに朝のコーヒーは特別なのでいろいろこだわる。豆もおいしいところで買うし 毎朝自分で挽いている。

先週の金曜日は目黒の やなかコーヒー店 に行ってみた。前々から噂を聞いていて一度行ってみようと思ってたお店。一番好きなフレンチローストを選んだ。店の人にどの炒り方がよいか聞かれたがその人のお勧めの10番(一番深炒り)なのにしてみた。もともと深炒りが好きなんだけど。

噂どおり おいしいコーヒーだった。毎朝かなりいい感じ。

ところで コーヒーについてインターネットにこんなことを書いている医者を発見。

飲むべきか 飲まざるべきか・・・


Weekend Gourmets

Sep. 18, 2005

Img_3365 A friend of mine, Misa-chan, suggested to go to restaurant "Kimutaku" in Ginza. Of course, I immediately agreed with her as I’d never been there and wanted to try something new. She told me it’s famous for nice tonkatsu (Japanese pork cutlet). We decided to go to the one in Ginza and arrived there at 11:26. The restaurant was supposed to open at 11:30 and there were already four other groups queuing. We thought it’s a promising sign for good food! Yes, it was really a sign. Tonkatsu was excellent! It’s the softest and most tasty tonkatsu I’ve ever eaten. Pork wasn’t typical shape of tonkatsu meat. It was layered thin meat. Rice and cabbage were also very nice.

Although, Misa-chan and I don’t usually dear to queue for restaurants and cafes, we queued up for another place. We’re in a good mood and energetic after good lunch. We went to Pierre Marcolini, the world no.1 chocolatier! We wanted to try the chocolate parfait. It was hot outside. We had to queue for 30 minutes. We still believe it wasn’t bad for this famous chocolatier. When Misa-chan had the first spoon of the chocolate ice cream, she said "superb!". Yes, it was, indeed. Worth queuing up! However, after having tonkatsu, I have to admit it was though to finish the parfait 😉

Enjoyed good food a lot during the day. It was too full to eat supper 😉




おいしい昼ごはんにすっかり気をよくして 普段行列は大嫌いな私たちが今度はピエールマルコニーニで行列。マルコリーニは今世界で一番おいしいチョコレート屋だと言われている。そこで有名なチョコレートパフェを食べてみたかった。

外は暑かったけど30分待ち。それでもいいほうだったのでは?と思っているけど。チョコレートアイスクリームを一口食べたみさちゃんが一言。“これすごくおいしい!” その通り!すごくおいしかった。並んだ甲斐あり。とんかつの後のチョコレートパフェはちょっとヘビーではあったけれど。

昼間おいしいものを食べ過ぎて 夕飯が入らなかった。;-)

Smiley Dinner

Sep. 11, 2005

I woke up feeling my back aching. The upper back was aching. It was very hot and Img_3318 humid until it started raining heavily in the afternoon. I went to Ebisu to see Yukiko.

We planned to go to Lebanese restaurant (close to Daikanyama station) to celebrate her birthday. Her birthday was at the end of August though. The restaurant is owned by Carlos Ghosn’s wife. (Carlos Ghosn is the famous President and Chief Executive Officer of Nissan Motors.), she told me.

I was wondering what food we’re going to eat…? Then remembered I’d been to Lebanese restaurant in Helsinki. Food was nice there but I remembered we ate too much and I was too full to sleep that night more than anything.

Anyway, we had good meal at My Lebanon! It wasn’t fatty but wasn’t too plain. Interior was also nice, Lebanese. I don’t know much about Lebanon but want to know it now. I’d love to visit My Lebanon again : )

We went to oil massage after the meal. There are many many massage places in Ebisu. They are almost every 2 meters. So competitive. We chose one and it gave us dreamy thirty minutes. The best way to spend Sunday evening! 


背中の上のほうが妙に痛んで目が覚めた日曜日。今日も蒸し暑かった。午後からまた大雨が降ってその後は打って変わって涼しくなったけど。夕方 ゆきこと恵比寿で会うことになっていた。

恵比寿(代官山)にあるレバノン料理の店に行くことにした。ちょっと遅くなったけど ゆきこの誕生日を祝うために。日産のカルロス・ゴーンの奥さんがやってる店だった。

でも レバノン料理ってどんな料理?そういえばヘルシンキでもレバノン料理の店に行ったことを思い出した。食事はおいしかったけどお腹が張り裂けそうになるまで食べてその夜は苦しかったことのほうが印象的だった。

それはともかく その店 マイ・レバノンはとてもおいしい店だった。脂っこくなかったけど あっさりしすぎてるわけでもなく。店のインテリアもすごくレバノンらしくて(ってよく知らないけど 想像するに)素敵だった。レバノンってどんな国なんだろうか?知りたくなった。


TGI Friday


Sep. 2, 2005

Though the weather has been quite comfortable since I came home from Helsinki, it was hot and uncomfortable today. Plus, I couldn’t sleep much for jet lag last night. I was very tired and don’t remember how many times I said I’m tired at work! But I went out to see Noriko-san, who I met at Seoul airport on the way back from London two years ago.

She suggested to go to soup curry restaurant in Shimokitazawa (central Tokyo, close to her and my place). Though she asked me whether I have other ideas, I didn’t dare do it. It’s fun to go somewhere I haven’t heard or thought about before. It’s always fun to see, taste, hear something new!

RestaurantWhen we met, we tried to remember when we met last time. It was probably a year ago or longer. We haven’t seen each other for long time. We talked a lot of things to catch up and have a good time.

By the way, the curry restaurant, Magic Spice was quite fun! I liked it so much. The decoration was very unique, the curry was special and the girl who served us was very very friendly. We could ask her a lot of questions about their curry when we’re ordering. It’s not that easy to choose something from the menu as their curry is so special! I can’t explain how special it is as it’s so special. But you’ll know it just when you enter the restaurant. The food is special but the philosophy the owner has is the most special, I think. They say it’s the Indonesian soup curry which wakes up your DNA! Before you eat it, you might no understand it (and I didn’t), but you might believe it when you start eating. And it seems to be good for your health! Naturally, as well as other curry restaurants, you can choose how hot you’d like to have your curry.

I didn’t have camera today but took pictures by mobile. Not good quality in the dark place but I think I could grasp the atmosphere. Nariko-san gave me permission to put her name and photo in my page. Thank you!

(In Japanese)


ヘルシンキから帰ってからずいぶん東京もずいぶん過ごしやすくなったと思っていたのだけれど今日はまたかなり暑くなった。さらに時差ぼけで昨日も良く眠れなくて今日はバテバテ。でも 夕方 のりこさんに会いに出かけた。彼女とは2年前にロンドンから帰る途中 ソウルの空港で友達になった。(詳しくは後日)



 ところでこのカレーレストラン、とてもおもしろかった。カレーはちょっと斬新でおいしかったし ウェイトレスの人もとってもフレンドリー。ちょっと変わったメニューなのでオーダーするときにいろいろ質問しなくちゃいけなかったけど どの質問にも丁寧に笑顔で答えてくれた。(ちょっと男っぽいコメントか) カレーがどんなふうに斬新なのかここで説明するのはちょっと難しい。オーナーが特別な思想を持っているとも言えるかも。詳しくはwebで。DNAを覚醒するカレーってなんだよって思うかも知れないけど一口食べるとわりと納得したりするかも(って私はした。)そして体にもいいらしい。もちろん辛さも選べてメニューにないさらに辛いレベルも何段階があったりするんだって。
