Kahvila Maggia – Another lovely cafe in Kustavi

We took a bus to Kustavi’s main bus station which was located in the center of Kustavi after checking out from Peterzens. There were several restaurants, bars, and cafes. While our bus went to some other direction and came back to continue to Turku, I thought it was a good idea to have coffee at Kahvila Maggia which was mentioned at hs.fi. . There was a bit less than one hour until the bus has come back to the main bus station and the bus driver kindly said we could leave the biggest luggage we had in the bus. I like small cafes by the road in the countryside. Kahvila Maggia is one of such cafes. It was easy to spot the cafe from the bus when we were on the way to Kustavi Handicraft Center on the previous day. There was a clear sign of “kahvila” and the building is iconic that I could remember from the hs.fi article.

Peopele were enjoying coffee in the terrace that afternoon we got there. The whole setting looked lovely.

Looking at different delicious cakes, buns, and sandwiches, it wasn’t easy to choose one. But my instinct was telling me to have either Omar cheesecake or Brita cake. I ordered the Brita cake, and after that, my friend asked the staff the recommendations. The answer was either Brita cake or Omar cheesecake! So, my instinct was right.

My friend ordered Omar cheesecake and I was happy knowing that I could taste her cheesecake as well as my cake. The cheesecake was a bit too sweet for me as I had thought it might be and I was glad for my choice. Both pieces were cute in the photos.

After enjoying coffee and cake in the terrace, we went to the bus stop to re-catch the bus to Turku where we spent one night to be prepared for the trip to Korppoo. Our original plan was to go around Turku archipelago trail but for several reasons, we decided to modify the plan this time.

N’AVETTA cafe in Sipoo

N’avetta was lovely and tasty cafe in Sipoo. A friend and her family came to pick me up on a Sunday afternoon and we drove from Helsinki to Sipoo. It wasn’t difficult to find the cafe in the nature, as there was a big road sign to the cafe!

When we entered the cafe, we it wasn’t easy to choose what we wanted to eat. There were so many different sweet bans (pulla in Finnish)! I choose pistachio pulla and friends had cardamon pulla and munkki (Finnish donut). They were all very nice!

Even though summer had been over, it was ok to sit and eat at the terrace. We enjoyed the greens and autumn colors of outside and atmospheric buildings.

The best three things about this cafe were:
-Cute red wooden building
-Variety of pulla (too many not to visit there many times)
-The cosy atmosphere of the care and the surrounding

To get there, I recommend to a car/or ask a friend with a car to come with you ;-). There are ways to get there using public transportation, but it takes longer time and from Helsinki city center, you would have to take metro and bus.

It was such a beautiful afternoon though it was raining in the morning. Since we were in Sipoo anyway, we explored the area. Sipoonranta was beautiful having nice reflection of the sky in the water. And it was quiet and peaceful.

We also visited the Sipoo National park. None of us had been there before and just wanted to check it out even though we were not dressed properly to hike. We walked a bit on the path and decided to come back the next weekend to go hiking properly. I am looking forward to it. 🙂

Road trip – Summer 2020 Day 1-1

As it wasn’t sure if I could travel abroad this summer, I planned a road trip to the west coast of Finland with a friend who lives in Oulu.

First leg is to travel to Tampere by train. We will arrive at Tampere almost at the same time. Today, we will stay at Tampere and enjoy Roof walk and nice dinner. Tampere is not on the west coast but it’s a good location for us to get by train and start a road trip. I’m excited about the trip and prepared to enjoy all!

Less is more. As to packing, I don’t want to carry a big luggage. So again, I packed everything I need for one week neatly in the carry-on size suitcase. Waterproof hiking shoes, a wind & waterproof jacket, a beanie, a laptop, a book, seven sets of T-shirt and underwear, an umbrella, cosmetics, swimsuit, a bit nicer clothes, yoga mat, yoga belt, etc.



3月20日。家からほど近いVanha kirkkopuisto(オールド・チャーチ公園)を通りかかったときに、もう桜のつぼみがほころび始めているのに気づいた。日本だったら桜は3月の終わりだが、ヘルシンキではいつもより相当早い桜の開花。暖冬の影響が見える感じだった。驚いたけどうれしい。これから毎日様子を見て写真を撮ろうと思った。

4月5日。毎日とはいかないまでもほぼ毎日Vanha Kirkkopuistoを訪れる。この日はだいぶ花が開き、お天気もよくてうれしい気分に。

4月10日には、ちょっと遠くからでも桜が咲いていることが分かるほど 🙂 快晴で気分が盛り上がる。こうなってくると桜を見に来て写真を撮っている人はわたしだけじゃなくなる。(その前は私だけだった(笑。)


4月20日 Vanha Kirkkopuisto

そうこうしているうちにVanha Kirkkopuistoの桜は満開に向かう。



Tähtitorninvuoren puistoに向かって散歩を続けると、Ullanpuistoにも1本の桜の木が。Tähtitorninvuoren puistoを抜けてシティーセンターを通り、家に戻った。素敵な朝の散歩だった。




さてさて、この後も花見散歩は続いたのだが、長くなるので続きは次の投稿で。前編という感じのこの投稿の最後に、せっかくだからと思ってGoogle MyMapsで作った桜マップを。ほかにも桜を見たところはあるのだけれど、最初からマップを作るという目的でPinをしてなかったのでとりあえず覚えているところだけ。