Tokyo – November 2012

When was the last time I went up to the observatory tower observatory…? As I had a plan to go for dinner near Tokyo tower on the day, I decided to do mini sightseeing in Tokyo where I had lived for 20 years or so. Even after sunset, it never gets totally dark in Tokyo. It was lovely though 🙂

前回東京タワーの展望台に行ったのはいつだっただろうか・・・? 久々に行ってみた東京タワー。空が暗くなっても東京は明るいのだった・・・。きれいだけどね。






By The Way, I was in Tokyo ;-)

In the middle of June, I visited Tokyo where I used to live. It was rainy season and super humid (I saw humidity "99%" at electric bulletin board!!!). And typhoon hit Japan on my very birthday. Typhoon in June was so unusual though. It rained crazily and wind was furiously blowing! 


Neverthless, I enjoyed seeing my family and friends, eating yummy foods and going shopping 🙂



This is the Tokyo sky tree which was recognized by the Guinness World Records Company on November 17, 2011 as the tallest tower in the world. (The photo was taken from Asakusa) It's now one of the places you have to visit when you go to Tokyo though I didn't have time to do so this time.



As to sushi, it became one of my regular "must do" activities to go to Nakamaru sushi located at Higashi-rinkan which is a bit far from central Tokyo but definitely worth going for the yummy sushi, super nice owner and the staffs. I had my birthday party with friends there. I enjoyed sushi, sashimi and all other dishes a lot and have to say it was worth going there in the heavy rain and strong wind of the typhoon!

最近では東京に帰ったら必ず行く東林間の中丸寿司にて誕生会。東林間・・・ちょっと都心から行くには遠いのだが、絶対行く価値あり!おすしもおさしみも、その他の料理(焼き物、揚げ物・・・)もほんっとにおいしい!そしてマスターシェフの中丸店長をはじめ、お店のスタッフももとてもおもしろくていい人たち! 台風の雨風に打たれながらも、やっぱり行ってよかったと思うのだった。


Another super groumet place I visited was Pizzeria e trattoria da Isa. They serve real Neapolitan pizza. They have different kinds of Marghetita in the lunch menu and they were awesome! Worth queueing! Luckily I went there early enougn and had queued only for a couple minutes till they opened the door.

グルメつながりでもう1件。中目黒にあるPizzeria e trattoria da Isa で、絶品ピザをいただいた。マルゲリータがお薦め。ランチメニューにはマルゲリータのバリエーションも何種類かあってどれでもおいしいと思われる。開店前に到着して2-3分しか並ばなかった私たちがその忙しい店内でピザを前に盛り上がっている間に外には行列・・・(これがすごい東京っぽいと思った。ちょっと懐かしい感じ(笑)でも行列の価値あり!


Autumn Leaves

Nov. 23, 2005


Img_1803 A national holiday. Even though a headache was bothering me, I couldn’t resist the feeling that I want to see autumn leaves. In the afternoon, I took train to Gaienmae. Gaien-dori is famous for the ginkgo trees which leaves turn beautifully yellow in autumn. (People might say it’s already winter now though.)

What impressed me more than the colored leaves was a lot of people. A lot, a lot, a lot of people with cameras & mobile phones everywhere. The leaves were not very yellow yet. I still took some pictures of ginkgo trees trying to learn exposure. I’d like to go there again maybe next week to see really yellow leaves. I should remember to choose the time when not many people are going there. Is there any time like that???


今日は勤労感謝の祝日。頭痛に悩まされてはいたけれど どうしても外苑の紅葉を見たくなった。午後になってから外苑前まで出かけた。外苑通りの銀杏の紅葉は都内では1,2を争うほど有名だ。

でも その紅葉より何より私が驚いたのは紅葉を見に来た人の多さだった。ほんとに人が多くてごった返してた。もちろんみんなカメラや携帯を持って。銀杏はまだそんなにきれいに金色になっていたわけではなかったけれど私も持っていったカメラで写真撮影。少しだけ露出の調整を練習してみた。

来週あたりもう一度行ってみようかと思ってる。きっともっときれいに金色になった銀杏を見ることができるに違いない。でも 人の少ないときを狙っていかなければ・・・ そんなときはあるのだろうか・・・?

In Harajuku

Oct. 19, 2005

Img_3483 Had a half-day off. After having lunch in Omotesando, I walked to Yoyogi park. On the way, I stopped y some favorite shops such like fcuk (French Connections), benetton & GAP and some new (for me!) shops.

Near Yoyogi park, there were many youngsters who were on the way to J-POP concert. Everyone was wearing the same T-shirts.

I found lovely flowers in the park which made me smile : ) I like to walk in the area. Nice shops and flowers : ) I bought two T-shirts at GAP.


今日は午後会社を休んだ。表参道でランチした後 代々木公園に向かって散歩。途中で大好きなfcuk (French Connections), benetton それに GAPに寄ったり 新しい店を開拓したり。

代々木公園付近は ケツメイシのコンサートに向かう若者でにぎわってた。 みんな同じTシャツを着て。

代々木公園で きれいな花を発見。思わず笑顔。表参道や原宿を歩くのは楽しい。いいお店もたくさんあるし、こんな花も見れるし。ちなみにGAPでTシャツを2枚購入。

Tokyo Yogini Life

Oct. 10, 2005


It’s the sport day, national holiday. Weather is supposed to be good almost every year on the day. But it’s not this year.

I went shopping to Omotesando. I wanted buy yoga clothes which, I knew, would please me a lot : ) I got off at Omotesando station and started walking to lululemon, the most famous yoga clothes shop in Tokyo (maybe in the world!) On the way, I stopped at Aoayama book center, where I checked some travel books. I have some ideas of traveling at the moment and wanted to see some pictures of the places.

After the bookshop, another shop attracted me on the street. It was a new shop called "Stone Market". A lot of pretty stones and jewelries, and of course a lot of girls in the shop. I decided to make my own bracelet. It was fun to choose stones and loved the one they made for me.

While I was waiting for the bracelet done, I went to lululemon. I tried several pants and tops and bought black pants and red top, which I thought, were cool! People in the shop were very very friendly and we even talked about yoga class we’re going.

Came home and had an hour to leave for yoga class. I wanted to go to yoga with the new clothes. For that, I needed to get pants shortened by myself. The shop said it would take ten days if they did. I’m not good at sewing at all but I had to do. With the motivation and concentration I finished it in an hour and it looked OK, actually better than I expected 😉

I went to yoga and had a lot of fun with the substitute teacher : )



かの有名なヨガウェアショップ ルルレモンでウェアを買ってみようと思った。ちょっと自分にご褒美ってな感じで。表参道で地下鉄から降りてショップに向かう途中、青山ブックセンターにも寄ってみた。いくつか行ってみたいと思っている場所があって ガイドブックをチェックしたかったので。というか写真をみてイメージを膨らませたかった。

本屋を出てすぐまた目に留まった店があった。"Stone Market" という店が新しく出来ていて天然石やそれで作ったアクセサリーを売ってる店だった。すごくきれいな石がたくさんあって もちろん女の子でいっぱいだった。私はオリジナルブレスレットを作ることに決めて早速石を選択。それもまたすごく楽しかった。出来上がったブレスレットもすごく気に入ったし。

ブレスレットが出来上がるのを待っている間 ルルレモンに行った。何着か試着して 黒いパンツと赤いトップを購入。なんだかクールな気がしてならなかった。店の人もとってもフレンドリーで 自分の行ってるヨガ教室の話とかもし合ったり。

家に帰ってきて 早速やることがあった。パンツの丈つめ。どーしても新しいウェアを着てヨガのクラスに行きたかったのだ。時間は1時間。裁縫は苦手中の苦手。でも やる気があれば意外とうまくいくもんだなーと思った。出来上がりは意外とよくて というか私の期待以上だった!

そしてヨガのクラスへ。今日は代行の先生だったのだけれど それもまたとても楽しかった : )    

Smell the Coffee

Sep. 20, 2005


A lot of attempts to stop drinking coffee. But I have never been able to do it. I know the bad effects to the health though good effects have been also reported. It wakes you up temporarily but makes you more tired after a while.

Img_0812Still I love coffee just after waking up. It’s special! I don’t feel it’s tasty anymore after the first one. To make it more special, to make me feel happier (and to wake me up ;-), I choose coffee beans carefully. I grind it every morning.

Last Friday, I went to Yanaka coffee shop in Meguro. Though I’d heard their coffee was tasty, I hadn’t been there before. I chose my most favorite, French Roast, there. The girl at the shop asked me how I’d like beans to be roasted. She recommended grade 10, the deepest roast. I followed the recommendation. Anyway, I usually like deep-roast.

The coffee was excellent. I enjoy it every morning : )

By the way, some doctor said in the Internet page about coffee effect….

"To Drink or Not to Drink"
…. your cup of coffee.


何度もコーヒーをやめようと思ったけど一度も成功した試しがない。コーヒーについては健康に関して良い効果も報告されているが害も多い。一時的な目覚まし効果があるけれど しばらくすると飲む前よりずっと疲れてしまうのだ。

朝起きたときのコーヒーが最高。その後はいつ飲んでもあまりおいしいと思ったことがない。それだけに朝のコーヒーは特別なのでいろいろこだわる。豆もおいしいところで買うし 毎朝自分で挽いている。

先週の金曜日は目黒の やなかコーヒー店 に行ってみた。前々から噂を聞いていて一度行ってみようと思ってたお店。一番好きなフレンチローストを選んだ。店の人にどの炒り方がよいか聞かれたがその人のお勧めの10番(一番深炒り)なのにしてみた。もともと深炒りが好きなんだけど。

噂どおり おいしいコーヒーだった。毎朝かなりいい感じ。

ところで コーヒーについてインターネットにこんなことを書いている医者を発見。

飲むべきか 飲まざるべきか・・・


Weekend Gourmets

Sep. 18, 2005

Img_3365 A friend of mine, Misa-chan, suggested to go to restaurant "Kimutaku" in Ginza. Of course, I immediately agreed with her as I’d never been there and wanted to try something new. She told me it’s famous for nice tonkatsu (Japanese pork cutlet). We decided to go to the one in Ginza and arrived there at 11:26. The restaurant was supposed to open at 11:30 and there were already four other groups queuing. We thought it’s a promising sign for good food! Yes, it was really a sign. Tonkatsu was excellent! It’s the softest and most tasty tonkatsu I’ve ever eaten. Pork wasn’t typical shape of tonkatsu meat. It was layered thin meat. Rice and cabbage were also very nice.

Although, Misa-chan and I don’t usually dear to queue for restaurants and cafes, we queued up for another place. We’re in a good mood and energetic after good lunch. We went to Pierre Marcolini, the world no.1 chocolatier! We wanted to try the chocolate parfait. It was hot outside. We had to queue for 30 minutes. We still believe it wasn’t bad for this famous chocolatier. When Misa-chan had the first spoon of the chocolate ice cream, she said "superb!". Yes, it was, indeed. Worth queuing up! However, after having tonkatsu, I have to admit it was though to finish the parfait 😉

Enjoyed good food a lot during the day. It was too full to eat supper 😉




おいしい昼ごはんにすっかり気をよくして 普段行列は大嫌いな私たちが今度はピエールマルコニーニで行列。マルコリーニは今世界で一番おいしいチョコレート屋だと言われている。そこで有名なチョコレートパフェを食べてみたかった。

外は暑かったけど30分待ち。それでもいいほうだったのでは?と思っているけど。チョコレートアイスクリームを一口食べたみさちゃんが一言。“これすごくおいしい!” その通り!すごくおいしかった。並んだ甲斐あり。とんかつの後のチョコレートパフェはちょっとヘビーではあったけれど。

昼間おいしいものを食べ過ぎて 夕飯が入らなかった。;-)