A Sunny Summer Day at the Winter Garden

It was a sunny Sunday. I had a no plan but thought I should visit the Winter garden. I thought it’s about rose season. While I was cycling there, I felt great as summer air was pleasant. Though I am not fan of sunshine, sunshine and air temperature were perfect for me.

While I was taking photos wit my phone, I enjoyed lovely aroma of the roses. I, of course, share some pictures in the Instagram story and the Facebook but I can’t share the aroma in the posts. So, if you ever have a chance to visit Helsinki in summer, I so recommend you to visit the Winter Garden!

I sat of the bench under the trees and it felt cozy! I felt very relaxed and didn’t want to move from there. Yet, I went inside of the greenhouse and read a book in my kindle.

The winter garden is one of my most favorite places in Helsinki. It could be the most favorite. It’s indeed oasis in the capital of Finland. I love it, especially when roses are blooming.