Villa Lilla ヴィッラ・リッラ

Villa Lilla
Laturinkuja 10, 02650 Espoo

先週末、土曜日に訪れたレストランVilla Lillaはとても素敵な場所だった。なにもかもがほんとうにおいしくて、フィンランドでも最高のお店の一つだと思う。

Last Saturday, I had an opportunity to visit a lovely restaurant, Villa Lilla, which is located in Leppävaara, Espoo. All the dishes we had were delicious and it’s one of the best restaurants I have ever dined.

親しい友達から「今度の土曜日、Villa Lillaに行ってみませんか?」というメッセージが届いたこと。その土曜日はなにも予定がなかったし、彼女が行ってみたいと思っているお店なら期待できると思ったので即答。「行きましょう。」混み具合を見てみようと思ってウェブサイトの予約のページに行ったら、なんと予約できるのは11時半のみ。すぐに友達にメッセージを送り、11時半で予約するということに即決。早速予約を入れて、この時間ならブランチかしら?と思って、ちゃんとサイトの情報やメニューを見てみる。やっぱりブランチだった。

“Would you like to go to Villa Lilla this Saturday?” I received a message from a close friend. I didn’t have a plan on the Saturday and said “Yes!” immediately. I looked at the reservation page of the restaurant’s website to see how busy it could be and if we would need a reservation. And I realized that only 11:30 seating was available.  (Maybe only one table!) I informed it to the friend, and we quickly decided to make a reservation. After making a reservation, I thought that they might offer brunch on Saturday and looked at the detail. And yes, it is brunch time and only brunch menu is served.

Fresh foccacia: It was warm and soft. We usually try to avoid bread but couldn’t help eating at least two pieces each though I don’t remember how many pieces we had.


Starter: It was beautifully presented! We loved every single flavor. The ingredients were fresh and tasted pure. The smoked salmon had appropriate amount of salt while it tends to be salty at other restaurants or when I buy it from the shops. The dill in the crayfish skagen was fresh and provided lovely flavor. I usually don’t appreciate dill very much, but I loved it here. Pork (I guess) was marinated with basil and flavor of basil was beautiful. Gooseberry chutney tasted fresh with a bit of sourness. Vegetables were marinated very well, thus I could eat peppers joyfully though it’s not my favorite vegetable


Main:Beluga lentils & basil mayonnaise with roasted beef fillet. There were three choices, meat, fish or vegetable to be served with lentils and basil mayonnaise. A friend and I both felt like meat. The taste and texture of the beef fillet and other stuff delighted us. It was perfect.


Cranberry financier & salted caramel made our experience much more delightful. Financier is one of my most favorite sweets. I loved the contrast of the flavors, sweetness of caramel and sourness of cranberry. Simple filtered coffee, of course, worked very well with the dessert.


大満足の素敵な土曜日のブランチ。コーヒーは別料金ながら、この豪華なブランチコースが33€というのは、フィンランドではとてもお得。サービスもよく、お店の雰囲気も素敵でわざわざエスポーのレッパヴァーラまで電車に乗って出かけて行く価値はある。こんな場所にこんなお店がという意外性もこのお店の魅力かもしれない。駅からも歩けるので私たちのように車がなくても大丈夫。お店の前には駐車場もあるので車も便利。Villa Lillaは約2年前、まだコロナ禍にオープンして現在にいたる。オーナーはヘルシンキで人気のいくつかのレストランも手がけている。シェフPerttu Paulastoが創り出す素晴らしい味に魅了されて大人気のレストラン、次回はランチに出かけたいものである。

What a lovely Saturday brunch! The lovely brunch course was only 33€, reasonable in Finland. Service and atmosphere were also great. It worth visiting, all the way, Leppävaara to dine at Villa Lilla. It’s within walking distance from the train station and there are parking spaces in front of the villa. Villa Lilla opened the door about two years ago, still during so-called corona time, by the successful owner who also owns Muru, Pastis, Fiasco?, Finnjävel and Sue Ellen in Helsinki. The restaurants that the head chef Perttu Paulasto create amazing flavors is busy with a lot of customers. I am thinking of trying lunch next time!