i-Pod NANO

Sep. 9, 2005

It’s cool! It’s tiny! It’s NANO!I want it!

Nano_3 One of my friends at work already got it. We’re so jealous. Look at the pictures. Have you thought why the mini pocket in the pocket exist? It must be for i-Pod NANO! (Apple didn’t pay me anything to make me say this!) He bought 4GB at 28,000 yen.


ほんとに クール。ほんとに 小さい。これぞ ナノ!欲しい。 Nano1_8

会社の友達が発売とほとんど同時に手に入れた。みんな群がるようにし て触らせてもらってた。(さすがオタク の集団、私もだけど。) 

ジーンズとかのポケットの中についてるもう1個のポケットはこのためにあったのか?!写真の通り そこにも入る。すごい!



After the Typhoon no. 14

Sep. 8, 2005


It’s very hot, typical after-typhoon weather. Sky is clear blue. In the morning, I saw Mt. Fuji from tImg_3252_2 he office on the 17th floor.It was gone very quickly covered. 

A lot of damage and tragedy, the typhoon #14 did in Kyushu and Shikoku. Typhoon, earthquake, etc…, natural disaster scares us. I thought about mobile phone. It’s quite helpful when emergency arises. But I remembered my mobile phone is sometimes dead.Even if you have a mobile, it doesn’t work when it doesn’t have power! (nothing new though 😉 After thinking about it a couple of days ago, I started charging the phone every night. (It might be just common sense for you for whatever reasons though 😉 I do it even when it seems to have enough battery. (you never know!) This is something easy I can prepare for the emergency. (There are cases that mobile phone doesn’t work even if the battery is fully charged for the other reasons, FYI).

Photo : Shadow of the trees on the way to work. I though it looked artistic a little. The sun was strongly shining.

By the way, working for the mobile phone company, I have many chances to see a lot of advanced technologies and cool features of mobile phones. To make it fully work, I hope we’ll be able to make smaller but longer lasting batteries : )




今朝会社に来る途中で 木の陰の写真をとった。なんか きれいだなと思ったので。強い太陽の日差しを感じた。

ところで携帯の話に戻るけど 携帯電話の会社で働いている私はいつも最新の技術や機能を目にしているのだが、やっぱりバッテリーが一番大切。すごい技術と機能をフルに使うにはもっと小さくて長持ちするバッテリーが必要だと思う。