Simply Walking in the Autumn Color – 秋の散歩


Though I don’t like walking very much and often feel lazy even to leave home, sometimes I find beautiful scenery that I really really don’t want stop walking.


 Through the windows of the restaurant I was eating lunch, I saw the beautiful golden autumn colors. I hadn’t plan to go for a walk but I couldn’t help going walking there.
I kept taking photos by my smart phone and ended up with 2-hour walking 😉

晴れた日の秋色は本当に素敵。Color of autumn when it’s sunny is amazing!

Simply walking, I felt genuinely happy 🙂 散歩で幸せを感じた日。

Autumn Color – 秋の色

Rastila and Kulosaari, Helsinki.


This autumn has been extremely rainy but today, it was sunny and golden-colored leaves were lovely. Luckily, I got a ride to Rastila in the eastern Helsinki and enjoyed beautiful autumn colors and lovely cafe.


Cafe MONAMI is in the old manor located in the same area as camping site. It used to be our favorite gourmet restaurant but we got to know it had been closed when we read about the new cafe in the paper.

目的は新しくできたカフェ、Cafe MONAMI。Rastilaのキャンプ場と同じ敷地にある元マナーハウスがカフェになっている。以前はここが超おいしいレストランだったのだが、新聞でこのカフェが紹介されているのを見て、レストランはなくなったんだな~と気づいた。


The cafe was cozy and lovely, especially with the light and autumn colors through the windows.



After having coffee, we drove in the autumn colors.

The pink manor in Kulosaari was cute.


It was relaxing and lovely Sunday afternoon.
