Birkenstock Saves Me

Sep. 14, 2005



Very hot and windy day in Tokyo today. I was wearing Birkenstock as I do almost everyday.

I have narrow feet and low instep. They are demanding. I’ve tried many different shoes. Invested a lot of money! Some shoe shops measured my feet carefully and made some adjustment. But most shoes made my feet hurt.

After spending much time and money, I met Birkenstock from Germany. Their sandals are famous (they make shoes as well!). I have three pairs already. Among them, the one I was wearing today is the very best. You can’t see them in the picture but they have belts around the ankles. They protect my feet very well and the feet don’t get tired at all for the good sole (typicak Birkenstock one) even when I walk a lot. (I wish I’ve had this pair when I went to Aichi Expo…)

Two years ago (was it?), I saw cute pink sandals of Birkenstock in London. The color was extremely cute. (Pink is my color!) I wanted to buy them but the shop didn’t have my size. I tried to find them in Tokyo and some other countries but couldn’t find. In January, I saw them through the shop window in West Australia but the shop was shut and I had to leave there early next morning. They have some other pink sandals in almost all the shops but they are different from what I saw and not as attractive as the one I liked a lot. I’m hoping they’ll make the one again! Birkenstock saves my feet!




でもついにビルケンシュトックが私の足を救ってくれた。このメーカーはサンダルで有名。靴もつくってるけど。私の持っている3足の中では今日履いてるのがベスト。写真には映っていない足首のところにベルトがついている。足をしっかり保護してくれるし おなじみの靴底のおかげでたくさん歩いても疲れない。(愛知万博に行ったときに履いてたら最高だったに違いない。でも買ったのはその後)

2年前くらいにロンドンですごくcute なピンクのビルケンを発見。超買いたかったけどサイズがなくて断念。それから東京や他の国でも探し続けたけれど見つからず。ついに今年の1月 西オーストラリアで発見。でもその店は閉まっていてガラス越しに見ただけ。次の日の朝早くその場所を離れなければいけなかったので買えずじまい。

ピンクのサンダルはビルケンの店でよく見かけてはいるのだが あのピンクはもう売ってない。特別な色だったのだ。いつかまた同じ色でサンダルを作ってくれることを祈るばかり・・・

Oasis on The Bus

Sep.13, 2005


My head was still aching in the morning. I went to work later than usual. On the way to work, I was Img_3250 listening to Oasis. They are genius. Their music is absolutely cool! My most favorite in the latest album is "The Importance of Being Idle". I repeated it a couple of times in my i-Pod mini (Pink!) Lucky me had two chances to see and listen to Oasis : ) and look forward to the next chance! Their concert is awesome.

On the way back home, I went to some shops in Futakotamagawa. In one shop, I heard "Let It Be". (naturally I was singing it when I heard it!) The music reminded me of some friends who are living far away from Tokyo. Once we formed a band. Let It Be was one of the music we played in the band. Some of the band friends left Tokyo. There hasn’t been a chance that all of us get together since then. I’ve had many chances to see them separately though. Hope we all get together and play "Let It Be" again. There will be an answer, let It Be ♪

Photo : on the bus (the one I take to work almost every morning.)


今朝もまだ頭が痛かった。少し良くなるまで待ってから会社に行った。会社に行くバスの中でOasisのアルバムを聴いた。Oasisは天才的だし 最高にクール。最新のアルバムの中では "The Importance of Being Idle"が一番好き。今日も何回か繰り返し聴いた。(i-Pod mini のピンクで) 今までに2回オアシスを見に行った。もちろんまた行きたい。

帰りに二子玉川でショッピング。店で "Let It Be" がかかってた。思わず口ずさむ。そして遠くの友達のことを思い出す。バンドを一緒に組んでた友達のこと。"Let It Be"は私たちが最初に練習した曲だった。バンドメンバーの何人かが東京を離れ それ以来全員で集まったことがない。私はそれぞれに別々の機会に会ったりすることができるのだが・・・。いつかまたみんなで集まって"Let It Be"を演奏できたらいいな と思った。

There will be an answer, let It Be ♪


Smiley Dinner

Sep. 11, 2005

I woke up feeling my back aching. The upper back was aching. It was very hot and Img_3318 humid until it started raining heavily in the afternoon. I went to Ebisu to see Yukiko.

We planned to go to Lebanese restaurant (close to Daikanyama station) to celebrate her birthday. Her birthday was at the end of August though. The restaurant is owned by Carlos Ghosn’s wife. (Carlos Ghosn is the famous President and Chief Executive Officer of Nissan Motors.), she told me.

I was wondering what food we’re going to eat…? Then remembered I’d been to Lebanese restaurant in Helsinki. Food was nice there but I remembered we ate too much and I was too full to sleep that night more than anything.

Anyway, we had good meal at My Lebanon! It wasn’t fatty but wasn’t too plain. Interior was also nice, Lebanese. I don’t know much about Lebanon but want to know it now. I’d love to visit My Lebanon again : )

We went to oil massage after the meal. There are many many massage places in Ebisu. They are almost every 2 meters. So competitive. We chose one and it gave us dreamy thirty minutes. The best way to spend Sunday evening! 


背中の上のほうが妙に痛んで目が覚めた日曜日。今日も蒸し暑かった。午後からまた大雨が降ってその後は打って変わって涼しくなったけど。夕方 ゆきこと恵比寿で会うことになっていた。

恵比寿(代官山)にあるレバノン料理の店に行くことにした。ちょっと遅くなったけど ゆきこの誕生日を祝うために。日産のカルロス・ゴーンの奥さんがやってる店だった。

でも レバノン料理ってどんな料理?そういえばヘルシンキでもレバノン料理の店に行ったことを思い出した。食事はおいしかったけどお腹が張り裂けそうになるまで食べてその夜は苦しかったことのほうが印象的だった。

それはともかく その店 マイ・レバノンはとてもおいしい店だった。脂っこくなかったけど あっさりしすぎてるわけでもなく。店のインテリアもすごくレバノンらしくて(ってよく知らないけど 想像するに)素敵だった。レバノンってどんな国なんだろうか?知りたくなった。


Hana-chan’s Notebook

Sep. 6, 2005

Img_3224 There are some people who I meet very often in yoga class. Yesterday, one of them, Hana-chan showed us a special notebook which she designed collaborating with Kokuyo. It’s a lovely notebook which I would use for some special purposes. Design and color of the front cover is artistic. Inside is more special. Lines are lightly printed conversation on the phone. You can read it at the same time as you use the notebook to write down something. It’s new, isn’t it? The conversation is all her creation.  I didn’t know she was a designer!!! I told her I’d like to introduce it in my page and she was happy about it. This is the link to the news in her blog. Hana-chan’s notebook is on sale at Tsutaya and some other places. (Picture : The notebook in Hana-chan’s hands!)

ヨガ教室でいつも一緒になる はなちゃんから 昨日のクラスの後で はなちゃんがコクヨとコラボで作ったノートが発売されていると聞いた。えっ、はなちゃんてデザイナーなの? と思わず盛り上がってしまった。私のブログで紹介したいと言ったら喜んでくれたので ここで紹介。 で見てみてください。

とても素敵な変わったノートです。たぶん勉強とかじゃなくて何か特別なことのために使いたくなる 特別なノートです。表紙もとてもアートしていて素敵なのですが中身もすごい。ノートなんだけど本・・・みたいな。実は罫線が少し薄めに印刷された文章で 電話がかかってきて話が終わるまでの会話が展開されているのだそうで これもすべて はなちゃんが考えたそうです。すごい! (写真ははなちゃんがノートを手に持っているところ)

Record Rainfall in Tokyo

Sep. 4, 2005

Simg_0785_6 I was brushing the teeth. I heard announcement outside. It was the warning about the heavy rainfall. I called a friend living near the river to ask him if he and the river were OK but he didn’t answer. Maybe he was out. Just after that, it started rain, unbelievably heavy. Turned on the TV and saw the news saying it’s record waterfall in Tokyo and surroundings. It’s more than 100mm/hours!!! I’m scared thinking about the natural disaster happening all over the world… Tried to take pictures though it was dark outside (now 23:00)and I knew it was difficult to catch rain drops. But you can see the drops!!! (click the picture to enlarge). Typhoon is approaching to Kyushu.

TGI Friday


Sep. 2, 2005

Though the weather has been quite comfortable since I came home from Helsinki, it was hot and uncomfortable today. Plus, I couldn’t sleep much for jet lag last night. I was very tired and don’t remember how many times I said I’m tired at work! But I went out to see Noriko-san, who I met at Seoul airport on the way back from London two years ago.

She suggested to go to soup curry restaurant in Shimokitazawa (central Tokyo, close to her and my place). Though she asked me whether I have other ideas, I didn’t dare do it. It’s fun to go somewhere I haven’t heard or thought about before. It’s always fun to see, taste, hear something new!

RestaurantWhen we met, we tried to remember when we met last time. It was probably a year ago or longer. We haven’t seen each other for long time. We talked a lot of things to catch up and have a good time.

By the way, the curry restaurant, Magic Spice was quite fun! I liked it so much. The decoration was very unique, the curry was special and the girl who served us was very very friendly. We could ask her a lot of questions about their curry when we’re ordering. It’s not that easy to choose something from the menu as their curry is so special! I can’t explain how special it is as it’s so special. But you’ll know it just when you enter the restaurant. The food is special but the philosophy the owner has is the most special, I think. They say it’s the Indonesian soup curry which wakes up your DNA! Before you eat it, you might no understand it (and I didn’t), but you might believe it when you start eating. And it seems to be good for your health! Naturally, as well as other curry restaurants, you can choose how hot you’d like to have your curry.

I didn’t have camera today but took pictures by mobile. Not good quality in the dark place but I think I could grasp the atmosphere. Nariko-san gave me permission to put her name and photo in my page. Thank you!

(In Japanese)


ヘルシンキから帰ってからずいぶん東京もずいぶん過ごしやすくなったと思っていたのだけれど今日はまたかなり暑くなった。さらに時差ぼけで昨日も良く眠れなくて今日はバテバテ。でも 夕方 のりこさんに会いに出かけた。彼女とは2年前にロンドンから帰る途中 ソウルの空港で友達になった。(詳しくは後日)



 ところでこのカレーレストラン、とてもおもしろかった。カレーはちょっと斬新でおいしかったし ウェイトレスの人もとってもフレンドリー。ちょっと変わったメニューなのでオーダーするときにいろいろ質問しなくちゃいけなかったけど どの質問にも丁寧に笑顔で答えてくれた。(ちょっと男っぽいコメントか) カレーがどんなふうに斬新なのかここで説明するのはちょっと難しい。オーナーが特別な思想を持っているとも言えるかも。詳しくはwebで。DNAを覚醒するカレーってなんだよって思うかも知れないけど一口食べるとわりと納得したりするかも(って私はした。)そして体にもいいらしい。もちろん辛さも選べてメニューにないさらに辛いレベルも何段階があったりするんだって。
